Inside Kimmy's Mind » Embrace the Geek Within

Embrace the Geek Within

Ok I hope this doesn’t make me a hypocrite but I must say it. I don’t mean to offend people. But when people start off with that, it usually means they are being offensive.

Outrageous: I have been browsing other people’s blogs on Globe of Blogs. I have submitted my blog to be listed there I’m not sure how long it will take for it to show up or even if it will. But I submitted it nonetheless. Like I was saying I have been browsing other blogs. And I must say I am nothing but disappointed. I know not everyone can purchase a domain, thats why there are free blog accounts like blogger and wordpress. (My sister pays for mine so I’m one to talk) And I realize not everyone is a master web designer. But what shocks me is the bloggers that do use free blogging accounts and say that they are a web designer but use the free layouts that most Blogger users use. Where is their sense of individualism? Bloggers are supposed to be different. (Ok so again I’m one to talk- my sister created my layout. But I am learning HTML coding and going to try to make my next layout) But in my defense I’m not a web designer nor a graphic designer. But I have a sister who is and she has paved the path for me to enjoy my blog. If your blog isn’t in a sense you, you aren’t going to feel like updating it very often. Which brings me to my next point, after finding displeasing layouts I also found out of date blogs and not found urls. Did the out of date people forget about their own blogs and just decided to ignore it? Did the not found owners just decide to cancel purchasing their (poor choice in name) domain? I just can’t imagine ignoring my blog. I mean, when I was younger and used livejournal and greatestjournal I did ignore them/forget about updating them. But that was way before the internet became my life.(pathetic I know) But I’m a GEEK! Blogging and vlogging is what I do. The internet allows me to vent,communicate, and be vain. I can be me without shielding myself from judging glares. I mean I’m sure I’m judged online as well. But I don’t have to worry about them. But why can’t those that made their blog accounts stay true? Especially those that proclaim their lives are nothing but the internet. I understand that life gets in the way, family and work. But don’t you see that your blog is an escape from that. Its the place where you can vent. This day and age allows us to do so many things that can be 100 percent you. No two people share the same life, you might have the same experience but everyones are different. Whether its a blog entry, or a vlog, or a layout for a website. This is the blogging generation. Don’t care if others don’t want to read what you have to say. Because odds are there is always someone that will find and like what you have to say. Your opinnion is yours. It may change now and then but its still yours and yours alone. And I love reading what others have to say. Blogging is a trend you want to follow. And I’m embracing it.

I just wish a lot of other people would too. I mean why aren’t there more people blogging? You talk about yourself, and who doesn’t like talking about themselves? If you hate writing there are many different substitutes. Like, a photo blog- you take pictures and post them with a tiny description if you wish. Or there is vlogging-video blog. You film what you have to say instead of writing it down. Or if you don’t wish your face to be seen there are podcasting. Which I have been meaning to give a try. Podcasting allows you to talk and say what you want to say with neither been seen or having to type out a single word. The trendy thing right now is to be geeky and artsy. Two things you shouldn’t mind being. I’ve been geeky and artsy my entire life and I say welcome. I just think that there should be a lot more bloggers. I just want to meet someone that blogs about their life. Not celebrity lives or anything to due with that world. Just real life. Creative people living life the only way they know how. I hope to find people like this when I move in with my sister.

Me me me.

Yup. I might be moving out next fall. Its just a thought right now, but I think its time to start the next chapter of my life and get serious. I’ll be 21 next fall and I think its time to move out my parents house. Damn I better have my license before I turn 21. That is my goal for the summer to learn how to drive the Youkon. Its huge and I can barely see over the wheel but its all I have to practice on. I have only driven my sisters Cavalier and Cobalt. I wish I had the Cavalier to drive. But there’s no use worrying about the past. Its in the past and I can’t do anything about it. But any way I think even if I don’t have my license by then I think I will still move in the fall. But I’m hoping to be able to drive for awhile in my small town before moving to the city and having to drive in a hectic scary place. That part terrifies me. But so does having to take the bus at night. During the day it wouldn’t bother me so much. But I’m not a morning person. But I have a feeling once I move I will have to change a lot things. Not just my address. -_- At least I already know my roommate. Shes crazy but at least I won’t have to worry about her stealing my stuff, I’ll probably be stealing I mean borrowing her things. I’ll just have to worry about her freaky cat Tomo. Because he hates me. (And don’t say he doesn’t Mija because he so pushed me for no reason.)

Oh shit its 8:11 am. Damn Mija was right I was going to end up staying this late. I slept the entire day Friday and woke up around 7:30 at night and that is why I am still up now. WTF? Seriously I need to study today but I won’t be able to do that if I’m spending my time sleeping. Time is valuable and I need it for this coming week if I want to past math and Gov. and Webd. My main focus is math, then Web design, followed by Government (which is open book). After Wednesday I am free for the rest of December. This time last year, finals went by so quick. It was like they didn’t even happen. This year they seem to be taking there time. Yet I’m losing time. Sucks.

I should go to sleep. I am clearly tired and the dark circles under my eyes are starting to sink in making me look dead so I should sleep. Of course the dark circles aren’t from irregular sleeping habits. But from staring at my laptop with only my lantern lights on. tsk tsk Kim. Sigh I am such a geek.

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