Inside Kimmy's Mind

An Open Apology

As a child I always hated to admit I was wrong and some of that might have carried on to the adult me as well. But now, is it really a matter of who might be right or wrong?

I hurt someone important to me, it was unintentional…on both ends, yet misunderstandings are bound to happen in life. As are changes. I am going through some major changes in my life and I am sorry for not including this person, let’s change person to people, because there are two very important people that were excluded from these life changes. This wasn’t done on purpose, it was just how things occurred and I have no problem with apologizing for that.

I would hate for this “big change” to affect my relationship with these two people, even though I know it already has. However, it does not mean it needs to change things negatively from this point on. Things have changed yes, but one can’t go through life and expect all changes to be bad or be able to expect changes before they happen. I see this change as a good thing and I hope that with time they will also see it as good. Yes, I would like to have approached things differently but there is no point dwelling on what has already happened. After all, I still don’t have access to a time machine so I must face things as they are now. I want to clarify that I’m not updating my blog with this in hopes of avoiding or distancing myself from my current situation. I’m updating my blog, because this is why I have a one, to update about my life and I haven’t been doing that as much as I used to. And aside from summer courses, this is what has taken up space in my life.

I’m looking forward to the approaching  weeks and I hope you will continue to be there for me as I am always here for you.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Video Contest!

So She&Him are holding a video dance contest and I’m thinking of entering, not even to win. It just seems like a fun thing to do. I already have ideas, whether it will come out the way I want it to is probably unlikely but I really like the song and the music video is pretty cute. So why not? XD


Kat and I plan on filming it either tomorrow or on Saturday, the contest ends on the 28th so I’m hoping the weather cooperates with us and it at least comes out a bit decent. We shall see. If you plan on entering, let me know. I would love to see how your own video turns out. Now, I have no dancing skills whatsoever so this might turn out to be a disaster but I still think it will be something fun to do. You have to use the original video as a reference when creating your own, so I’m excited to just mash something up together. Well, I hope to do this, my laziness and lack of video editing and dancing skills my also prevent me from doing this.

I know I haven’t updated at all. I’ve just been in a funk, I haven’t had any motivation to do anything remotely creative, hence the want to attempt making a video for this contest. I’ve also been wanting to knit and sew something but I just haven’t done anything. I still have other entries to post and I just keep letting them sit here. I’ve promised myself to start updating regularly again. So here I go. ^.^

Question, has anyone ever entered a video contest before? Or any contest for that matter? I’d like to hear about it.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


I don’t know why, but I’m in a bit of a blogging lag. I guess finals left me feeling a bit lazy and not wanting to work on my computer. Good news is I passed all of my classes, now just have to keep moving forward. This summer I’m taking statistics and a Spanish class. I’m a bit scared, not sure how this will turn out.

So I’ve been planning on visiting a shop that sells macaroons for awhile now. And last week I finally got around to trying this shop. So cute, but they didn’t have all of the flavors that I wanted to try. But that just means I can go again and again until they do.  I updated awhile back about trying to make these little boogers. So tricky, but they still came out rather yummy. My sister made ours with a jelly glaze filling. The ones we tried at the store had a cream filling. It’s not something I will eat often, but every once in a while they will make for a nice treat. I think buying tiramisu is a lot more satisfying.

So the flavors I tried were:
Chocolate Hazelnut
Cookies and Cream
Chocolate Raspberry

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So today was the Houston Indie Book Fest and I couldn’t be more excited. This is my favorite event that happens every April here in Houston, it is the reason I discovered my love for the literary world. Well…for the publishing world.


I had a blast! I worked the CLMP table from 1 to 5, it was so much fun but I came home exhausted. I immediately passed out and didn’t wake up until 10:30. After being surrounded by so much fiction and writers I actually find myself being inspired. So I’ll start writing my story for workshop on Thursday. I just wish the weekend was longer. >.<

I only bought two things, I’ve been planning on buying hard copies of this journal for THE longest time and I finally did today. The First Line has to be one of my favorite literary journals. I keep wanting to submit a story to them but I always miss out on the lines that I want. The line for may is...”I started collecting secrets when I was just six years old.” And submissions are due May 1st. I didn’t even get to really look around the Festival too much because I was already so tired. But I got what I wanted to buy and I had fun manning the table. I’m definitely going to start my story after I post this blog entry. My sister went around and filmed the festival so I plan on making a small video so you can see how awesome it was. Also, I had a surprised visit from my dancing partner, Julian, mentioned in this entry. It was nice catching up with him and he even stayed awhile to help me sell books. You’ll see in the video I post below. It was nice seeing him, it’s been awhile. Anyway, so I’ve just been craving some time to just create something. Be it writing, knitting, sewing, or even filming a vlog about something. There are several vlogs I want to make. Like about products I use, or an outfit of the day, especially this Houston series I desperately want to start. Which would  basically be a vlog where I introduce my favorite shops and restaurants that make me love living in Houston.

