Lord Ballls
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIJA!!!! Today my older sister turns 25! She is so old. hahah 😛
Ok so I’ve learned that not all counselors are there to help you. I am transferring and I have a lot of questions that I need answered before I register for classes. And I’m not even allowed to register for classes anyway because I have this TSI hold.
-.- (ahem) So I decided to email the head adviser at the Uscholars center. I replaced important information with blah blah.
My name is Kim Vera and I am transferring to UH in Aug. But I have been having trouble with registering for classes, and the advisers I have been dealing with have not answered my questions. I realize that U of H is a large university and with all incoming freshmen and transfer students it must be difficult to handle each students problems. But the semester is drawing near and I still have yet to register for classes. I am fully aware that I have a TSI hold. During ART I met with blah blah (a counselor) and she had said that she didn’t have my THEA scores. I was confused as to why this information wasn’t included in the transcripts I sent over. But these scores were too low anyway and didn’t help me in anyway. But still she said that she needed these scores and to fax them over as soon as possible. I explained to her that I am currently taking math 0408 but this class doesn’t end until August 18th and classes start the 23rd. This doesn’t give me enough time to enroll a week before classes start. I then went to talk to my Counselors at Brazosport Community College and they showed me my official transcript with the THEA scores listed. So I faxed my scores last week and I still couldn’t register. I was under the impression that once I faxed those scores the hold would be lifted. I tried calling blah blah at her office since she hasn’t replied to my last email. But she wasn’t there so I called the Uscholar center. I am then told information that I directly told blah blah during ART, that my THEA scores weren’t high enough. I was then told that I would have to meet with an adviser and they would help me with this situation. But I am confused because if that is all I needed to do then why wasn’t this addressed during ART? I explained my scores weren’t high enough and that I was taking a math class yet still the hold wasn’t lifted. I don’t mean to sound rude, but I am just concerned that the classes I have selected will close and I will not have a schedule for the upcoming fall semester. If you could call me at blah blah I would like to discuss this further or if you can meet with me I would really appreciate it.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Kim Vera
She replied quickly saying that the counselor I was emailing was no longer part of the Uscholars program and that is why I didn’t hear back from her. -.- How difficult is it to send me an email telling me that? Is it difficult to give me another adviser to work with? I’m so frustrated. Anyway she said that she has their records specialist working on a solution. And that she will reply to me soon. I really hope they get back to me as soon as possible. I’m just worried, what if they don’t find a solution? >.< That scares me.
Anyway so enough about frustrating things. For the past two weekends Mija and Jody(sis’s boyfriend) came and stayed with us. He bought this game Munchkin and now we play all the time. We are so nerdy I love it. And I have fun playing the game. Its how I bonded with my future brother-in-law. During this game we were in a dungeon where you were switched to the opposite sex and have to change your name. If any player called you by your real name they lost a level. lol Mija was the one who said our names the most. Also my best friend Missy just had her first ultra sound. She sent me a picture and I was like oh wow. This is so surreal. She is going to have a baby! XD And I feel so special that she keeps me updated. I love her so much. I keep calling her baby sea monkey. I probably shouldn’t call her/him that anymore. Especially when it does have a sex.
Sea Monkey!!!!
I updated Mind-Speaks.