Inside Kimmy's Mind

A Delightful Day

Today was my off day, I had planned to go out grocery shopping and actually buy some mailing envelopes so I could mail off some packages!!! >.< I’m such a bad penpal! I promise I’ll get it done on Friday, that’s my next day off. But instead I spent this lovely day taking pictures and eating delectable sweets with Kat.

She had been wanting me to go with her to visit this dessert shop called, Dolce Delights, and since I had mentioned macarons in my last post I was in the mood to try some more. I love seeing/tasting the different flavors that each shop makes. They are definitely tricky to make, Kat and I tried awhile back to make them, hopefully we try again. Anyway, these macarons were $1.75 I believe, and that’s the cheapest I’ve seen here in Houston. So I went a little crazy and bought 7…plus a vanilla frappe. >.< So I indulged a little, it was totally worth it. I think my favorite was either the chocolate mint or the strawberry. They were all very yummy and I hope to try more flavors next time I go. It’s not something I can do very often, but I plan on going again. Today was really windy, but it felt amazing outside. It was absolutely gorgeous I hope this weekend is just a nice. I still need tdolceo go grocery shopping and would love it if it didn’t rain. Anyway, continuing on with my day, after eating sweets Kat and I went to High Fashion Fabrics and I found some pleather. I’ve been wanting to buy some and make some folded clutches with them. But the pleather there ranged from 14.99 to 22 bucks, so sadly I will have to wait a bit until I can practice making things. I got some extra hours this spring break so hopefully I can use some of that money for Mind-Speak things. The fabric store had a lot of nice fabric but we didn’t stay very long, I only wanted to see if they stocked pleather and didn’t want to get distracted by other things. But I plan on making some cute pleated aprons for my sisters and me. I want to try embroidering names or the word Mind-Speaks on it. I also want to try some picture transfers to fabric instead of buying iron on sheets. So need to research some fabric transfer tutorials.


I couldn’t decide which pictures to share in this entry, Kat and I took a lot….and I mean A LOT today. I also shared today’s outfit on the modcloth style gallery. The other look got 103 likes. >.< I love styling my outfits, and I’ve styled this one before, but tried something different this time. Layered it with my salmon? Coralish cardigan this time instead of my cream quarter sleeved one. And this belt is my new favorite accessory, it goes with most of my dresses since I wear a lot of cream and mint. That’s all for now…until next time.

Thanks for reading and commenting. :3

Une Soirée de Musique

Spring break doesn’t start until Monday but it’s now the weekend so I am officially on break! Aside from having to work still…and study. :/

new-friendsSo Thursday I had the chance to hang out with Cloudy Chase again, she and I had made plans to go to this event at a bar called Mongoose vs Cobra. But thanks to some lovely unforeseen changes we ate dinner at my place, made by my sister Kat, and then went out for some crepes at Sweet Pairs. I had such a wonderful time, and can’t wait to do it again. :3  Continuing on with the rest of the week, yesterday I went to a free concert at Discovery Green with the Boyfriend and his roommate. We arrived a bit late, but we managed to hear and see a bit, unfortunately the night ended on a sad note.It started off great, we listened to the last set of the French band La Femme, they were actually pretty good, and I bought macaroons for us. There were a few tents up that hosted different French cuisine. Sweet Pairs was there, which is where Kat works so that’s how I found out about the event. Those tasty macaroons are so expensive yet so yummy. Unfortunately when I was trying to share mine with the bf I ended up dropping them both. -.- I’m such a klutz, all we could do was laugh it off. They were from a place called Bite Macarons, a shop located here in Houston. I didn’t even take any pictures, bad blogger! >.< I was in such a hurry to eat them, I bought a chocolate, vanilla and a black currant. Mine was the chocolate and a dog ended up eating the piece that fell. I felt horrible, what if the dog got sick because of my clumsiness? I worried about the ewok dog for the rest of the evening.  The bf kept reassuring me that he would be fine, I told the owner I saw his dog eat something, just wasn’t sure what it was. >.< Hope he’s ok, dogs can get really sick if they consume chocolate. Went there for some cultured fun, ended up trying to poison someone’s dog. Moving on, after the concert we went out to eat at BB’s Cafe, I’m extremely picky when it comes to seafood. I only trust, my dad’s cooking. So once in front of the menu I was really scared, there weren’t any safe options. I sided with chicken tenders from the kids menus, it was already late and I know my stomach, it would have not ended well. On our way home, bf’s roommate got a call, his mother had an accident. It was a horrible way to end such a fun night and I hope his mother is doing well, I have yet to receive any news.

