Inside Kimmy's Mind » ~Oct.-Dec.~ Book Haul

~Oct.-Dec.~ Book Haul

It took me a while to finally finish editing this video but here it is! I sort of took a break from buying books during those months and wasn’t reading as much either. But hopefully, I’ll return to reading more books, I didn’t reach my goal of 50+ books in 2016 so now I’ll try again in 2017…haven’t gotten off to a great start but no sense in giving up. 😀

Here are the books I mentioned in the video:

Going to try to get back on a vlogging schedule and try to read more. I have a Book Outlet Haul coming up and I can’t wait! What books have you been reading lately?

Thanks for reading


  1. Georgie Said:

    on January 29, 2017 at 7:51 am

    I love Michael Faudet and Lang Leav – their books are so wonderful. I haven’t read those two (yet!) but I have read their others. I love that Michael Faudet’s books are so… interestingly naughty and cheeky, and Lang Leav’s are the opposite but in a similar way. They complement each other so much haha.

    Love your fishtail braids!!!! 🙂

  2. Kimmy Said:

    on January 30, 2017 at 10:22 am

    @Georgie, I know! I love them both soooo much! He is cheeky! They compliment each other so well that I’m glad to have found their poetry.

    And thank you!

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