First Week of UH
The first week of classes went well and I like most of my teachers. I’m really excited about English, we have to have a blog for the class. This class was made for me.
Mija took me to class all last week. But starting tomorrow I’m gonna have to take the bus. I already take the bus home so it shouldn’t be too difficult. UH is way different from BC, walking around campus is so exhausting and its really hot. I can’t wait for winter I’d rather freeze my ass off than sweat. And then I can wear layers and scarves and jackets. I really took living across the street from the school for granted. But its something I will get used to. I just realized my birthday is coming up in like two weeks. O.o I’m going to be 21. Weird. I feel old. -.- I don’t like it. ENJOY YOUR YOUTH!
All of my classrooms are pretty big with the exception of my English class. Psychology is in this auditorium, art history is in a recital hall, English is in a regular class room (but we use comfy chairs) and Gov. is in this room. I’ll take pictures of the other two when I can. So there are a ton of people at UH and I have a hard time making friends so I usually don’t talk unless someone talks to me first. And if you are as shy as me then you don’t really bother with people. But having friends at school would be nice. I’m actually lonely on campus. Especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have two classes and no one to eat lunch with. : ( Being anti social sucks sometimes. At BC it didn’t bother me to be alone because I would just walk home. I should try to get involved in clubs or something, maybe then I could meet people and make friends. But I did meet Sarah, she is in my Psychology class and we are very similar. She also lives in my old town. And when I come home I have Mija and Jody and the cats of course. I really miss my home and family but I feel comfortable.
So Thursday I got braces. And I was worried that it would hurt a lot putting them on. But it didn’t. But now my teeth hurt a lot. It hurts to chew and sometimes it hurts to talk, and it definitely hurts to floss. I miss food. There is a bunch of things I can’t eat. Orthodontist should advertise braces as the best diet aid. -.- I won’t be able to eat a bunch of my favorite food. Basically anything crunchy or chewy. I know I’ve seen people with braces eat things they shouldn’t. But I want to take care of my braces so my time in them isn’t prolonged. A year in a half, that is it. I can do it. I just wish my teeth weren’t sore.This song is called Black Sheep by Metric but this audio clip is from the movie Scott Pilgrim. I love that movie.
I have a ton of reading to do for English so I should get started on that. -.- I’m sleepy already.