Inside Kimmy's Mind

Kit-Kat: Chef Extraordinaire

Today is my little sister’s birthday! She’s 21, I cannot believe it. I still have memories of the night she was born. -.- I wasn’t her biggest fan then. I actually recall hating her, that is before I met her of course, because after that she became one of the most important people to me.

jobrokatchibiPerhaps hate is too strong of a word, but I was young and all I knew was that she was the reason my mom wasn’t reading me a bedtime story that night. It felt as though my mom was gone for weeks, I believe it was a day or two. I know…pretty melodramatic of me. The next day I remember riding the elevator and walking into a hospital room and there was my mom, laying in a bed. She looked tired, but it was like she was glowing. I know they say that when women are pregnant, but I just remember seeing her and being filled with this immense joy that all I could do was run and jump on the bed to hug her. There was this box thingy next to her, I remember my mom pointing to her but I can’t remember caring that much about it. I was near my mom so that’s all that mattered to me at the time. It wasn’t until this mommy-stealing baby came home and became Kathy, MY baby sister. I remember just always wanting to be near her, always wanting to help my mom take care of her. She was the cutest baby ever, fat cheeks and legs. Growing up with my sisters was/is amazing, and being in the middle, has taught me how to be a younger and older sister to two very talented women.  (The lovely picture was drawn by our brother-in-law, Jody Robertson)

We stayed up making macrons, (I’ll write a post on that later), I woke up to find that she had eaten most of them. But hey, she will just have to make some more. So here’s to you, my-not-so-little-anymore-baby-sister. You are definitely one of a kind and I’m happy to be your sister and roommate. Now, what are we eating for dinner? 😛


That’s all for this post, until next time…thanks for reading and commenting.

My Days…

I’ve started training at the museum this past weekend. It was a lot of fun, but was definitely exhausting. I had three parties on Saturday.  Started the morning with a dino party, then moved on to a deluxe Astro with a Star Wars theme. It was like they knew I would be training today. And ended with a butterfly party.

The first party was for a 7 year old boy, and like most little boys, he was extremely hyper. It was his birthday after all. My trainer was super nice, she answered all my questions and was just great. Dino parties will be the most tricky, because there is some information I will have to learn while giving this tour. Hopefully I can memorize some facts. The second party, the Star Wars one was really cool. It was for a 5 year old and these parents brought all their own decorations and even hired a Darth Vader impersonator. This was a deluxe party, meaning they had the big room with the round tables. The astronomy parties have a planetarium show instead of a tour. My job for this one is to make sure the guest arrive in time and then bring them back to their party room after it has finished. The third party was a butterfly one for a little 3 year old girl. This one is where I have to manage time more closely. I will have to keep an eye on how much time they spend in the bug room and how much they spend in the actual rainforest. Then I make sure to take them back to their party room at a certain time.

… continue reading this entry.

A Bit of Pop

This past weekend was Pop Shop, which is this amazing craft event that lasts two days and happens twice a year. They have smaller events known as Mini Pops that I’ve mention in the past but this was even more amazing and being apart of it was absolutely wonderful.

Photo by Marisa Brodie

My sisters and I were asked to host a craft table, we share an art blog known as Mind-Speaks where we each post creative projects that we are working on. We wrote a guest post over at the Pop Shop blog. And of course Mija updated about it over at M-S and on her personal blog as well.

It was a blast, I was afraid people wouldn’t be interested in it but luckily there was a great turn out. There were a couple of people who were very enthusiastic about it too. They came back to make more or they brought along friends with them. It was a nice feeling to inspire someone creatively. I hope we managed to do that if not more. The little kids were adorable, the ones that were old enough to stamp the corks down themselves were still young enough to find it magical. But who am I kidding, even the teens and adults thought it was magical. Their excitement after stamping a background pattern was just priceless. There were a few people who just weren’t interested and that’s fine, but some of those who weren’t interested ended up returning after seeing tons of people with the cork necklaces. Even vendors started looking for us.

