More than Feng Shui
So this is my last summer spending it at my parent’s house and after 16 years of living in this house I’ve finally gotten rid of a bunch of junk. Seven trash bags later and I hardly recognize my room.
I haven’t been updating nearly as much as I would like to. I again have several blog drafts started that I’ve yet to finish. But here I am now attempting to update and things just keep getting in the way. Recently I have been scouring the streets of Houston for an apartment. That’s right, my first apartment! Don’t let any one fool you into believing that apartment hunting is an easy thing to do, it might be if you have an excessive amount of money to work with. -.- But I’m sure even then it is not a fun thing to do and it is even harder because I’m home for the summer, so the past two weekends we have been making trips to Houston and looking at different apartments. This is very exciting, but the hunt has made me very anxious. I’m hoping once it becomes official this anxiousness will subside and all that will be left is determination and excitement. My younger sister will move in with me at the end of September so we’ve been looking at different blogs on how to decorate and organize small spaces. Also, the apartment complex will paint accent walls, so I’m hoping they have colors that fit both my sister and me. Here’s a floor plan of the apartment….of course ours could be flipped. But this was how the model was.

So I’m a very impatient person, which is why I become anxious in the first place. Among the other things that I’m waiting for are my new glasses. A couple weeks ago I had an eye exam, and if you’ve read my blog for awhile then you know that optometrists, more like the technicians, are my enemies and that the only good thing that come from eye exams are new glasses. I’ve had my current glasses already for….well I can’t exactly remember for how long but it has been awhile. Kat and I picked out some new frames a week ago and now we have to wait until they are ready. All of this waiting is killing me, at least I have statistics to keep me busy. -.- Pffft. More like knitting, thank goodness for knitting and Bob’s Burgers. Instead of reading all the books I’ve been saving, I’ve been watching Bob’s Burgers and Portlandia over and over again while I knit. I should read before I run out of free time. >.< That and update my blog, I’ve been in a blog funk and I’m hoping I’m getting over it. Blogging is one my favorite things to do.
Song of the day- Mr. Bright Eyes by Rebecca Ferguson. I also listen to Pandora while knitting and blogging and this song came up and now I can’t stop listening to it. [audio:]
I’m off to make a smoothie, I should study seeing how class was canceled tonight and all. Motivation!!!!
Thanks for reading and commenting.