Inside Kimmy's Mind

A Million Useful Things in One

The start of a new year has become strange now that I’m older, it seems to arrive and end a lot faster than I remember as a child. I didn’t keep track of it when I was little and I thought summer was a whole year all on its own.

I had moments back in my elementary days where I would imagine seeing an older version of myself. A version I didn’t know yet, a version I was excited to meet. I’d now like to know what elementary me would think if she were to meet the current me. I’m sure she would think, why am I not taller, and will I ever grow boobs?And I would reply with, we haven’t grown an inch since the 8th grade, so yeah. And still waiting to see about the boobs. XD Random thought I know. Anyway, New years was comfy and nice, spent the last moments of 2013 at the weirdo sibling’s new house. We watched movies and fireworks and then played a game. We couldn’t stay up too late because Kat had to work that morning and Nina had to take us back to our place. I’m now enjoying the last week before classes start on the 13th. That also means going back to work at McAlister’s. I hope this semester brings great things, first semester with no English classes, gonna have to get used to that. I only need two more English classes and the rest will be courses in Advertising. So even though I’m nervous about that, I’m also excited.

I wanted to share this anime that I recently watched on Netflix, it’s been awhile since I’ve enjoyed a nice anime. It’s only 11 episodes, not sure if it has other seasons or not, but because of the intro, I just had to watch it. It’s about a socially awkward girl who is in love with jellyfish. She lives with several other women who are even more awkward, they are an interesting bunch. She meets a very pretty girl who ends up being a dude. I just thought it was adorable. You can also read the manga here if you’re interested in that sort of thing.

I received tickets to an advanced screening of the film Her, so I’m going to see that tonight. I’ll let you know my thoughts on the film. It looks interesting.  Other recent movies I’ve seen are Saving Mr. Banks ,The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug. Need to write posts on my thoughts of those films as well.  But for now, I sleep.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Something Real

So Christmas is complete and I am now back at my apartment. But while I was off visiting my family and enjoying the holiday season, my fridge died-causing all the food inside to spoil and leave behind the most lovely smells. The kind that just say, welcome home Kim.

I pretty much stayed up late this past week at my parents. It was odd, but nice to sleep in my old room, nice because my bed is there and it is wonderful. Odd because I cleaned it out before returning to Houston after the summer. It’s bare. My room yet no longer my room. Anyway, I would lay in my room thinking about my new apartment. I left in a rushed and forgot some things, but I kept thinking maybe I forgot to lock the door and that my nosy neighbor’s nephew noticed it was unlock and decided to stay the entire week and jump on my couches!  Terrifying I know. I mean as far as scary things go, that’s pretty scary. Strangers touching my things! I mean, after what happened at my first apartment, can you blame me for being scared? My mind would keep going over these scenarios, and then I would try to think of scenarios that countered those and was trying to convince myself how there was no way I forgot to lock the door. I remember standing outside my door with two boxes and the keys in my hand. I remember turning said keys and putting them in my pocket after I had lock the door. It was done. I worried yet the comfort of my old room somehow soothed and chased away any bad thoughts. I was able to sleep soundly after that, but every night this week before falling asleep the worries would begin and then end.

 So now that I’m back in my apartment I’ve decided that those worries were trying to prepare me for the fact that my fridge would be the home of rotting meat and cheese. Oh the packages of string cheese!!!! I love string cheese and they are now gone! Weeks of groceries, destroyed by the fact of a no longer cool fridge. Sad. But on the bright side, I get a new fridge but it won’t arrive until Monday. It wasn’t the greatest thing to come home to, but at least the worries I conjured up were not true.

I did have a great Christmas though, wonderful as usual. I hope my parents enjoyed the gifts I bought them. They are difficult to shop for sometimes, but I feel as though I did pretty good this year. I’ll share the gifts in another entry. Until then….

Thanks for reading and commenting. 