I’m off to finish up some Bio homework, enjoy your weekend. Here’s the full album of La Femme, give it a listen and let me know what you think. :3 Until next time….À bientôt!

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Hey {You} There

So I was planning on typing out a rant entry, but then I thought I should instead update with a more positive entry. So I trashed the other one, took a couple ootd photos and then started cooking chicken. Submitted today’s outfit to Modcloth’s Style Gallery.

So some good things happened today, my Bio test was pushed back two weeks! Thank goodness for that, now I can study for anotheroutfit3-3-14 test that I have on Thursday. But naturally I avoid studying and instead catch up on updating the blog. >.< I can’t help it, it had to be deleted over the weekend because something was causing it to glitch. Thankfully, Mija was able to bring it back to life and now I can update it again. Kat is spending the night with the weirdos so I had the place to myself. I totally forgot she wouldn’t be here so I attempted to cook dinner thinking she’d be home to make sure it was ok. It turned out pretty yummy for my first time cooking chicken. I was worried about not cooking it long enough. But I managed on my own and it feels good. Yay for becoming slightly more independent! That means, there is hope that my possible future children won’t be stuck with a mom who can only cook them different types of eggs.  I’ll leave dessert to Kat. So on Sunday, the boyfriend and I spent the day looking for a gift for his younger sister. She’s 5 or 6, he doesn’t get to spend lot of time with her so he wasn’t quite sure what she would like. We stood in the toy section at Target and he said, “I don’t want to buy her a gender specific toy. All this pink stuff, she will already have society telling her what toys a little girl should want to play with. She has enough dolls and such and I would like to give her something educational.” I thought that was nice, nothing gender specific. I mean, I liked playing with dolls as a child, but I also enjoyed playing with action figures and video games. We then went to the book section and browsed for awhile, he then noticed the film Coraline, I had him watch it a couple months ago and he really liked it. I told him about the book and how Neil Gaiman was one of my favorite authors. He then thought about getting both the film and novel. I thought it was such a great idea, start her young and show her that she should read the bakedchickennovel before watching the film adaption of a novel. However, we could not find a copy of Coraline, which sucks because I still think it’s such a cute gift idea. Plus I didn’t think he liked the movie that much, but I’m glad he did. Well anyway, even though we knew it was going to rain we biked all the way from my apartment to Target and then to Rice Village. I didn’t want to get stuck in the rain with my bike, but he’s all about not wanting to waste time getting somewhere. It was hot and really humid that day but after we spent some time at Half Price we went to Jason’s Deli and by the time we got out it was already 6 something and it was freezing outside. I did not bring a jacket, because like I said it was hot, but he did the boyfriend thing and gave me his jacket to wear. We then decided to wait for a bus, however the bus we needed to get home does not run on Sundays. So we had to catch one to the Med Center and then a bus from there to get to my apartment. I felt bad that he was walking around without a jacket, luckily we made it to my apartment. We agreed to not venture out on a rainy day again…unless we both had jackets and umbrellas. Silly boys.

I’d like to direct your attention to my sidebar, specifically the links under Blogger Friends. I made a new friend, and she blogs!!!! She’s so adorable and we have a lot of things in common. One being that we go to the same school, I found her on instagram. Hope that doesn’t make me weird. >.< Her name is Melissa aka Cloudy Chase.We met up last week and are hoping to make plans during spring break when we have more time. Her work schedule is opposite from mine, so meeting up during the week isn’t exactly easy. I’ve always found it difficult to make friends with chicks. Aside from my sisters I only have two chicks that have been my friends since high school. But so far I have yet to make any lasting college friends. So here’s to making new friends and attempting to cook more dishes!!! That’s all for now, until next time. 🙂

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Pop Shop

So as I mentioned in my last post, I went with the weirdos to a craft event that is held here in Houston and hosted by Pop Shop Houston America. This was a mini version of a large event that happens I think twice a year? I could be mistaken so don’t quote me. I was pretty excited to go and see what each vendor had to offer. Plus, just being around creative people is inspiring and motivating.

