Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2010 » December » 31

Archive for December 31, 2010


So Kat and I went on an adventure the other day. Just the two of us. I even woke up early which was weird, regular lazy Kim would’ve just wanted to stay in bed. But again as I said in the last post, the bug man was coming to spray.

Dad said it would take 2 hours but it didn’t seem to take that long. But I still had fun with Kat, a vlog will be up later to show what we did. I just have to convert the video files. :/ My new handycam is amazing. It just has a video codex that premiere hates. -.- But luckily the files work ok in movie maker. So I edit a bit there and then publish them on mm and then drag those files into to premiere to do some final editing. And hopefully the playback quality isn’t compressed or choppy. Anyway, so Kat and I decided to try out the mini metro here. And we went to The Local for lunch, it was great I had a lot of fun. Then we just walked around town for a bit. And then Kat got tired. -.- So we walked to the park and she took an hour nap. She said she felt like a hobo sleeping in the grass like that. XD Silly Kathy. While she slept I just played ds until the battery died anyway. Then after she woke up we took some more pictures and then walked to the orthodontist for Kat’s appointment. And that was the end of the adventure, it was a lot of fun and I’m glad we did it.

Thursday Cate came over and we played Just Dance again. I love hanging out with Cate she is one of the few friends from High School that I still see and talk to. She is moving to Galveston and transferring to UTMB so I won’t get to see her every time I visit home. But we plan to Skype every now and then.