Dailyshit-and problems
I have a problem.
And I guess the first step is admitting it. So here I am… admitting it. >_<
I am an online shopaholic. -_-
Now a normal shopaholic buys anything. I on the other hand buy things I need (want). I mostly buy books. I mean it could be a bigger problem? I could be buying useless things. The only problem with me being a book shopaholic is…that my to read list never gets smaller. It is a never ending list. Which isn’t really a bad thing, except for when I get a new book I immediately want to read it. Meaning I ignore whatever book I am already reading. I am currently reading Five books. Four by choice. The fifth one is for my SciFi class and I don’t like it. Dooms Day Book. I just can’t get into and its due in a couple of weeks. Sigh. How am I suppose to read a 578 page book, if I can’t even get past the front cover? (ok that’s a little over the top) But its sort of true. Besides that book, I need to read the short stories for that class as well. Sigh. I want to read what I want to read, not because I have to for a class. Bleh!
Its an interesting addiction no? Being addicted to buying books? lol I just got a book in the mail and I am already ready to buy another one. But I haven’t. So I do have some self control. Now only if I can keep up this control for awhile. I can’t even eat chocolate! T_T I gave it up for lent unintentionally. How? Well dad caught me off guard . Meaning I was half awake? Half asleep? And he conveniently asked me when he was driving me to class. I just said what came to mind- Chocolate? Sigh. Its my fault. Now I can’t eat anything with chocolate until Easter. Woe is me.

Oh if you have a web cam immediately go (here) and make an account and follow me Kimmyduh. You know you want to. I find sites, similar to this one very entertaining. It sort of reminds me of Twitterin away. But only a bit.Well I better sleep. Or I will sleep away tomorrow yet again. So sad.