Abnormal Realities
I WANT TO PAINT ANOTHER MUNNY! lol. The next one I am going to paint will have more of a face (hopefully) maybe even a mouth this time and hair and a more detailed expression. lol -_- Of course I don’t really have faith in my art skills. So I guess we will see.
I googled other ones to see how they were painted and then I found the 1000 Journal and found the Tokidoki cover.
I love Tokidoki. My Ipod cover is from this brand so is my sister Mija’s. Their items are a bit pricey, but I saw the cute phone straps and I want them. Only if they are a set and you get all of them. If its 5 plus tax for just one of them then that’s just stupid. It has to be all of them because it doesn’t give me the option to pick the one I want and it would also be unfair for it to be a surprise.
OH WOW MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD!? The King of Pop? Its so weird. He was only 50. I mean I’m not a real MJ fan but I liked a few of his songs and he was a genius dancer. And Its a shame he had to die at 50, thats still so young. Even his parents out lived him. Its just weird. I watched a few of his videos on Youtube. And then it made me search The Jackson Five videos as well. He was such a cute kid. Who would have thought that, that kid would grow up and be the adult he was. Even though he fought so hard not to be an adult. Poor guy. I was also watching the news and it said he was I believe $5,000,000,000 in debt. I think…it could be more. How is that possible? He was rich off his own music and then along with The Beatles music. If he died in debt, who is left with that? His parents? His “children”? Really sad.
Life After People. Before watching this I assumed we were slowly killing the Earth. But apparently the Earth would be worse off with out us humans. They talk about Hurricane Katrina and the damage it did to New Orleans. The aquariums there cannot survive without people for more than a day. The workers were gone for three days I believe, and all the wild life that lived in the aquariums were dead. The the exception of one fish that could get oxygen. (I forgot the type of fish it was) And I didn’t know birds sing in a high frequency due to our noise pollution. Its so they can hear each other over us. So if were were gone they would return to their normal frequency. I don’t even want to imagine what life would be like. But this show paints a pretty good picture of it.
My results. I’m not really sure what this tells me. -_-
- distinctively expressed introvert- 67%
- moderately expressed intuitive personality-25%
- distinctively expressed feeling personality-62%
- slightly expressed judging personality-11%