Tis the Season

So another semester has come to an end and more importantly, Christmas is next week! I cannot wait to give my family their presents.

treesI love that part, along with the smell of Christmas trees, choosing the presents and seeing the look on their faces after they rip the wrapping paper off. It’s exciting! Especially since I have my own money to work with this year. Of course, I didn’t spend any money on wrapping. I just used Kroger bags and some left over ribbon from my Alice costume. Kat and I go home to visit our parents next Monday, but sadly Kat has to work next Friday so we won’t be able to stay the whole week. But a few days is better than no days. I’m looking forward to mom’s cooking. She makes turkey for Christmas dinner, and we open gifts on the 24th and then we just watch movies after. When my sisters and I were younger we would wake up around 5 am or so and force our parents out of bed so we could open presents. And then we would stay up and play with our toys until we passed out.  Now we open gifts on Christmas eve and then stay up until we pass out, which doesn’t take very long.

Aside from upcoming gift giving, I recently moved in to my second apartment here in Houston. I’m hoping we are here for awhile. Moving was such a hassle but so far Kat and I are loving the new place. We are almost completely unpacked. But of course there are a few cons that I know I shouldn’t dwell on because the pros certainly outweigh them so I shouldn’t waste my time typing them out here. I’ve managed to organize my desk area and the living room. Finally got an actual bookcase to put books and things that need to be displayed. This place is is a bit bigger than the last one, so I am happy about that. I do miss the old location though, oh…that’s a con. I’ll stop right there.

[audio:]- Daniela Andrade’s cover of Santa Baby

So the other day, I went to Kat’s work Christmas party. The food was really yummy and she won a 24″ screen tv. So we are hoping we can take it back to Target and get store credit, Kat wants the same desk as me. She needs a place to keep her computer as well, keeping our fingers crossed and hopes that works.

More on the apartment next time, still need to charge my camera so I can film an apartment walk-through.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and happy holidays.

Currently…in a daze

So I bring you another post that is basically an update on life things…enjoy.

Loving :  This knitting pattern. Well, that site in general, but I’ve been loving cable stitches and this is the first scarf I’ve actually started and intend to finish. Christmas present for the bf, trying to hurry and finish it before the nice cold weather disappears. Here’s hoping.
Reading : I should be reading Mrs. Dalloway by Virgina Woolf for my lit class, but I’ve been neglecting it, I’m just really not liking this class. There are books I wish I were reading though. To name a few, Room by Emma Donoghue, An Underachiever’s Diary by Anastas, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams…I could go on but then the list would never end.
Watching : Family Guy. But it’s an old episode, I’m just waiting for the midseason finale of Walking Dead to come on. I know I’m gonna be pissed if they kill off any of my favorite characters.
Thinking about:  My never ending to do list. So many things need to get done in so little time. So much so that it calls for the cliche. I’m tired just thinking about this list. -.-
Not looking forward to : Moving day. I’m worried about how we are going to move my furniture, I have two couches and they are surprisingly heavy. :/ Plus I hate packing and moving, the 15th is fast approaching and it worries me.
Looking forward to : Living in my new apartment and already being unpacked and moved in.
Listening to: Commercials. Just need some background noise.

Here are some instagram pics from the past few months.  Next entry I hope to post will be a vlog, I haven’t made one in awhile and I’ve been wanting to. I’ve also wanted to start the favorite places series that I mentioned several entries ago. Here’s hoping.

As always thanks for reading and commenting.

Late But Lucky Halloween

So my plans for Halloween changed, instead of going to the renaissance I went to this fun Nintendo event that a group called Lazy Bit Collective hosted at a bar.

It was a lot of fun, I only wish my Halloween costume was completed so I could have worn it. There was a girl there that wore the original Alice Madness dress and her boyfriend was the Cheshire cat. I wanted my date to dress up as the white rabbit, but he had other ideas.  XD  Anyway, so that was on the 26th, for actual Halloween we just watched movies and ate a bunch of junk food. Oh, and played a bit of SlenderMan, I’m terrible at it.