Jellyfish by Nothing but a Pigeon//etsy//blog

Mug by The Barking Bunny//etsy//site

On to the goodies! I bought this adorable jellyfish to ease the pain of losing a great stewardess bag that only cost 12 bucks!!! >.< I waited and of course someone else bought it. But Mr. Jelly totally made me happy. How cute is he? The artist was unbelievably friendly. Being a knitter myself I always find crocheters fascinating. One day I hope I can learn how to crochet. Correction….one day I WILL learn how to crochet. Moving on, this adorable mug was given to me by my friend Ginger. I was debating whether or not to buy one after she had purchased a set of mugs from The Barking Bunny. But before I went off to buy it, she handed me her bag and said they were for Kat and me. How wonderful is she?! I absolutely adore her.
There were so many things I wanted to buy this weekend, but things tend to be more pricey at craft fairs. For understandable reasons.

Along with the craft fair, Sunday just so happened to be Star Wars day. I didn’t get a chance to go to the Star Wars art fair that was happening a couple blocks from Pop Shop. But maythe4thbewithyou I stayed up all night making this skirt. It was completely rushed and had so many flaws, but I love it nonetheless. It did its job and served me well. I’ve learned that I should always have trimming, no matter what. I need to buy that stuff in bulk. You never know when you might need something trimmed with pretty ruffles or pleats. Any who, it’s filled with tons of mistakes if you examine it closely, so don’t do that. I need to buy more Star Wars fabric so I can better prepare for next year. I ran out of fabric so I had to use some left over galaxy fabric I had. But it came out alright for doing it in one night, rushed and messy but I was glad I made something to wear. Did some buns too, Leia buns look more like cinnamon rolls but doing the whole sock bun makes them all round and perfect, so I went with that approach. I was hoping we would make it to the Star Wars art fair, but the line was too long and we were all tired from being at the studio two days in a row. So we went out to eat instead and just relaxed and talked. It was a wonderful weekend, we had so much fun and we hope to continue doing these fun art fairs.

I think I should end this entry now. But before I go, a few small things that I’ll talk more about on my next post. Went to an interview for Houston Press on Wednesday. Got the job, and this Thursday was my last day at the deli!!! Also…I’ve passed two of my grades so far with an A and a B!!!! I made a B in Biology!!!! Crazy, I was afraid I wasn’t even going to get a C but I managed to get a B!!! Damn, I’m so happy. This means I won’t have to retake it for my science credit. Yay!!! I’m such in a good mood. Ok, more next time…until then.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

How I Spent My Day


everything and nothing.

This was my Saturday.

Ok, I should have been studying yet I found myself doing other things. I woke up three hours earlier than I had planned to, an early 9:30. Impressive, no? I find it strange that I wake up early on the days I don’t have to be anywhere. I should have gone out for a bike ride, eaten lunch with Kat or again studied for my finals. -.- Why is procrastinating so easy?!

I washed towels,

   ate junk,

     took a shower,

         took forever to straighten my hair,

             painted corks.

                  and took this picture.

Then I proceeded to watch movies. Tons of movies. It was nice, yet I obviously worried about the things I should have been doing yet made no effort to do those things. I couldn’t just lie down and watch I also had to be browsing the internet. Reading blogs, or writing in my own. Remember a time when multitasking wasn’t a thing? You would read a book or watch a film, or listen to music and only do those things one at a time. We have such low attention spans now and we get bored so easily, as I child I could sit and color for hours or watch TV and just veg out, but now I need to be doing something along with vegging out. XD So odd.

Today is now Sunday and I actually slept in. It was wonderful, I’m still watching movies but I’ll eventually make the time to study…I have to. My finals are on Friday, and I need to make one last effort in doing well in these classes. I also need to make time to finish sewing, but sewing can frustrate me and that’s probably why I’m avoiding it at this time. -.-  Now to eat some more junk and finish watching some Miyazaki movies before I  begin studying. So boring. But the semester is almost done so that’s something to look forward to. Along with my new job at the museum! That’s right, I’m officially an employee of The Houston Museum of Natural Science. Took my ID picture and everything. Now I just need to read the handbook.

Hope your weekend was relaxing as well and thanks for reading and commenting.


