Inside Kimmy's Mind

Sunshine Blogger Award

My sister Mija nominated me for this little blog tag! Thank you Mija!

I have not done one in quite a long time since I sort of fell off the blogging wagon. But I still very much love blogging and hope to create a schedule for it.

Sunshine Blogger Award Preview:

The Sunshine Blogger award is a peer recognition for bloggers that inspire positive thinking, joy, warmth and any other emotions that you feel when you think about the sun.

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions. Link your blog so I can see!!!
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

1. What is your dream job?
I’ve actually have been dreaming about owning my own Stationery store where I can hold planner/journal meet ups! I love going to these cute stores and when I get a chance to participate in a class or meetup it’s just the so much fun. I would love to own a store like that or even have a studio space that would allow me to have my own classes like that.

2. What is 1 item you still own from your childhood?
One?! Oh, I have SOOOO many items from my childhood but the one I that comes to mind is, a giant Beanie Baby- Batty! After I moved out of my parent’s house I ended up bringing that soft plushie with me. Brings back nice memories.

3. What is your favorite weather like?
Cool weather! Sweater wearing weather! No frizzy hair weather! The Texas heat is just so terrible sometimes, but every once in a while, there is a day, it just comes with no warning, and it is perfect. Perfect park weather. Makes me happy just thinking about it.

4. What is one thing would you change about your current town?
Quite a bit of things but one would be, more reliable public transportation. I wish the light rail was in more parts, saving people from always having to drive everywhere.

5. List your favorite show to rewatch over and over!
Gilmore Girls is always my favorite to rewatch, but as I watch it I get more annoyed with Rory, I still love the show but things stick out now that didn’t when I watched it the first 100 times. I’ll probably always rewatch it though. Bob’s Burgers is probably the better show to constantly rewatch. 🙂

6. Can you recommend a youtube channel you love to watch?
I spend quite a bit of my time on Youtube, making videos and watching them. Frannerd has to be one of my favorite channels to watch. She is such an inspiring artist and watching her videos makes me so happy.

7. Have you ever gotten your cards read before? (Tarot)
Not by an actual tarot reader. However, my sister and I got into tarot for a bit when we were younger. I’m not sure if we did the layouts “right” when reading the cards but it was all in good fun.

8. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
That I have so many fun hobbies! I love to knit, paint, write, read, film, ….anything that allows me to be creative.

9. What is your hidden talent?
I’m not sure if I have a hidden talent. If I do, it remains hidden.

10. Favorite vacation spot?
Haven’t been on enough vacations to have a spot. So I’ll just have to go with staying home for now, I’ve always been a homebody and I really enjoy being home.

11. Have you ever flown in first class before?
And to continue on with traveling, I’ve only flown twice. First class sounds fun, but I don’t think I need that.



  1. What items must you always have in your bag/on your person?
  2. What is your favorite season?
  3. Do you have any pets? If no, what kind of pet would like to have?
  4. Favorite hobby?
  5. If you could have a super power what would you have?
  6. What is your favorite dessert?
  7. What was your most recent dream about?
  8. Favorite colors?
  9. Do you prefer to blog or journal with a pen and notebook?
  10. Played any games lately?
  11. Have you ever participated in a 30 day challenge of some sort?


And I’m not sure who will see this tag, but I’ll tag, Morrigan and Joy and anyone that would like to join in.

Thanks for reading!



I had a birthday!

It started with good morning kisses and a blueberry muffin. Matt went off to work while I snuggled back in bed since I took the day off. I decided to take a shower before the alarm testing began. That’s right, my apartment building decided to schedule fire alarm and unit inspections on my birthday of all days. They stopped around noon so I was able to enjoy my lunch alarm free. The cats weren’t very happy either but I could do nothing to comfort them.

After eating leftovers for lunch and playing a bit of Uncharted 2 the alarm went off again for a bit and then finally stopped for good. I realized I haven’t blogged in a few months, vlogs have taken up my time but  I want to get back into blogging. I’ve always enjoyed it but editing videos has become my favorite way to express myself creatively.  But so has journaling, I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit especially after becoming obsessed with fountain pens.

Watch some of my recent videos!

Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope to figure out a schedule for this little blog.

Youtube Giveaway!

Making videos has been a great way for me to express myself and do something creative. I’ve really enjoyed sharing my love of stationery and I want to tell all of my subscribers and fellow stationery addicts how much I appreciate the support. It has been really fun and I’m excited to continue making videos.


a Rafflecopter giveawayhi

As always thank you for reading.