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A Ruckus

I was going to  rant about class credits and minors, but something else happened the other day that I have to vent. Sorry, but this is a ranting post but I think you might want to hear about it, especially seeing as all of my readers are pretty much female. So in my literary studies class we are reading Death of a Salesman. I arrived not expecting the discussion to take the turn that it did, and I had no intention of speaking up. I’ll try to keep this short.

So my professor opened up the discussion about whether or not growing up without a father does any damage to a person. The character in the play Willy grows up without one and whatnot. So my class contains only women. Several of which grew up with their dad not being present in their lives…they spoke up so I’m not speculating. I want to discuss what two particular classmates of mine said during our discussions. Let’s call them Girl A and Girl B. So both A and B grew up with out their dads. I had said, that I felt it depends on how a person handles certain things in life that determines whether or not having a dad or not will hurt or better them. I know there are probably studies that show children do better with both parents, but there are also kids from a single parent house hold that accomplish a lot because of how they were raised. Girl A starts to spout about how she didn’t need her dad and that it does depend on the person. I digress, on to the real rant…so my professor leads the discussion to the job of a husband and wife in a house hold. For every dollar a man makes a woman makes 77 cents. I’ve always known that men have been paid more than women. Girl A starts to speak up again, she looks at the difference and says, “It’s so sad.” My teacher begins to question her and asks why. She then starts saying how it’s a pill women have to swallow and how horrible it is. But to just swallow it. O.o huh? I couldn’t believe my ears.

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This has been a draft for already three weeks, so now I’m just going to post it.

So last last… last Friday, my family and I went to Mission Texas to visit my grandparents. Even though I have hopes to maybe one day travel to different places, I hate long car rides. They are uncomfortable for all who are involved. So I usually try to time travel and sleep the entire drive. That means I miss out on scenery and road trip games. But let’s be honest…are those always fun? Not for this road trip. Anyway, so we left our house around 5 AM and Kat and I did not sleep that night so I was pretty grumpy. Not that I’m a morning person to begin with. After packing up the truck we left the house while it was still dark out. I went to sleep and didn’t wake up until 9 AM, that was when we stopped at a McDonald’s for breakfast. Just had a biscuit with jelly and an orange juice. After that we continued our drive, Kat started feeling a bit nauseated and we had to pull over but she just had a mile case of car sickness. We took another nap and arrived at my grandparent’s house by noon. I was still sleepy so after I said my hellos I fell asleep on the couch.

When I woke up again we went to buy some Pan Dulce (sweet bread). The valley has the best fruit and sweet bread compared to my home town so it’s always nice to pick some up from a local valley bakery. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pictures of that and I regret it. I usually always take pictures of food. >o<  I did managed to snap a picture of this picture of my grandparents when they were younger. According to my dad and tio, it was a day they spent at the zoo. They look like normal parents in this picture. I just mean I don’t really know my grandparents too well. My grandmother only speaks Spanish and I know none so we can’t really communicate with each other. But the grandparents I knew/know are not these people in this picture above. Does aging really continue to change you? I’ve seen my grandmother on a occasion joke with my grandfather but they don’t have the same love my parents have for each other. I look at my parents and see that loving someone forever is possible. But when I think of my grandparents, I see an understanding and the remains of a love once had. As depressing as that sounds, I like to think they were once in love. The kind of love that would lead to four children and I’m sure they still love each other now. After all, my grandmother tends to my aging grandfather. He’s 91. But then again, I think about their time and age and can only hope that when I meet someone I want to spend the rest of my life with I’ll still be with him when he reaches 91.

Sorry, I didn’t intend for this to be deep. I was going to discuss how I got food poisoning but I’m trying to write an essay for class and I’m distracting myself with this blog draft that should have been updated last last week.  I have other things I want to discuss but I’ll save it for an entry I can actually dedicate some time to. Until then.

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.


So here’s another currently creative post, I’ve actually have quite a bit to share with you.

So I’m not much of a cook/baker. I’m horrible at following cooking instructions and I’m very impatient. I do however enjoy being an official food taster. I have no problem eating any of the delicious foods my sister Kat decides to make. And the great thing about having a sister who plans on becoming a pâtissier is getting to eat all of her yummy creations. Once I discover a recipe for her to tackle she usually always decides to try it out. The results are always wonderful and it’s always fun to see her mind work while attempting new recipe.