Good Vibes

So last week was definitely a brighter one, and I’m so glad to have people in my life that make the difficult times more endurable and the fantastic times more well….fantastic. :3

First off, I should warn you that this entry will be filled with lots of pictures…I just want to share them all instead of posting them in more than one entry. >.< I had my interview at the Science Museum on Wednesday, and it went GREAT! The ladies I interviewed with were just wonderful. They gave me stickers to walk around the museum for free, while I was instagraming some dino bones they found me and asked me to fill out a background check information sheet. They said they couldn’t wait and wanted to start the hiring process…however, anything could happen so I don’t want to jinx it just yet. But I’m really excited about working in a museum. After walking around for a bit more I called all my family to tell them how well it went. I know, a bit premature but I was just so excited. Anyway, I headed home to get ready for my night out with Melissa and Kat. We had plans to go out for some tiramisu and then after that to an evening of great music at the House of Blues. Melissa introduced us to the band Merriment and Eisley and invited us to the concert. I’m so glad she did, because it was just wonderful.

… continue reading this entry.

Graduation Date Decided

I’ve been in college for far too long and I have a list of reasons as to why that is. However, if I were to write down that list then it would just be a list of excuses. Because the hard truth is, is that I did college ALL wrong. As hard as it is to admit that, it is true and I’m now suffering because of it.

As gloomy as that opening may sound, I don’t intend for this entry to be a negative/whiny one. Because I said in my last post that I would try to be more positive when handling my frustrations. So here is me trying to move past my frustrations instead of dwelling on them. What’s in the past is in the past. Although, I would be lying if I did not have lingering worries on the subject, because lets face it….life will continue to have its worries. I just have to figure out how to solve them. I had an appointment with my counselor today, she went over the classes that I still needed to take in order to graduate. I let her know that I want to graduate no later than 2015. So as of now, I plan to graduate Fall 2015. I was hoping for the spring but there is no hope of that happening. I have too many classes that I still have to take. I will make a vague list of those classes. Well let’s start with the Fall semester, I have already enrolled in the following classes for the next fall semester.

… continue reading this entry.

Just the Cherry on Top: Away Negative Thoughts

Last week was just absolutely disastrous. One thing on top of another and I just hate that I had to have an emotional breakdown instead of just moving pass it while in the moment.

4-7-14outfitI was typing out a long blog entry and then I noticed that rehashing what happened word for word did more harm than good. I had started this post on Friday but wasn’t in a blogging mood so I didn’t finish it. I said I would always blog both the good and bad things that might happen in my life but I think paraphrasing might be better in this case.

-career fair was a bust, spent so much energy on being bummed about that, that I wasn’t focused on anything else
-Forgot I had a test on Friday after work, couldn’t concentrate on work which lead to wrong orders and tea over flowing
-Bombed said test, only to find out later that I could have rescheduled it during the next exam and actually make time to prepare for it.

So that’s the gist of my dark week, and all while that was happening I also hadn’t seen the bf in two weeks. -.- I don’t see myself as a high maintenance girl, but not seeing him made me uneasy. We’ve both been busy and any time we did talk it was just me complaining about jobs and school. I’m sure that was starting to get annoying. Even I was getting annoyed by my negative and whiny rants. Sometimes ranting is good, other times it can be too much if that’s all that’s said.  I don’t know if it was because everything seemed to be extremely shitty that I let my worrying carry over to other aspects of my life, but I knew I didn’t want to continue feeling like this. I finally decided to tell him about it, and who would have thought…communicating actually helps. -.- Guys are so good at causing us girls to over analyze things. They’re also really good at making those doubts disappear, but only when they know something is bothering you. He was so comforting, I should have known better than to let my insane thoughts get the better of me. Both with school and my relationship. I should give him more credit, even though there are times we misunderstand each other there are also more moments when he knows exactly what to do. He says the perfect things to ease my worries.

Anyway, I’m gonna try to be more optimistic. When you have a negative mindset then of course it will ruin your day from start to finish. It’s hard, especially when things seem overwhelming but I can’t undo what has happened, I can only learn from it and hope to god it doesn’t happen again.  Oh, I want to thank Melissa from Cloudy Chase for coming to have lunch with me last Thursday during my break. It totally made my day, also I still have your birthday present so we must get to get together soon. <3<3

I also got to spend time with the weirdos on Saturday, it was the bro’s birthday as well. We went to Choo Choo Sushi for lunch, then we went to Rustika to pick up his birthday cake and shared a tres leches parfait. We also spent some time with Kat during her break and had some berripop frozen yogurt. Good times.

Here’s to being optimistic. :3 Thanks for reading and commenting.