Oh, goodness. It has been awhile since I’ve sat down and typed out a blog entry. I’ve been updating my youtube channel every week though, so if you’re interested in seeing videos about stationery and whatnot head over to my channel.

Now let’s see…

Home: I love being home with Matt. I love waking up next to him and going to sleep next to him. It’s interesting how naturally we became just meshed together.  He went on a two week trip to Korea last month, I missed him so much so I’m happy he’s home now. I slowly got into a rhythm without him but it’s so much better to have him home again. I slept on his side of the bed which was a mistake since it is perfectly formed to his body shape so I had trouble sleeping while he was away. But now that he’s back, I’m sleeping better.

Work: It’s is going well. I have a few events coming up but then August is jammed pack with events. I can’t wait for September! Matt and I both have September birthdays so we will celebrate at the same time, probably somewhere in the middle.

Vacation: I won’t have a vacation until December. I took off a some days so that Matt and I can celebrate Christmas in Florida with his parents. We went over for Thanksgiving last year so I thought we should switch off. I of course have days off for Thanksgiving but I’m taking most of my vacation time in December for the trip.

Hobbies: I already mentioned my channel, I’ve been making videos like crazy! It’s been such a joy, I’m now adding an extra video every other week to my video schedule. We shall see how it works out, I might go back to just one video every week. At the end of this month Mind-Speaks is hosting it’s first ever event! We are celebrating Sailor Moon’s Birthday, there will activities and goodie bags as well as a giveaway. I’m nervous but very excited, I’ll try to post more about it on my blog but I’ll definitely be posting about it on my channel.

Pen pals: I’ve been writing more letters recently. Ever since April, which was National Letter Writing Month, I’ve been enjoying sitting down and just writing out a nice letter. I have a pen pal who I hope turns into a lifelong friend but life sometimes gets busy so I won’t take it personally if she stops writing me.

Family: We celebrated my nieces’ 2nd Birthday last month! I cannot believe she’s already 2 years old, she’s growing up fast. I don’t get to see my family as often as I used to but  I try to talk to them every day if I can. We have some Father’s Day plans coming up so I’m excited. My dad will be retiring soon. I’m so glad that he can finally retire from his dangerous job. Now he can relax, even though I know he won’t be able to for very long. That man always has to be working on something. I hope he learns how to relax once he no longer has to worry about whose lights are out. (He’s a Lineman for a light company- very dangerous job)

Well, that pretty much covers the basics. I’ll try to figure out a schedule for my blog like I did my channel. I still love blogging, I’ve just been enjoying my fountain pens too much. I’ll update again soon.

Thanks for reading!

Stitch Fix: March


Hello! It’s been awhile since my last post. I did something interesting this month, that’s right, I decided to try out Stitch Fix. The clothing style box. You fill out a style profile, let them know what you like and don’t like when it comes to clothes.  It’s $20 for the styling fee and then they send you 5 items and you either select clothes out of the 5, or purchase the entire box. That $20 will then be applied to the clothes you end up purchasing. Plus, if you do decide to keep all 5 then you get a 25% discount. The video above is me showing you what I received in my first box.  I have a second one coming next month so I’ll see how that one goes and then decide if I will keep it as a monthly thing. It’s actually pretty fun, I am picky when it comes to clothes but I thought I’d try it out. My stylist did a pretty good job in picking out pretty outfits, they just didn’t look right on my body type. I’m hoping this 2nd box will be better in terms of the fit, but as long as I find one item I like, then  I’ll be happy.

If you’re interested in testing this out, please use my referral link. You will receive $15 to use in your purchase and I’ll receive $15! Win win! If you decide to try it out I’d love to know and if you blog about it please share the link. I find shopping for clothes difficult sometime. I don’t really go to a lot of stores and I thought this would introduce me to new brands. I of course take in to consideration quality and price. Some of the items are a bit out of range on what I would like to spend but I still find it interesting to try out. If you decide to send things back they provide a bag with a shipping label already on it so you don’t have to pay for shipping.  Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience with you and I’ll see how it goes from here after I get the 2nd box. I hope they listened to my requests, I wanted skirts and dresses in this upcoming box, so we’ll see how it goes.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!

Moving in Together

Matt and I have been together for over a year now and this new year we have decided to move in together! I know, huge step. But I’ve never felt more comfortable about anything before in my life. Here’s to my next life adventure!