So now on to the costume! I didn’t finish a few of the accessories, but I worked really hard on the skirt and I’m beyond proud of it. Seeing as I didn’t get to wear it out this year, I plan on doing so next year. I plan on actually putting the ears on the hat and getting rabbit feet to put over my shoes.  Seeing other recreations of the outfit was helpful latebutluckyhalloweenwhen making mine. I plan on finding/making a yellow vest, and then again adding the ears to the hat. I ran out of time and wanted to actually find a stuffed animal that I could deconstruct and use it’s ears rather than make mine out of felt, and also add the feet to my bow in the back. I made my tail out of yarn and didn’t have time to make the rabbit feet that dangle down. Along with possibly making the necklace that Alice wears in the game. Besides those things, I’m pretty proud with out the outfit itself came out. The jacket was a bit snug, but I didn’t have a pattern and I’ve never made anything like this before so I’m still proud. All things considered it came out great with the limited time I had. This was also the first time I made a circle skirt and I plan on making more because this one came out just great.

I was bummed I couldn’t wear this out, but at work I did get to wear a costume. I wanted to wear this one, but it rained so bad that day and I work at a restaurant and I didn’t want to ruin the outfit I worked so hard to make. So I wore the Red Riding Hood costume I made three years ago.  I didn’t really work very hard on that one so I didn’t mind if it got ruined. Which the rain made my skirt bleed through the apron and it stained it pink a bit. One of my co workers dressed up as a wolf, so I thought it was pretty funny. My manager took a picture of us posing, so I’m hoping I can get a copy of it on Monday.

I had a lot of fun making this Alice costume, so I wouldn’t mind wearing it next year, but if I find something else I want to recreate, then I plan on starting a lot sooner. XD So, what did you do for Halloween? Or if you don’t celebrate, what are some of your favorite scary movies?

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Down the Rabbit Hole

So I’ve been inspired to make my Halloween costume this year. But I only have a week in order to get it done, and I’m starting to think it can’t be done. >.< But I’m excited and want to attempt it.

So I’m going to the Renaissance festival this year, and the theme for that weekend is Hallows Eve. So  I’ve decided on drawing inspiration from video games and the game I’ve chosen is Alice: Madness Returns.  I mean look how adorable it is? She has several different outfits, and each offers some special ability in game. But this one in particular stuck out to me, now the original blue one might be easier to recreate with my sewing skills, but like I said this one stuck out to me. I figured I could recreate it…I mean I’m hoping I can recreate it. The only issue I’m worried about is the jacket, I’m hoping I can find a blazer at a thrift store and just adjust it to fit me. I can make the skirt, but I don’t want to underestimate it either. Here’s hoping I can find things all under a reasonable price. The top hat might be the most pricey, unless I try to make my own. But I don’t want to overwhelm myself with things I have to make. I just have to keep in mind that not everything has to be exact, as long as it’s recognizable then we are good. But then again, not every person has played the game, so they might not recognize for that reason. As long as I’m happy with it that’s all that matters. I’m pretty excited about it and have been planning it out the last couple of days. It’s last minute, but I think I can pull something together. XD

So what are your plans for Halloween? Do you still dress up, or is that something you’ve lost interest in? If not, let me know what you’re going as. I’d love to know/see pictures. 🙂

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Spoke too Soon

After only a month of living in the apartment and that secure happy feeling I once felt is now gone.

