This past weekend my family and I went to New Orleans. I meant to post an entry about me leaving but I just never got around to publishing it. And now I’m back so that entry is not necessary.
The blog post I meant to post mentioned how I had planned to take loads of pictures and video. I didn’t exactly do any of that. We got in Friday night so there wasn’t really any photo ops. Then Saturday it was rainy and I didn’t feel like taking pictures. -.- The rain made me sleepy. We spent the day at The National WWII Museum. It was amazing, we watched this video narrated by Tom Hanks. It was a really great experience, if you are ever in New Orleans then I suggest you partake in that experience. Lucky for instagram otherwise I wouldn’t have any pictures at all. I only updated a few times over the weekend. I feel really bummed that I didn’t even take any instax pictures. I dunno why I didn’t take any pictures. Hopefully the next time we travel I pull out the camera and actually document my trip. Mija and Kat took a few instagrams as well but not as much as we should have.
- One of the many road signs we saw.
- The bed Kat and I slept in at the Holiday Inn. Such great pillows. >.<
- Air craft from the museum. Totally forgot what it’s called. -.-
- Where we stopped to get gas on our way home. We still had ways to go.
Here is my instagram from the weekend. I had a lot of fun spending time with Jody‘s family but I’m happy to be home. Texas get’s a lot of crap but I actually love living in Texas, doesn’t mean I dislike visiting other states. It’s a lot of fun. I bought a New Orleans post card to put in my smash book along with the pictures above and a few other items from the war museum. So I’m excited to get that smash page started.
Song of the day: Celebrate by Mika. I love Mika he’s too cute. This song makes me want to get up and dance. I’m in a great mood and couldn’t be happier. So have you ever gone on a trip and forgot to take any pictures?

Mija Said:
on August 18, 2012 at 10:51 pm
I like visiting NOLA – but there is just something about Texas I love. We live in an awesome state…and city!!
Glad you guys came along and had fun! Road trips are so nice!
Jen Said:
on August 20, 2012 at 11:57 am
I love the card you made. It looks amazing.
Who does the webdesign for you on your sites? I really like it.
kim Said:
on August 20, 2012 at 12:29 pm
@Jen, Thank you. :3
And my sister Mija designs all of my blog layouts. XD She’s amazing. She’s the comment above yours. 😀
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Jen Said:
on August 20, 2012 at 12:33 pm
She does a fantastic job. I love them. Do you know if she does freelance work or does she only design for herself/friends?
kim Said:
on August 20, 2012 at 12:39 pm
@Jen, Um, she does do some freelance work if she has the time. Full time job gets in the way sometimes. She’s also planning her wedding at the moment. But you would have to ask her personally. 🙂 My layout was a birthday present. lol
Jen Said:
on August 20, 2012 at 12:41 pm
Sounds good. Thank you for the info! <3
kim Said:
on August 20, 2012 at 12:43 pm
@Jen, No problem. Come back and visit. :3
Mija Said:
on August 23, 2012 at 4:52 pm
@Jen, thank you so much for the comments! At this moment I am in the middle of wedding planning – but if you don’t mind waiting until after the Xmas holidays I might be able to help you on a design!
Jen Said:
on August 23, 2012 at 5:36 pm
@Mija, That sounds good. I can probably wait until then. 🙂 Thank you!