Choosing an apartment did not take as long as I thought it would.  The whole packing and moving process will be stressful and exhausting but I’m still excited. We were able to narrow down the area and this past Saturday we went to about 4 different places to see what our options were.  We needed something that was close to both of our jobs. I no longer have a vehicle so I would need an easy way to get to work on time. We technically weren’t going to be able to move into our new place until mid march but we decided to go and look around and thankfully we did. Here are the floor plans we liked out of the 5 different complexes we went to look at.

Place 1:

This place was great, we saw 3 different floor plans but the two bedrooms were either out of our budget or not available in our move in date.  We liked one out of the three and since Matt currently lives in a studio apartment this was still an upgrade on space.

Place 2:

We automatically removed the 2nd complex we to visit and the 3rd one didn’t have any floor plans we liked. This floor plan is from the fourth complex we visited that day. They had a 2 bedroom that we liked, however it was on the edge of the price we were hoping to pay. I did have my heart set on a 2 bedroom but with our Mid-October move in date and price range we weren’t sure we would be able to find one in the area we wanted. This one was a great option, it had the space we were hoping for so it did make it to the running.

Place 3:

The 5th complex we visited was the one Matt currently lives in. We decided to leave them for last to see if they maybe had any good deals since Matt was already a tenant. Their 2 bedrooms were WAY too pricey so they showed us two of their one bedrooms, which again was an upgrade from a studio. I fell in love with this floor plan due to the huge bathroom. Plus, they would let us move in a whole month earlier. Not to mention certain application fees would be waived.

Matt and I went back upstairs after a long day of apartment hunting and decided to narrow it down to a few. We were left with these three floor plans from three different apartments. 1 and 3 were around the same price, 2 was way too pricey so it was eliminated based on that. It was down to 1 and 3, both were around the same space and  across the street from one another so the route to the train was the same.  After weighing the pros and cons Matt and I decided to go with #3! It would make moving easier and if you saw the bathroom you would agree with me too. I plan on doing an apartment tour once we have fully moved in and have gotten rid of all of the boxes. We get to move in early February and I cannon wait!

I haven’t been updating my blog nearly as often as I would like….BUT, I have been filming a lot of videos on my channel. Feel free to check it out. 🙂

Thanks for reading!

~Mind-Speaks: Stickers~

I’ve really been embracing this whole vlogging thing lately. As soon as I got my new camera, I’ve just been filled with the desire to film more videos. With that comes video ideas and a lot of planning them out.

Mind-Speaks has been pumping out some great sticker sheets, and so I made a video showing them off on my channel.  I love them and  Mija has been putting in so much hard work into these. She personally makes all of these sheets, I only help a bit with ideas/doodles but she handles the design of MS as well as all the packaging. She’s a packaging wizard! I’m pretty proud of her and these stickers and hope we can continue to make some cute stationery together.

Here’s the video! Please check it out, and for being a reader of my blog / subscriber to my channel here’s a coupon to the store for 10% off! Thanks so much! If you do purchase, please share the items to your instagram/twitter/blogs.

Thanks for reading/watching.

~Vlogging: Upgrade Wishlist~

Like I’ve mentioned before, I’ve really been enjoying filming videos for my channel. I have a few videos already scheduled for the upcoming weeks and I have a list of videos I plan to film as well. I didn’t think upgrading my camera would give me this much motivation.

I also have a list of other things I would like to upgrade as well.  I don’t have a particular product in mind for each one, this is just a list I hope to check off here and there.

  • Laptop+ editing software: These two go hand in hand, I would like a new laptop so that I could upgrade the software I use to edit my videos. Currently, I use Movie Maker. It is ALL I have, my laptop doesn’t seem to be able to handle anything else. It can barely run Photoshop. These two will have to wait seeing as a new powerful laptop will be pretty pricey, but it’s on the list!
  • Lights: I hope to get these two next! They aren’t too expensive but with the holidays happening right now, I’m trying not to spend money on myself and instead concentrate on others. I want these because I’m tired of not being able to film a video because I get home when it’s already dark. I don’t want to have to worry about the time of day I film plus they are collapsible!
  • Extra Battery: This is lower on my list since I haven’t run into a battery problem yet, but I would love to have an extra battery just in case.
  • Tripod: I’m hoping to upgrade my tripod eventually. There’s nothing wrong with my current one, but I’m hoping to get one that allows more angles and just more durable.
  • Microphone: Just something that will allow a better sound. The mic on my new camera seems to be the thing everyone gave a con on. I don’t find it too terrible but when doing voice overs, it would be nice to have a good mic. (Update: got one for Christmas :D)

