~Travel~A Trip with You ?
As a Christmas gift, Matt gave me a weekend trip to Austin. I was so excited for this trip, 1. Because I was going with Matt <3 and 2. I haven’t had the opportunity to travel much so packing for a trip and going on said trip had me all excited.
I might have taken things a bit far when it came to packing for this trip, but in my mind, I didn’t want to forget something that I might need. I had plan on filming things so I could create a travel vlog, however, my camera remained in it’s case the entire trip. -.- I was sick for the majority of the trip, Matt had caught a cold the week before last so I knew I’d also catch whatever it was he had. Saturday was the worse, and I know what you’re thinking…“Kim! Why didn’t you just reschedule?!” I didn’t want to! I was looking forward to it, and I had already cleared it with work. Had I been seriously ill, then yes I would have rescheduled. But I was fine! I was feeling much better by Sunday, but I didn’t let the blah cold prevent me from having fun during the weekend. Matt was so attentive and just all around amazing. He even let me go to Modcloth to try on clothes, it was a fit store so you try on the clothes and then they order and ship it to your house. I wish it were an actual department store but it was still lovely to visit. I may not have any video to show but here is a collection of photos, which is just as good.
- Drive to Austin
- Elevator kisses
- Modcloth Dress
- Sunday Breakfast
- Blue Cat Cafe
- Drive Home

The travel spark has been ignited and I’m looking forward to taking more trips this year. Perhaps even board an airplane? 🙂 Do you over pack for trips or have you figured out a happy medium? And do you have any fun trips planned this year?
Thanks for reading!

Elisa Said:
on January 31, 2017 at 10:15 am
aww, this is so adorable. i wish i can go on a trip with my boyfriend too. it’s nice to have that luxury with someone you really trust (that isn’t your best friend, if ya know what i mean hehe)
Kimmy Said:
on January 31, 2017 at 12:06 pm
@Elisa, It was a so much fun, Even with my annoying cough and cold, I was still able to have a lot of fun with him. I can’t wait to go on more trips.
I hope you get to go on some trips as well!
Georgie Said:
on February 8, 2017 at 9:06 am
Aw this is lovely. It doesn’t matter that you kept your video camera in the case the whole time. It’s what happens when you are having fun, you don’t want to bother taking videos. The photos are cute though, and sometimes photos are just enough. You will always have the memories in your head. 🙂
I used to pack way too much. I now pack very little so I can just mix and match my clothes. No big deal. As long as I’m comfortable! It also depends on how long you are going and whether there are washing facilities or not. ?
Glad you had a lovely trip just the two of you!
Kimmy Said:
on February 8, 2017 at 9:32 am
@Georgie, I’m so glad we were able to go on this trip. I think photos can be enough too, I want to invest in a nice camera so I can up my photography skills. I’d love to take beautiful photos and then share them on the blog.
I will try to pack more smart next time, I just rather be over prepared. I bought cute outfits to wear that were comfortable and totally ok if wrinkled. XD I want more OK wrinkle outfits. But you’re right, weather and trip length are important to keep in mind. I hope to go on more trips and get really good at packing for them.
Thanks for reading!
Georgie Said:
on February 8, 2017 at 9:51 am
@Kimmy, Oh yeah haha I have some clothes that don’t wrinkle as much. My tip would be to roll your clothes instead of folding them. Less likely to have wrinkles that way. ?
Kimmy Said:
on February 8, 2017 at 10:14 am
@Georgie, Roll!!! I will definitely have to try that next time. XD Thanks!