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I love when these type of tags are going around the blogosphere. It’s just nice to show love to your fellow bloggers and there are tons I adore. I was nominated by my lovely sister Mija and I love just having any excuse to update my blog.

VBA Rules

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.

2. Include a link to their blog.

3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!) Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.

4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

So here are the 15 I nominate. These are bloggers that inspire/entertain me and I’m always happy when they update. So keep blogging my fellow bloggers. Obviously I know you might be too busy to update about this so don’t feel as though you have to. 😀

                                          Zie Darling/Lissa/Essie/Nick/

Seeing as the person who nominated me is my sister, there isn’t anything she doesn’t know but are 7 things about me.

  1. I knit and sew- haven’t had much time to do a lot of crafting but when I do, I always have a lot of fun.
  2. In elementary school, I played the Wicked Witch of the West in our production of The Wizard of Oz.
  3. I have an irrational fear of sloths and optometrists. >.<
  4. I hate cinnamon toothpaste.
  5. Like Mija, I’m also obsessed with my 3DS.
  6. I love French films.
  7. I’m the middle of two sisters. (Mija and Kat)

So there you have it, 7 things about me. I’m excited to see what my nominees 7 things are. And even if you weren’t nominated feel free to do this anyway. It’s all about spreading some blogger love. 🙂

Thanks for reading.

Shopping Hard Ons

So I don’t go shopping very often, and if I do that usually involves crafting supplies…or books. Which is fantastic because I enjoy those things…obviously.

But sometimes I wouldn’t mind shopping for girlie things such as shoes, clothes, and ….bags!  So this post is filled with wishful thinking. XD

You get the picture. I love purses, bags, clutches. I’m more of a messenger bag type girl but after I made myself a folded clutch I just consider myself a bag…girl. Not to be confused with the term bag lady. -.- I don’t mind any accessory but bags are my favorite. Now I usually use my Fred Perry bag for school. It’s black so it usually goes with most of my outfits. I found it about three years ago at Buffalo Exchange for a lucky 20 bucks. It was in great condition and these bags are pretty pricey if you buy them new. I would never be able to afford a designer bag if I didn’t find it at a thrift store. Any who, so this bag is wonderful, I usually keep it unzipped so it’s easier to pull things out but I’ve noticed that there have been some slight wear and tear areas. It makes me sad because I’m hoping this bag continues to last me. I love it.

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Something in the Water:Past, Present and Future

Yesterday was like any other day…I got up, got dressed, caught my bus and went to school. Normal day.

Not exactly normal.

I’m used to not being noticed, but recently I have been…well the opposite of invisible. Now, I am still standing by my whole wanting to remain single for awhile. But for some reason I must have a sign above my head that reads, “She’s open for business! Ask her out!”

Alright, maybe that’s a bit over the top. But it is how I feel at the moment.

So earlier this week, a guy, who I will now refer to as bike boy, I had seen bike boy a couple days earlier. I was sitting at a bench when he rode by on his bike and stared at me and smiled. Fast forward to later that week. He came up to me when I was in the middle of discussing a class assignment with a classmate when all of a sudden. Bike boy stops and stands near us for a bit not saying anything. He finally speaks to us. My classmate leaves and then he and I chat for awhile. We discuss majors and school life. He is from Siberia and is a Computer Science major I believe. Anyway, after we finish I say he asks for my email.

We met up in between classes one day. Walked around, talking a lot and then when I had to get to my next class. He then proceeds to take out a bouquet of flowers.

FLOWERS! I have never received a bouquet of flowers before. So you could imagine how shocked I was when he handed them to me. He told me he found me very interesting, I stood there like an idiot. Not exactly sure how he could find me interesting after talking to me twice. I had no idea what to say. He then left, saying see you soon and I was left holding flowers and still having another class to go to. Very weird. There is a culture gap so I’m not exactly sure what he meant by giving me these flowers and I really don’t want to assume anything.

 But if he is doing this as a signal that he is interested in me then I must say, where was this when when I wouldn’t mind having a blonde green eyed guy with an accent hit on me? I would be lying if I said this wasn’t an ego boost. Because, well it is. I mean, women want a guy to just be upfront and not play the whole guessing game. But the minute I decide I want to be single things start happening. There is just no winning. After this happened I felt as though I was starring in a Kdrama, because things like this just don’t happen in real life unless it is scripted.  As far as I know, flowers could mean a completely different thing to him. Still think the whole situation is bizarre though.

 Is it possible for members of the opposite sex to remain just friends, am I naive for hoping there is? Or will feelings on either side always end up developing and end up ruining any chance of that happening?

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