~Travel: Florida Trip~
For Thanksgiving Matt and I made a trip to Florida to visit his parents. Plus, it was my very first plane ride. That’s right, first! I was sick the previous week so I had some antibiotics that I had to take and I think it made me extra sensitive to movement and light.
I got terrible motion sickness so the plane ride to Florida was a little blah. It was only 2 hours so thankfully it didn’t get worse. We arrived in Tampa really late and still had to make a 3 hour drive to his parent’s house. Since I didn’t think about timing, I didn’t get a chance to visit The Paper Seahorse. I was a bummed but this definitely won’t be my last trip to Florida. Once we finally made it to his parent’s place, we chatted for a bit and then went to bed as soon as our heads hit the pillows.

I did manage to go to another mall and find THE perfect Christmas gift for Mija so I’m excited to give it to her. But immediately after purchasing said perfect gift I started feeling icky and couldn’t even finish eating my lunch and we had to go back to the house. Luckily, the evenings were much better. Even though I didn’t get to explore Florida as much as I wanted to, I did still have a lot fun with Matt and his family. We watched a lot of movies together and ate yummy foods, I couldn’t have asked for a better holiday.
Next time I hope I’m not sick and I also hope I can visit The Paper Seahorse on our next trip. I’ve never been there but I know I will love it. I can’t wait! Well, I hope you had a great holiday, or week. Christmas is coming up, and I can’t wait to give everyone the gifts I picked out for them. I love giving gifts!!! Until next time!
Thanks for reading!