Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2015 » May » 27

Archive for May 27, 2015

Him and Them

The semester has been done for a couple of weeks now. It was rather stressful, but this isn’t one of those entries where I focus on how tough it was or even complain about the areas I fell short on. I’m just glad it’s over and now I can prepare for the next/hopefully last one. Now on to the reason behind this post!

This past weekend I was finally able to introduce the boyfriend to my parents. We celebrated Kat’s birthday, which today she is officially 22 years old! He was nervous, and I was too but after already trying 2 previous times before, I just wanted this meeting to happen. We were early, around 11:30-ish, so I took him to Hastings, a smaller version of Barnes&Noble. It was weird showing him Lake Jackson, but also wonderful at the same time. When it was time to drive to my parent’s house I started getting more nervous. My mom was at the store when we showed up but my dad greeted us at the door, he opened the door before we even knocked so  I could tell he was excited. I was worried that the bf would be too shy, but he did great. I always have fun with my family, so I knew he would too. My dad made fajitas, so yummy. It was everything I hoped it would be, I’ve imagined moments like this where I get to include the bf in family gatherings and I can’t wait to include him in more. He spent most of the time talking to my dad, I’ve also discovered that he’s not really an out door person. But in his defense, it was hot outside. The funniest moment was when dad tried to dance with Nina and me. Then Nina tells my bf to try, and he goes up to my dad to dance with him. What she actually meant was for him to dance with me. It was the most adorable thing ever, my dad even put his arms up to dance with him too. Such a perfect reaction.

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