Inside Kimmy's Mind » New Year!

New Year!


Another year went by. Weird right? Its strange because when I was little I used to think I wonder how it will be when I am in high school? And I am already starting my second semester of college on the 12th. Its so weird (not to be cliché or anything) how time just flew by. I mean we have calendars and watches to keep track of time. Yet it always zooms by without anyone actually realizing it. I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Button last week. Which might explain this entry. Anyway in my opinion it was OK. I was curious (no pun intended) about it. There are just a lot of things that they should never have put in the movie. So yeah. My mom and sister Mija hated it and thought it was a waste of time and money. I mean I am glad I saw it. I was curious remember. Damn trailers.

 I am in love with my sewing machine. I was afraid that I wasn’t going to be able to learn how to use it, but I have. I taught myself how to sew on a zipper, which wasn’t easy. My first attempt was ok, but my third was perfect. I made my mom a coin purse. But the best part about it is that I made it with Beatles fabric. Its a revelation so I’m told. lol. I found it at Walmart. I was so excited and had to buy it. Isn’t it awesome? I really like these pictures of them too.

 I was going to spend this coming week with Mija, but due to school related stuff I am unable to go. I will also miss meeting Charlaine Harris. She is the author of the Sookie Stackhouse mystery novels which is what the HBO show True Blood was based on. She was having an autograph session near my sisters apartment. I was going to meet her but now I can’t. It sucks. I was looking forward to it. Hopefully I will get another chance to meet her. T_T Anyway that really put a damper on my last week off. I was going to have an awesome week with my sister. But that’s ok I might get to hang out with my Korean brother Hyun. He is coming home tomorrow. Plus I might hang out with Cate or Missy as well. I haven’t spent anytime with my friends and I miss them. I hope classes go smoothly, and cause as little stress as possible. But…and not to sound negative here, I have a feeling I’m going to be extremely stressed out this semester.

Just not with classes. Sigh. >_< I hope I’m wrong.

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