Day Off!
I had last Friday off and decided to go on an adventure. I was on a quest to find a green skirt for my costume as well as making a visit to my public library so I can get a library card and start checking out books instead of buying books I have no intention of reading/keeping.
At the moment I’ve decided to check out audio and ebooks vs hardcopy books. I’m actually worried I’ll destroy a library book by accident. I’m not the kindest to my personal books whilst I’m out and about. Things spill on/tear/get folded while being lugged around in my bags so it’s not a safe place for books. I don’t mean to, but it happens. But lately I’ve noticed that I purchase the book and then either finish it and don’t really like it enough to keep it, or don’t even like it enough to finish reading it. -.- Sad.
To make some attempt at keeping this cycle under control I knew I would have to combat it with getting a library card and start checking out books instead. We shall see how well this goes, but I plan on doing my best. While waiting for stores to open I shot some great photos of the area. I love my new camera! It makes me want to make more videos and take more photos. I take it with me everywhere on the off chance I will take a photo or vlog or something. It’s exciting and I love it.
The library finally opened and I was able to get that card. I recently found my first library card from when I was a kid. I remember when Mom took me to the library to get it too, I remember her signing the back for me in her beautiful writing. Sadly, I lost that first card and had to go in and get a new one. This one I have kept since then, it has my terrible scratch handwriting. Anyway, so now I have a Houston Library card and now I can check out books for free!
I’m still testing out my camera and trying to learn how it works and whatnot so bear with me while I learn. Do you have a library card? I read somewhere, someone had said they think libraries should be closed down. How sad! I hope that doesn’t happen. Anyway, I’ll update again soon- but check out my you tube videos for more stuff. 🙂 If you want to.
Thanks for reading and commenting. <3