Last week our a/c unit started leaking, so Thursday my sister went to our leasing office so they could send someone to fix it. I felt uneasy about having someone come into our apartment when neither of us would be home, but I figured they wouldn’t send anyone that day. We had to turn off our air condition because it wouldn’t stop leaking and the ceiling above our tub started to bubble up. I was worried water damage would cause the ceiling to cave in. After work on Thursday I came home around 3:30 or so,  it wasn’t leaking but I didn’t noticed any change. So I went straight to my leasing office and asked if I could have a maintenance man come in that day. The lady in the office said she would send someone, I said thank you and went back home to wait. When my sister came home we ate dinner and then later that night we noticed a work order paper, apparently a maintenance man came early that day. Probably sometime between 10 to 2, the hinges to our a/c unit had been messed with because when my sister and I had tried to open the door, they were painted over so we weren’t strong enough to open it.  Our office people didn’t even have a record to let me know that someone had entered our apartment, shouldn’t that lady have known if one had made a visit or not? Our a/c has been working fine, no leaking.

… continue reading this entry.

Welcome Home

So we moved into our apartment and I couldn’t be happier, I’ve also have been working at the restaurant on campus for the past month. I’m pretty exhausted and sore after work, which is why I haven’t been updating at all. Every time I sat down to type an entry out, homework or sleep keep getting in the way.  I’m gonna try to get back to my normal updating again.

So living in my own apartment has been wonderful, thanks to my mom, Kat and I have managed to decorate doorit to our liking and it has started feeling like a home. I’ll post a video tour sometime soon, that requires good lightening and time.  All of which is scarce during the week.  I want to get a book shelf for the living room, this desk, and a dresser for our bedroom that have at least 4 drawers so Kat and I each get two drawers, but three would be ok as well. Probably paint the dresser and shelf yellow. Our colors are teal and yellow, our mom bought us this cabinet to put our tv on top of and that was what decided our color scheme. Love it. We put our dvds and Xbox games inside of it.  Again, I’ll post a video tour of it soon. >.<

So my birthday was this month, and I turned 24 on the 11th. All of my co workers, who are younger than me, seem to find it bizarre. They all share this look of utter amazement when I share my age with them and they all say how they thought I was 18 and just out of high school. A compliment I guess, but not right after my 22 year old co recordplayerworker says how she feels SO old. -.- I wasn’t aware that 22 was old, hate to think what that makes 24. Well, I had some gifts to ease the pain of being old. 😛 My parents bought me a record player and it is just adorable! I had a few vinyl albums, but never thought about owning my own record player. Bro in law had one and seeing as how I lived with my sister and him for the past three years, I never needed my own. Now, yes, how very hipster of me. But I’ll have you know that I always found vinyl interesting back before today’s hipsters existed.  My sister started a vinyl collection when she got into high school. She’s a music trivia know-it-all, but now I can actually build my own collection she bought me my favorite Fleetwood Mac album when I turned 18, so now I can actually listen to it. Which I might over do it. This year she bought me a more practical gift. A heavy duty umbrella, no picture, but it’s green and black. I was in desperate need of an umbrella that worked, so thankful to have it. I was also given a bike.


I haven’t rode a bike since I was in junior high? I thought maybe I wouldn’t remember how to, but good thing for muscle memory. I’m excited to get more confident at riding it though, I plan on using it on campus, and to Rice Village. I forgot how much fun riding a bike was and it was so nostalgic to ride one again. Plus I also want to add rear baskets like this to the back of it so I can carry my stuff with me on campus. How cool are they, they fold in when you aren’t using them. Had to adjust the seat all the way down in order to ride it though, my legs are just really short and this bike is huge. >.< But I love it.

Here’s an instagram video of me using the record player for the first time. If you don’t recognize the song, it’s You make Loving Fun by Fleetwood Mac.


Until next time…thanks for reading and Commenting.


Remaining Week…

Summer Twins- I Will Love you

Heard this song on a Modcloth video and just had to post about it. I’ve been avoiding things this weekend, things such as studying for my Statistics final. I’m very worried. The final is comprehensive and I can’t remember the beginning sections of this semester. >.< My brain can’t handle this type of information. It despises math with all of its being and…

Ok enough with the excuses!

