Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2009 » September » 2

Archive for September 2, 2009

Color Me Confused


Government class is ok.

Math is so so.

Painting looks fun.

Spanish class is…A NIGHTMARE!

Oh and I’m sick. -_-

I am so lost in that class. Apparently I didn’t understand what INT SPANISH I meant. I misread it as Intro to Spanish 1. But it actually means Intermediate Spanish aka Spanish 3! And I am in college? Sigh but in my defense the paper that listed the requirements for my major said nothing about taking a Spanish 1 and Spanish 2. It only said I had to take 2311 and 2312 Spanish courses. Which 2311 is Spanish 3. So wtf? Color me confused. I was so lost. The last time I took a Spanish class was what? Four years ago. I don’t remember the basic crap I should know to pass this class. I felt so sick just being in that class hoping it would end as soon as possible. I mean the teacher was really nice. And there were only 8 other students in the class which is an awesome number. See I have no problem reading Spanish. But I have no knowledge of basic sentence structure. So it would be insane for me to try to stick it out and risk failing the class. I have no idea how all of my exchange student friends were able to accomplish another language so fast. All of the exchange students that I met in High School had to deal with not  only one class in another language but more than one class. I feel so lame. -_- Anyway, so this nightmare lasted for three hours. I would catch a few things but most of the time I remained lost. I wish I was one of those people that could learn another language at the blink of an eye. But no. I mean really both of my parents speak Spanish. I have family that speak nothing but Spanish and I still never learned? This is seriously wrong on so many levels. So the entire three hours I kept thinking,”Shit I need to transfer into Beginning Spanish.” Yeah that is the course I should be in. So as soon as I got home I checked on the course availability list. The nightmare class is only on Tuesdays from 6pm to 9pm. So I needed a class to take its place. They only offered Beginning Spanish on Monday and Wednesdays and I have no open slots on those days. So I checked for another English class to take its place. (Stick to something I’m good at.) I mean eventually I will take Spanish but not this semester. There weren’t any English classes at the right time. So instead I will be taking Web Design (Mija will be proud) at the correct time only on Tuesdays from 6pm to 9pm. It seems perfect. I only hope it is. Another horrible part of this nightmare is that I don’t think I can sell back my 2311 Spanish books. Because I think they are getting a new edition. I hope I will be able to transfer to the web design class and not have any problems. So as soon as my Gov. class is over tomorrow I am heading to a counselor to change my class. Please let it go well. >_<

Painting seems like it is going to be fun. My cousin Ethan is in this class, so I will have someone to talk to. He gave me a ride home today. He always has such a nice vibe about him. I’m not exactly close with my extended family (and he is really my dad’s second cousin) But anyway I didn’t really grow up knowing him. To tell you the truth I met him my junior year. lol Anyway every time I do see him he always has a smile on his face and waves to me. He is so sweet. It makes me happy to know I do have nice people in my family. They aren’t all snobs.

Ok I just finished straightening my hair. I should get some sleep. Again please let things go great tomorrow. >_<