Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2013 » December » 19

Archive for December 19, 2013

Tis the Season

So another semester has come to an end and more importantly, Christmas is next week! I cannot wait to give my family their presents.

treesI love that part, along with the smell of Christmas trees, choosing the presents and seeing the look on their faces after they rip the wrapping paper off. It’s exciting! Especially since I have my own money to work with this year. Of course, I didn’t spend any money on wrapping. I just used Kroger bags and some left over ribbon from my Alice costume. Kat and I go home to visit our parents next Monday, but sadly Kat has to work next Friday so we won’t be able to stay the whole week. But a few days is better than no days. I’m looking forward to mom’s cooking. She makes turkey for Christmas dinner, and we open gifts on the 24th and then we just watch movies after. When my sisters and I were younger we would wake up around 5 am or so and force our parents out of bed so we could open presents. And then we would stay up and play with our toys until we passed out.  Now we open gifts on Christmas eve and then stay up until we pass out, which doesn’t take very long.

Aside from upcoming gift giving, I recently moved in to my second apartment here in Houston. I’m hoping we are here for awhile. Moving was such a hassle but so far Kat and I are loving the new place. We are almost completely unpacked. But of course there are a few cons that I know I shouldn’t dwell on because the pros certainly outweigh them so I shouldn’t waste my time typing them out here. I’ve managed to organize my desk area and the living room. Finally got an actual bookcase to put books and things that need to be displayed. This place is is a bit bigger than the last one, so I am happy about that. I do miss the old location though, oh…that’s a con. I’ll stop right there.

[audio:]- Daniela Andrade’s cover of Santa Baby

So the other day, I went to Kat’s work Christmas party. The food was really yummy and she won a 24″ screen tv. So we are hoping we can take it back to Target and get store credit, Kat wants the same desk as me. She needs a place to keep her computer as well, keeping our fingers crossed and hopes that works.

More on the apartment next time, still need to charge my camera so I can film an apartment walk-through.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and happy holidays.