The first thing we saw were painted plates and cards then several tents that had vintage clothing. We moved on towards the booths that had jewelery but I stopped and noticed a woman sitting at a typewriter with the sign Poems for Sale Barter or Trade. So I traded her a marker that I had in my bag and gave her the topic of motivation. I wanted something to remind me when I need an extra push of motivation. Next time I’ll ask for one that’s about positivity. She began typing away, the look on her face while she was typing was complete focus. You could see her pull out words from nowhere and somehow create this well thought of poem. I could never write something like that on the spot. Her name is Traci Lavois and you can find her over here. After receiving my poem we walked on over to this table in the corner. IMG_20140209_165654On the table were different types of jewelery…rings, bracelets, and necklaces. I was in awe. They were amazing, and there were something for every type of movie addict, gamer, and music fan in the world. AND….he does custom orders. You can find his work over here. These are great as gifts, because even if he doesn’t have something you’re looking for, just email him and send him a design you’re interested in. He does plaques too, so we’re hoping to request one for father’s day. And I wasn’t sure which one to get the boyfriend, but since he bikes and bought me a bike for my birthday, (I never mentioned that did I? >.< Well, he did.) I thought getting him the bike one was the best choice. Maybe next time, provided Yamin is there, the bf can pick one he likes more. Because frankly, it’s not like you could own too much. We also want to request Mind-Speak key chains for the three of us. Just something to inspire us to continuing working on MS. So there were tons that I wanted while browsing, however I had only enough cash on me to purchase two and my goal was to buy one for the bf and for Kat, as a Valentine gift. So I bought the bike and a Dr. Who one for the little weirdo. There were so many Star Wars ones, but I couldn’t buy it. So I went on browsing and when I rejoined the married weirdos, Jody told me that the AT-AT was gone. While I was bummed he had put it around my neck. The sneaky Jobro bought it for me along with a mushroom bracelet for himself. Then we went halfsies and bought Mija a Day of The Dead skull. Great purchases and totally want more. The craft fair was wonderful, and I can’t wait to attend a larger scale one that is coming up in May, but until then there is another mini one coming up in March so I have that to look forward to.

Any craft fairs in your town/city? If you’re not sure, try looking it up…you’d be surprised what gems you might find. Houston continues to amaze me, I really enjoy living here. 🙂 That’s all for now, until next time.

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Tea for You

I had myself a wonderful Valentine weekend and I hope yours was just as wonderful.


I seem to be filling my planner with more things than just my weekly plans. This is how this past week turned out, with Friday being Valentine’s I had a busy weekend. First off, I worked on Friday so I had to rush home and shower so I could be ready for The Boyfriend. We just stayed in and watched movies and ate sweets. For Valentine’s I made him heart shaped teabags, because he’s a tea fanatic. I also gave him a bike necklace that I bought at Houston Mini Pop Shop. I’ll post about that sometime soon.  And once again, I’m respecting his wishes to not be uploaded to the internet. So his face remains covered. Saturday we met up and went out to eat, we went off in search of discount candy. He bought me some washi tape and scrapbook paper, he’s adorable. We also went bike riding on our quest for cheap candy. He bought me peanut m&m’s, which are my favorite. I made him watch the romantic comedy About Time, an adorable movie btw. I love that he humors me and watches all these girlie movies but I promised him the next time we will watch a thriller or an action movie. XD This is the first time I’ve ever been in a relationship on Valentine’s and it was nice but I’ve always thought the holiday was nice. I don’t think valentinejarthere should just be one day devoted to showing how much you love someone. Family, friends…ect. You should try to show that love every day in some way, it doesn’t have to be in some extravagant way but something as simple as a phone call or a letter can make someone feel good. But I really wanted to take part in the cheesy aspect of this holiday. So instead of giving sweets I went with the heart tea bags. I love crafting, so I picked out different types of teas and deconstructed them and created heart shape bags for the tea leaves. When I gave it to him, he was surprised and seemed to have really liked it. He wanted a cup of tea right then and there. He loves handmade gifts…at least that’s what he’s told me. >.< I also knitted him a heart, because frankly I adore knitting them and it was the perfect decoration for the jar. The necklace was made by an artist I met at Houston Mini Pop Shop. Again, I will mention more about that event in my next post. But just know he is amazing!

This was an amazing weekend, but now I return to work and homework and my feet are killing me. >.<  Today’s song is most fitting…A Day with You by Daniela Andrade [audio:]

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{Mind} -Updates

Some of you might not know this, but my sister’s and I share a craft blog, Mind-Speaks, that we “try” to update monthly. We fell behind on updating towards the end of 2013 but hopefully we can start updating it again. Mija gave the site a facelift to make it look more professional this year. I absolutely adore it.