Time to do my best and study my ass off until Tuesday. I have so many things to be excited about that I’m not going to let this stand in my way of that happiness/excitement. I’m moving soon! Into my own apartment mind you. This is huge, this is just amazing. They called to let us know that our move in date had been moved from the 20th to the 22nd. It annoyed me a bit, but I’m just thankful that it is still before classes start. And what’s two days, this gives us more time to pack and clean up my room at my parent’s house and my room at my sister’s place. So many rooms. >.< This past week, I went to a job fair on my campus in  hopes of discovering campus jobs to apply to. I also decided to apply to several restaurants on campus as well. I have a job interview on the 20th at 9 am. The last time I had a job interview was when I was 19 and made it to the call backs at Sears. I did not get that job. -.- So if you have any tips to give, I’d greatly appreciate them…no matter how obvious please share. 🙂

The fall semester starts on the 26th. I’m a bit nervous, but I’m ready, let’s do this!

So I worked on making some R2D2 shoes this summer. I love how they came out but I’m a bit worried that they won’t last for very long. I wore them out once and they already started to peel. I just went over them again with some mod podge paint but it smeared the lines a bit. >.< I used some of the spray, but I guess I didn’t coat them as good as I thought I did. I don’t plan on wearing them to school though, my feet would be dying if I did. >.< Special nerdy occasions only. I know it sort of defeats the purpose of them, but it was still pretty fun making them. Next time I won’t use such hard canvas shoes, the van look alikes they sell at Walmart might be better to use.

Ok, now it’s time to shower and get to studying. Wish me luck. I’m going to need a lot of good vibes for this final. >.<

Thanks for reading and commenting.

More than Feng Shui

So this is my last summer spending it at my parent’s house and after 16 years of living in this house I’ve finally gotten rid of a bunch of junk. Seven trash bags later and  I hardly recognize my room.

I haven’t been updating nearly as much as I would like to. I again have several blog drafts started that I’ve yet to finish. But here I am now attempting to update and things just keep getting in the way. Recently I have been scouring the streets of Houston for an apartment. That’s right, my first apartment! Don’t let any one fool you into believing that apartment hunting is an easy thing to do, it might be if you have an excessive amount of money to work with. -.-  But I’m sure even then it is not a fun thing to do and it is even harder because I’m home for the summer, so the past two weekends we have been making trips to Houston and looking at different apartments. This is very exciting, but the hunt has made me very anxious. I’m hoping once it becomes official this anxiousness will subside and all that will be left is determination and excitement. My younger sister will move in with me at the end of September so we’ve been looking at different blogs on how to decorate and organize small spaces. Also, the apartment complex will paint accent walls, so I’m hoping they have colors that fit both my sister and me. Here’s a floor plan of the apartment….of course ours could be flipped. But this was how the model was.


So I’m a very impatient person, which is why I become anxious in the first place. Among the other things that I’m waiting for are my new glasses. A couple weeks ago I had an eye exam, and if you’ve read my blog for awhile then you know that optometrists, more like the technicians, are my enemies and that the only good thing that come from eye exams are new glasses. I’ve had my current glasses already for….well I can’t exactly remember for how long but it has been awhile. Kat and I picked out some new frames a week ago and now we have to wait until they are ready. All of this waiting is killing me, at least I have statistics to keep me busy. -.- Pffft. More like knitting, thank goodness for knitting and Bob’s Burgers. Instead of reading all the books I’ve been saving, I’ve been watching Bob’s Burgers and Portlandia over and over again while I knit. I should read before I run out of free time. >.< That and update my blog, I’ve been in a blog funk and I’m hoping I’m getting over it. Blogging is one my favorite things to do.

Song of the day- Mr. Bright Eyes by Rebecca Ferguson. I also listen to Pandora while knitting and blogging and this song came up and now I can’t stop listening to it. [audio:]

I’m off to make a smoothie, I should study seeing how class was canceled tonight and all. Motivation!!!!

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