Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2011 » May » 4

Archive for May 4, 2011


So my second semester at UH has finally ended. I just finished my last final tonight. And I’m a little bit worried about it. >.<

Now all I have to finish is my story revision for creative writing and then I go home for the summer. Of course my summer isn’t going to exactly be an easy vacation. -.- I have to take summer classes. And of course I have to take none other than my arch nemesis….MATH!!!! As I’ve said countless of times, math’s sole purpose is to DESTROY me! >.<

No matter how hard I try, math will always be my enemy but after taking this math during the summer I will only have to take one more. Thank god. And then I will be done with math. The I have two sciences and a second language to worry about. -.- Great.

So besides taking classes over the summer, I intend to finally get my license! I swear this HAS to happen THIS summer. I’m tired of not having it, I’m already going to be 22 this is so pathetic. :/ Besides that I also plan on getting a job, I need one so when I come back to Houston for the fall I can have work experience. Because I have had no luck in getting  a job without any work experience. I want to work at Berripop or Smoothie King. Somewhere I really love. Borders or Barnes & Nobles would be a nice place to work as well so I need to get a job over the summer. I hope that happens. I also hope to hang out with friends this summer. I don’t really have a lot friends at UH so going home and spending time with old friends will be awesome. I want to have movie nights and just have a good time with people I love. :D

Summer classes don’t start until June I believe, so that means I have the rest of May to work on Mind-Speak inventory. Yup my sisters and I plan on opening an Etsy store. Hopefully it will be open by November. I have a lot of knitting and sewing to do over the summer. I mention a book I bought a month ago, and I can’t wait to get started. There is sooooooo much I want to do. But I need to pace myself otherwise I will just get overwhelmed.

So yeah this is where I am at the moment.  I know not extremely exciting. :/