We hope to open our Etsy store as well, here’s a list of things we plan on selling.

The product list is still being decided but so far this is what we are thinking of making and selling for our store. I’m on a quest to find pleather so that I can make assorted clutches. I’ve never used pleather or any other imitation leather before so I’m hoping I can start that soon.  Also this Sunday my sisters and I plan on attending Mini Pop Shop that is hosted here in Houston. If you’re in the Houston area and love DIY/crafty things then this is the event for you. We plan to scope it out and then hopefully sell some of our own products at a future Pop event. :3 I love that things like this exist in my city, every time I tried to go to a previous one it was either cancelled due to weather or something else came up. So I’m hoping Sunday will be the day I can finally go to one. There’s also one on March 9th in case you can’t make it to this one. If you’re not from the area, then you should look up craft fairs in your own city, you could expose yourself to something new and different, maybe even meet new people and create new friendships.

… continue reading this entry.

Blast You Mental Math!

Friday was the first time I was on the cash register at work. I had no desire to ever be on a register but my manager wanted everyone to be trained in both areas. So I dreaded it, it became a constant worry for me. She kept putting my training off and I remained a server for the past few weeks. Until today, she had me on an actual drawer. I thought, there’s no escaping it now, I started having flashbacks to when I was a child and I was learning how to count money for the first time. It was a horrible time for me. XD I’m being drastically dramatic about this.

Flashback: Second grade. age 7? We had started this “Class store”, each student would bring in a nick knack to sell. Our teacher would put a price on it and then if you wanted to buy something you used money you earned with your grades. It was obviously play money, but you earned X amount for every A and B ect. Anyway, I decide to bring in this rubber goldfish to sell in the store. I have no clue where it came from, possibly a gum ball machine, but the minute I placed it on the table I knew that I had to buy it to get it back.  No idea why I was filled with such regret but I knew  I had to work fast to buy it before one of my snot nosed classmates tried to. I hurried to my collection of paper and plastic money, the cost of my rubber goldfish escapes me now, but it couldn’t have been that much. All I remember is how much I struggled with counting out the amount needed to purchase it. Lunch time came so, unlike in real life, I kept the goldfish at my desk so that I was guaranteed to own it once again. I managed to buy it, but I still can remember the struggle I went in order to claim it as my own. End of dramatic flashback.

Anyway, to sum things up. Simple addition and subtraction, along with all the complex things about math, are the pain of my existence. But thankfully today wasn’t as busy so it was the perfect time for me to learn. And it didn’t take me that long to pick things up, I just need to practice simple addition. And as embarrassing as it is to admit it I’ve turned to the internet for help and have found this children’s game, Cash Out.  Medium level is just perfect, gives me similar amounts I might see at work.  Of course, in this game my customers are zoo animals, but hey I suck at counting and at least I’m trying to fix that….right? >.< Most customers use cougar cash or regular debit/credit cards, but a few used cash today. Nothing too difficult and some even gave me exact change which was awesome.  Besides working on my mental math, I also have to remember to go slow when pushing buttons. We have a huge menu so there are a lot of items that might be confused for each other. So learning where everything is on the register is something I will learn over time. But all in all, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. And my manager was really patient with me, thank goodness. Tuesdays and Thursdays are a lot crazier than Fridays so I’m  nervous but after Friday, a lot of my nerves have calmed down a bit. 🙂

This subject made me think of an episode of How I Met Your Mother, when they discussed knowledge gaps. Everyone has a few gaps somewhere, and one of mine just happens to be mental math. -.- Hopefully, I get a bit better because of this though. What about you, any knowledge gaps you’d care to share to make me feel less embarrassed?

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So I spent my Saturday cleaning up my apartment. Normal Saturday, I finally get around to studying, it takes me awhile to get in the studying mood but it happens. I’m attempting this whole trying not to procrastinate. :/

Anyway, so I sit at my desk and I dive into Chapter 1: Biology Exploring Life, I don’t get very deep because a minute later my cell rings. I look and notice it says that a private number is calling me. Due to my blasted curiosity, I answer it. It’s a man on the line, he mumbles, “Kimberly?” I ask who is calling, and then he mumbles something else in a thick accent. I keep asking who is calling, he then says someone named Albert gave him my number. I finally catch what he had been mumbling earlier and continued doing so.