That’s my list so far. I’ll probably add to it from time to time but I also hope to accomplish them as well. The lights I think will be my next purchase. I don’t hope to upgrade my laptop sooner rather than later, but that will have to wait a bit until I can afford to upgrade. I don’t need anything extremely fancy, but I am hoping it will allow me to learn new fun things when it comes to video editing. I want to be able to go in and do color correction, or even be able to layer over my videos. (Video on top of video ect.) These are just to name a few.

When you get a new hobby do you throw yourself into it right away or do you take time and build up to it? I’d love to hear about your hobbies in general though. That’s all I have for now, until next time!

Thanks for reading!

~Vlogmas: Week 1~

Here’s my first attempt at daily vlogging for Vlogmas. I’ve never attempted it before but I’ve been really into making videos lately. I have videos scheduled and ideas for videos I hope to film. I love it!

I’m doing a different take on Vlogmas though, instead of there being a video up every day it will be a combination of a few days into one video. This first video is the product of 4 days. The 3rd, 4th, 5th and the 8th. I wasn’t able to film during those days in between, but I figured it might get a bit boring too. I might keep it to 4 or 5 days each video. Or perhaps 3? Not sure. This video was quite long, and I know not everyone wants to sit and watch a 10 minute video. Kudos to you if you watch/read most of  my ramblings.

I’ll figure out what I want to do the rest of the weeks but I think it will take a bit for me to get comfortable with daily vlogging/daily videos. Anyway, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. If you’re taking part in Vlogmas, let me know, I’d love to watch your videos.

Thanks for reading/watching.

~Travel: Florida Trip~

For Thanksgiving Matt and I made a trip to Florida to visit his parents. Plus, it was my very first plane ride. That’s right, first! I was sick the previous week so I had some antibiotics that I had to take and I think it made me extra sensitive to movement and light.

I got terrible motion sickness so the plane ride to Florida was a little blah. It was only 2 hours so thankfully it didn’t get worse. We arrived in Tampa really late and still had to make a 3 hour drive to his parent’s house. Since I didn’t think about timing, I didn’t get a chance to visit The Paper Seahorse. I was a bummed but this definitely won’t be my last trip to  Florida. Once we finally made it to his parent’s place, we chatted for a bit and then went to bed as soon as our heads hit the pillows.

Matt is an early bird, so he was up and ready to go at like 7 a.m., I on the other hand required more sleep. We woke up to a great breakfast, waffles galore. After that we got ready and went to Sun Harvest, a citrus haven. Strawberry orange juice is to die for! I also had a yummy orange creamsicicle soft serve. This entire trip was filled with yummy treats. After that we went to an outside mall where we walked around a bit and got some pizza and then went to watch Murder on the Orient Express. After which, we went back to his parent’s house and I needed to lay down. The rest of the week would begin with a headache and then require me to return back to the house and sleep it off. It was annoying and I felt incredibly rude. Thankfully, on Thanksgiving it was cloudy and raining so my headache wasn’t bad. I then got to meet Matt’s grandmother.  She was so classy and funny. She got into the car and told Matt, “So I hear you’re engaged.” I couldn’t see my face but I’m sure I was bright red. He politely told her, not quite there yet. Love the dude. This was my first Thanksgiving away from my family so I was missing them. But Matt and his family made me feel so welcomed. And the dinner was delicious so it didn’t feel too foreign.

I did manage to go to another mall and find THE perfect Christmas gift for Mija so I’m excited to give it to her. But immediately after purchasing said perfect gift I started feeling icky and couldn’t even finish eating my lunch and we had to go back to the house.  Luckily, the evenings were much better. Even though I didn’t get to explore Florida as much as I wanted to, I did still have a lot fun with Matt and his family. We watched a lot of movies together and ate yummy foods, I couldn’t have asked for a better holiday.

Next time I hope I’m not sick and I also hope I can visit The Paper Seahorse on our next trip. I’ve never been there but I know I will love it. I can’t wait! Well, I hope you had a great holiday, or week. Christmas is coming up, and I can’t wait to give everyone the gifts I picked out for them. I love giving gifts!!! Until next time!

Thanks for reading!

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