WARNING! Ruined Endings
OK. If you are the sort of person that hates when other people ruin movies you have yet to see, then I am warning you DO NOT continue reading this entry. I am known for telling the endings of movies sometimes not on purpose. But thats just the way I am. Watching movies with me (that I have already seen) is sometimes annoying for others. My bad. >_<;
Anyway the movie that I am about to rip to shreds is…..Drag Me to Hell. I have so many words for this movie and just off the top of my head- horrible, lame, annoying, stupid, corny, mundane….yada yada yada. Anyway, I’m sorry if you liked this movie but I did not. The main character Christine Brown played by Alison Lohman (which I love her) gets so much fake shit thrown in her face and mouth. She consumes the saliva of a crazy woman, blood, eye balls of a dead crazy woman, a fly, maggots, and embalming fluid of a dead crazy woman. Yes she does.
Now the story line of someone cursing another person or family blood line has been done many times, and if done right then it could be an interesting movie idea. Now the entire movie was horrible. But there was once scene that was the most horrible. (And here is me attempting to describe the scene as best I can.) Its where the character Christine is leaving her job right after denying the crazy woman’s request for a loan extension. She gets attacked by this crazy woman and throughout the entire scene I’m thinking, “Is this seriously part of the movie?” The crazy lady’s false teeth fall out during the struggle and she then proceeds to suck the chin of Alison’s character. I kid you not. She actually puts her toothless mouth on the chin of the actress. It bothered the shit out of me for some reason. Death by saliva and gums should be one of the worse ways to go. And the lady just keeps on fighting. One of the most worse scenes in a movie. This movie seemed like a spoof that was making fun of something else. It was so predictable, I knew she was going to be (not to be cheesy) dragged to hell. Only watch this movie if you are in the mood to laugh at the train wreck that is this movie. Sigh. Sorry to ruin the hopes of those who thought this movie looked good.