Me + Time: All Over the Place

Last Friday night I went into a cleaning frenzy…sadly the apartment is a mess again. I blame Hurricane Kat for that though. 😛 Any who, so I spent last Saturday out and about.

outfit3-22-14I wore this dress,  I keep meaning to sew a strange rip on the side. It’s such a cute knitted dress but it’s sooooo delicate. It’s just a rip in the first layer, and until I sew it up I just cover it with my tan cardigan.  >.< Lazy I know. Recently I’ve been desperately wanting a pet cat. But I just remember living with Tomo and Missy and their…litter boxes. But I love love LOVE cats! If I could have one right now, I would want a ragdoll one, I mean most cats are adorable but these are just gah!!! And don’t even get me started on munchkin cats. I’ve always wanted a cat with blue or different color eyes. My cats have always had green or yellow, I’ve been missing Kozi and Mr a lot lately. Probably because I haven’t been home in awhile. Why are cats so adorable?! But they come with their own cons.

  • Litter box
  • Their claws discovering the couch, carpet, clothes…basically everything. Tomo would chew on anything with string.
  • Wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving the cat alone at home…especially while its still in curious kitten mode.
  • Rent would go up even higher. -.- Not to mention the cost of vet bills, food, litter, damage to blinds or anything else belonging to the apartment. Not pretty.
  • What if I get a cat and it’s mean and hates me? Mr. was a mean kitty, but I learned how to accept his dramatic attitude. And now he’s just a grumpy old man cat, still love the four legged baby though.

Running out of cons, because let’s face it cats are just amazing. But I don’t have the means to take care of one at the moment. Plus the boyfriend is a huge cat person as well, and we’ve both said that if either of us got a cat the other would then only pay attention to said cat. That would probably happen a bit in the beginning, especially if it’s a kitten. They grow up so fast, but having them that small scares me because I’m worried they will get hurt when I’m not around. So for now, looking at other people’s cats will just have to do. Courtesy of instagram.

So wanted to share a recent ebay buy… this! I love it, but now I want to buy the green one, if I’m not careful I will get addicted to ebay. newbagI also ordered something else but haven’t received yet. Will share once I do, but anyway back to this awesome bag. I am afraid it will get damaged while wearing it out, odd thing to say. It is just a bag, and I’m being dramatic about it, but I LOVE it. It comes with two detachable straps so I can wear it like a backpack or a messenger bag. I’ve preferred wearing it as a backpack though.  I’ve been really bad this month, eating out and spending money on things I don’t actually need. I need to be better from now on. -.- I will try my best.

So I’ve been looking for internships and such for when the summer comes. I really need a higher paying job, and it would be great if the higher paying job could actually be something I could use as experience for a different career. Or something that will enrich my resume. I felt so blah when I was creating my resume to apply for this position at the Houston Museum of National Science. I could totally see myself working in a museum, so I’m really hoping I get this position. Of course I know I don’t actually stand a chance, so I’m not holding my breath. There’s a career fair on my campus next week so I’ll attend that and pass out my resume there and hope for the best. But I know I can’t just wait for something to happen, I have to make it happen.

So as another month approaches, here’s to being better and making life the way I want it to be. :3 How do you handle resume building? I wish mine was more impressive but even if it’s empty now, it won’t always be that way. Until next time….

Thanks for reading and commenting.

First Kisses

So Kat shared this video with me, it’s a look into how humans react to a first kiss with a stranger. I mean, granted these people are strangers and they don’t have any feelings for each other, but it was still interesting to see how they reacted to kissing. I mean a kiss is one of the most amazing/intimate things two people can share.


And they could very well just be actors, but it still made me think of how I reacted to my first kiss….to all my first kisses. I mean, it’s strange to think back on it. When I was junior high, I would watch every romantic comedy and get that warm fuzzy feeling whenever I saw the characters kiss for the first time. I mean, that’s what the movie is leading up to, I mean besides the conflict and resolution. I was obsessed with the first kiss scenes in movies. I would imagine what my first kiss would be like. (FYI-I wouldn’t find out until I turned 18, which is pretty embarrassing to admit. >.<)  Anyway, my point is that I found first kisses/ kissing in general to be magical. Since that first kiss, I’ve had a total of 6 first kisses. But only 3 were with guys that became boyfriends, but that’s a story for another entry. I mean, I know that movies have this unrealistic vision when it comes to romance, but sometimes reality can let in moments that are so perfect that you feel as though you’re watching them on a screen.

