Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2010 » December » 28

Archive for December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Another Christmas has gone by and it was wonderful. As usual.:D

I don’t have a job, so no money to buy gifts so I usually make my family gifts. But making something for my parents that they will actually want/use is pretty difficult. I couldn’t think of anything to make them either so I just offered suggestions on what to get them. :/ I only made gifts for Mija, Jody and Kat. For Mija I made her a ds case, for Jody I knitted him a scarf, (I just learned how to knit and word of advice-make sure you count stitches.>.< ) And for Kat I made her a cute apron, but its not quite finished yet. I still have to sew on the pockets and make sure it fits her right. When we were younger Christmas was mainly for us. Our parents didn’t really get presents, so now that we are older we can actually get them presents. I’m glad that Christmas can also be for my parents and not just about us.

Kathy got an Xbox and even dad is playing it. I can’t even play it unless I wake up early enough and that is not going to happen. But watching him play is pretty funny, he gets this  look on his face that means,” I am in the zone, do NOT mess with me. ” Pretty funny.  Well I got a new video camera and I’m about to take it out and go on an adventure. There is this mini metro here in my town that will take us to Lake Jackson. So being without a car and all this is actually pretty useful. We have the bug man coming to spray our house so we don’t get bugs, he comes every year and so today he is coming and we need to be out of the house for 2 hours so we are gonna take the transit and go to the Local or maybe the park depending on how cold it is. It looks rainy outside so I’m thinking the Local. lol We are gonna have lunch and then explore downtown Lake Jackson. XD Which won’t take long. lol I just think it is funny that it is called downtown. And then at 3:45 we will go to Kat’s Ortho. and then dad will pick us up and take Kat to work. And that is the plan for today. Hopefully everything works out.