Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2009 » June » 17

Archive for June 17, 2009

Reality Bites the Dust


Well my first job interview was the other day. And I’m not exactly sure how it went. I can’t remember the exact questions I was asked. And at the end of it, she was verifying my number and all I remember is answering yes. I don’t even remember if it was in fact my number. What the hell is wrong with me? It will be my down fall if the only reason I don’t get the job is because I wasn’t listening to the lady recite my number. I mean its my number. I know my number. But why can’t I remember if what she recited was my number? For the love of chocolate I wish I had a rewind button! I mean am I the only one who starts thinking rambles when a person is asking something of importance; and all you end up hearing is your own dumb thoughts dancing around in your head? Sigh. If I don’t hear back from them by Thursday then I know I didn’t get the job. Sigh. She said the HR person would call me to schedule a second interview with the manager and what not. And the manager is supposed to be here on Thursday. So if they don’t call me to schedule a second interview, my mind will be left to think that either A) she didn’t have my number, and that is all my fault for having goo for brains. Or B) They are not interested in hiring me. -_- How depressing. tsk. So I just have to apply for more jobs. I think I applied for most of the online applications. Now its time to start the embarrassing, “Hi are you by any chance hiring?” Sucks.


Ok you know how in romantic comedies, the main roles most of the time experience downright embarrassing moments. Just like in our lives (reality) we experience day to day humiliating experiences too. Am I right? Yet in the movies these moments are created by a play write. I mean they could very well be based on truth, but I’m assuming they were created for the enjoyment of an audience. Anyway I recently just watched the romantic comedy Its a Boy/Girl Thing. I watched it on Youtube. It was pretty hilarious. And not the, “Oh my gosh this is so stupid” kind of way. But the,”This is actually a pretty good movie” kind of way. Its sort of a twist on Freaky Friday. But instead of family members its enemies (that are of the opposite sex) that fall in love. I mean the saying , “opposites attract” actually applies here. And it has nothing to do with science.  Magic maybe? Anyway, back to the embarrassing moments, I wish life could be a romantic comedy where these moments could be forgotten just like that. I mean of course in reality these moments are forgotten with time and what not. But sometimes they follow us for all eternity. lol Ok maybe not that dramatic. But again I wouldn’t mind my life having its movie moments. You know those scenes that can only happen in a movie? A romantic encounter that wouldn’t be logical let alone possible in my reality. Bleh  >_< There. You see what movies do to you me? They end up putting all of these thoughts into my head. Sucks.  Back to movies. I watched  Table for Three. Hot Brandon Routh stars in it. He played Superman in Superman Returns. In this movie I would have gotten so tired of those roommates. I doubt I will even be able to have roommates in the future. I mean you don’t know who comes to roommate ads. They could be psycho killers, or crazy couples as you see in this movie.  Is this movie worth it? It was funny, and it was an ok to watch. But not a life changing. Brandon is a hottie so thats why I watched it. >_< Watch the trailer and judge for yourself.


I order the book Shrimp by Rachel Cohn. Its the second book in the series and I couldn’t find this book at any book store. Seriously it was out of stock everywhere. I kid you not. The other two were at the store, so why wouldn’t this one be as well? It makes me think, “This one must be the best one out of the three. I must find and read this book.” And then I turn into this crazy book person. Where I don’t want to read any other book until I read this one.  And I’m really hoping its the cover I want. I get pissed if its the wrong cover. I have the new cover of the first and last one so the second one has to match as well. Its says it should arrive by the 23rd. But I’m hoping it comes sooner than that. Again I am incredibly impatient. I hate not being able to concentrate. And this just adds to my screwed up sleeping patterns.

NEW SEASON OF TRUE BLOOD IS FUCKING AWESOME! Just saying. I cannot wait for the second episode on Sunday!