“You have sex for money?”


… continue reading this entry.

Get Organized!

I recently purchased a planner for 2014 as an attempt to be more organized. I mean, I don’t usually have trouble remembering deadlines or anything and I just used the calendar on my cell to remind me. But this year I wanted to return to having a written planner. And I found the best one ever! It’s a moleskine planner with Vader on the cover. It was the only  one at Barnes&Noble so I took it as fate.

How perfect is this planner? A planner to match my pocket Star Wars notebook, the Moleskine site doesn’t seem to offerplanner14 the Vader planner online, but they have other ones if you’re interested. Zie Darling always posts pictures of her planner, and I love how colorful it is. I always wish I was an artists so I could doodle cute drawings everywhere. And looking at her pictures makes me want to go shopping for post-its and washi tape. Or just office supplies in general.  I also wanted to buy a planner for my boyfriend as a birthday present. I wasn’t going to mention him, but now I feel it is safe to do so. Yes, I’m dating again. I don’t intend to go into too much depth, but I’ll share a few things here and there. Like, his birthday weekend. XD He came over Saturday and we watched movies, I bought him cheesecake which he made the mistake of leaving what’s left (it is now all gone) of it at my place. :9Then Sunday we went bike riding all over the place, it was exhausting yet so much fun. We went to the UH campus for my McAlister’s meeting and then from there we went to Les Givral’s Kahve. FYI: He doesn’t like having his picture taken nor does he want it uploaded to the internet. So for now this is all I will post. It was a lot of fun spending this past weekend with him, even though I was sore from using muscles I didn’t even know existed, bike riding is so much fun. It always was when I was little, but now that I can do it as an adult it makes me even more happy. Even though it is a hassle to bring my bike down the stairs and back up when I come home, when I go bike riding with him those little hassles don’t seem to matter,  I live in a second floor apartment and I keep my bike on the balcony to get it out of the way. Eventually I hope to be able to lift my bike without any problems. But until then, I will have to look like a weakling whenever I try to get it on/off the bus. >.<


This other picture is after we went to see the movie Her, it was a cold night and he was a gentleman and gave me his extra jacket to wear under my coat. I forgot to return it to him before we parted ways that night so I held it hostage until the next time we saw each other. Super comfy jacket, may have even slept in it. >.< Anyway, so I had a great weekend, ended it with a family dinner. Kat and I don’t get to see our parent’s/the weirdos too often so when we do it’s always nice.

So do you just use your cell calendar to keep yourself organized, or do you prefer actually using a planner? If you do, then do you have a particular planner layout you like, or am I the only one who is picky? XD That’s it for now, I’ll update again soon.

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Her~Film Reivew

So I should start of this review and mention how there might be spoilers, I mean they just might slip out as I share my opinion of this film. So this is me warning you, if you dislike spoilers…DO NOT read on. Here’s the trailer of Her, in case you missed it.

This film is set sometime in the future, not too far from our own. The protagonist, Theodore, played by Phoenix is a lonely man- not a hermit or an introvert that prefers staying locked away. He’s heartbroken due to his not exactly recent separation from his wife. So his introvert attitude is something he acquired after his separation. Which makes sense, you don’t necessarily want to be around other people when you’re feeling sad.herfilm People handle pain differently, and he pulled away from others. In one of the comedic/ awkward sex scenes, Theo enters a chat room where he is connected to a woman of his choice. They begin a sex phone session, after flirting a bit. I say it is awkward because of the moaning and groaning that happens. But a point that is brought up more than once is the fact that he wanted attention yet turned to a less physical form of it. Which is why I think he turns to his OS later on in the movie. Theodore works for a company called Beautifully Handwritten Letters. He is paid to write meaningful letters for any occasion. He deals with emotions every day yet passes them off as belonging to others. Not something I think everyone could accomplish. The technology in this movie doesn’t seem too far off from what we use. Computers, cell phones, ear pieces which everyone seems to own.  They connect to their “cell phones” along with a “Seri” type voice….that is until he upgrades to his own personal (Scarlett Johansson) OS. These are somehow personalized due to a set of questions you answer in the initializing phase. He chooses his to have a female voice, which of course he would, I mean he’s suffering from loneliness. So a female voice would be most comforting to him.

… continue reading this entry.

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