 In a relationship a first kiss can be nerve wracking, you’re embarrassed yet eager to kiss this person you’re beginning to like. Kissing them for the first time is scary, you don’t know where hands should go or the rhythm of that person yet. You want them to want to kiss you again, but you don’t feel the need to show off in a first kiss. These strangers were only going to make out once…I mean for this video anyway. So of course they wanted the other person to walk away thinking, damn that person can really kiss. In the film above, I feel as though the goal was to impress not only the person they were kissing but also whoever ended up watching the video.

That’s all I wanted to share in this entry. Oh, and I’m sure if you’ve seen this video then you’ve probably seen a parody or two that follows it. Some made me laugh, some were a little too much. But what’s your opinion of the video, or first kisses in general? Until next time…

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Last Minute Weekend Plans

So for several years, my sisters and I would go to conventions to see Japanese rock bands in concert. But as we got older we slowly stopped attending Oni-con. (08, 09, 10) So when my sister asked me to come with her to Anime Matsuri, I just kept remembering all the annoying things that went with going to conventions.

But I decided to tag along with her and Jody, the boyfriend was helping out a friend during the con so I got to hang out with him as well. He managed to get me in to the staff section of the cosplay contest, so that was interesting to see. I admire those that are capable of making their own costumes. And seeing how much they shine when they are portraying a favorite character is just nice. They looked so confident and happy showing off their creations. I finally got to wear my Alice March Hare costume that I had made for Halloween, but I still haven’t finished it. The hat and feet still need to be done, and I need a yellow vest and the jacket I made is too snug. We were also able to get in the front of the line for the (Nightmare) concert. But I was never able to make it all the way through a jrock concert, and the minute some idiots started to crowd surf I knew I wouldn’t be up front for long. Mija can withstand it, she’s always been capable of that. Luckily in this venue, there were stands we could sit in, I’m more of a laid back concert goer…aka old. My feet were hurting. >.< The boyfriend and brother-law found me and sat with me when they were taking pictures. Going to an event such as this with awesome people makes it so much more enjoyable. My favorite thing was having pictures of the bf and I taken in secret, Mija managed to snap a few and the bf’s friend took a “candid” one for us as well. I’m hoping to get my hands on a copy of those soon. This was the first time Mija and Jody would meet Igor, I originally wanted them to me in a more formal way. We’d go out to eat and they’d meet him like that, but seeing as he was there and they were there I couldn’t very well let them walk away without introducing him to them. And I think it worked out for the better, he wasn’t as shy as totorohe usually is so the environment made it easier for him to be himself. So I’m happy they finally had the chance to meet him, and later on I hope the four of us can make time to go out to eat or something. (HINT HINT Mija!!!) I’ve been wanting a huge Totoro plushie for awhile now, but they are just so pricy and I would have felt bad spending a lot of money on a stuffed animal…even though he’s just so cute. Mija picked this one up for Kat and Me for 20 bucks. He’s a puppet, isn’t he adorable?! Too cute, one day I hope to get a giant one though…one day. So Sunday was the last day of the con, we had planned to go but when the bf got to my place super early he noticed he had misplaced his tag to get in. -.- He definitely was not pleased, so due to that and rain we decided to spend Sunday at my place. It started off by taking a nap. It was wonderful, we eat had a couch to ourselves and just stretched out and slept. Conventions are exhausting, and I only went to one day. After sleeping for like 5 hours or so we woke up and I attempted cooking chicken again, he did the dishes while I prepared the chicken. How freaking cute is that?! The chicken might have been over cooked a bit, but still edible…for me anyway. He didn’t seem to mind, but he could have eaten it for my sake. >.< I’ll get better at it. I also made another green bean casserole, not sure if he liked that either but he said it was good. While we ate, I had him watch Ruby Sparks, which if you haven’t seen that movie then you must. It’s a great play on the manic pixie dream girl trope, and I wish it was also a novel. We watched another movie and then sadly he had to catch his bus back to his place. The weekend was wonderful and I hate that it had to end, but ready for a great week.

Oh Happy St. Paddy’s Day, I didn’t really think about it when I got ready this morning. My belt and boots are an olive green so that counts, right? XD I’m craving donuts again, so I might just scurry on over to Shipelys for some studying fuel….or hope the wife does it for me. XD


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