The Birth of Nina!
Today is my older sister’s birthday, I obviously do not have a memory of meeting her what with being a baby and all but I do have plenty of memories of her after that.
We usually have talks discussing our childhood, moments of nostalgia that sometimes make us tear up, and it’s weird to imagine life back then and to see where we are now…it’s also amazing. She’s always been there to guide and help me. She taught me how to play Barbies, which sounds bizarre but our games were planned out. Down to the many different outfits our dolls would wear. We matched. Sounds difficult but it was a lot of fun, and she’s the only one who could trick Kat and me into cleaning our rooms before playing “hotel”. -.- What can I say, we really wanted to play with her. Growing up together taught us each how to share. Sometimes, if we were lucky mom would buy things in threes. But some toys, such as game consoles were how we learned how to take turns. SEGA Genesis, our first console where we trained our hands in ABBABBA codes and cheats. Finally getting to the last level in The Lion King game back when I was in middle school. It was magical. Summers staying up for the entire night after we got the ps2, simply because we didn’t have a memory card and Kingdom Hearts was exciting. We would pass the controller around during boss stages after one would fail, it continued going around until one of us was victorious. Magical I tell ya.
And now here we are, each with a 3DS and still playing games together. I’m still pretty obsessed with Animal Crossing and that’s all thanks to her. Thanks for that. She can be extremely inappropriate at times, and immature but I don’t think she’d be Nina if she wasn’t. XD I love that now we are older we can still joke or be serious and just depend on each other no matter what. And to answer your question Nina, I have no idea what we were laughing about nor why we were in the living room with blankets on the floor. I think it was during Christmas or something? I dunno, I’ve slept since then.

Anyway, the point is I couldn’t imagine my life without my sisters in it so here’s to you Nina, Happy Birthday! I hope you get to meet Alan Cumming while in New York or see David Bowie walk down the street or something like that. That happens in New York, you know?
Thanks for reading and commenting.