Spring Semester
So far I’m liking my teachers, and my classes are ok. I’m worried about my drawing class though.
I can’t draw. >.< I’m more of a painter, watercolor to be precise. I feel much more comfortable with a paint brush in my hand rather than a pencil or pen or….charcoal. >.< Charcoal is my weakness. I just suck at it. Every time I would draw something in art, I would immediately want to paint over it or add some color to it. Watercolor is just my forte this is actually similar to my Creative Writing class. Fiction and Non-fiction writing is my forte, but poetry? I like to read poetry, but not write it. So I hope I can go outside my creative comfort zone and create good portfolios this semester. I mean I shouldn’t sit in a box when it comes to my hobbies. Being creative means going outside the box right? So I should try my best.
So I’m already on week 2 of the new semester, and let me tell you having a three hour class on Wednesdays is tough. But its better than having a three hour class on Saturdays. o.O This class is History to Cinema and it only meets on Wednesday nights from 7 to 10…PM. So exhausting. I have a full day of classes on that day, it starts off with Sociology from 12 to 1 then art from 2 to 5 then the class that takes FOREVER to end. Don’t get me wrong it is actually pretty interesting. But I just don’t like being in a class room for 3 hours. My back starts to hurt and then I get hungry and sleepy all at the same time. It can get pretty uncomfortable. But I’m meeting some people this semester. No solid outside of the classroom friendships yet. But some nice classroom buddies that lead to some pretty interesting conversations. I’m not giving up hope yet, because I intend to make at least one friend that I can occasionally make plans with outside of school. What is it that friends do again?…Oh yeah stuff like have lunch, go watch a movie, or wonder around the mall window shopping which is actually pretty depressing. Especially when you see something you want. But I digress.
Exciting News!!!! My best friend had her baby on Tuesday. >.< He is sooooooooooo adorable. Babies sometimes make me uncomfortable. I don’t really like children. Especially when they are at the age where it is nothing but question after question. And I am aware of the fact that, that is how humans grow and learn. But when I am being asked questions that I can’t answer because either A: I have no clue what the answer is or B: it’s inappropriate for their age group and should be answered by their parents. -.- But anyway, my point is I don’t gush over babies. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate babies, I am just a bit uncomfortable around them. But since this is my best friend’s child I can’t help but think differently about him, he is just so freaking cute. And I couldn’t be happier for her and her husband. This bundle of joy is named Jaxson Wayne. I can’t wait to meet the sea-monkey, which is what I started calling him when he was the size of a sea-monkey. And I’ll probably keep calling him that, and he will probably find it very annoying. But tough love sea-monkey.
So going back to school. My creative writing class, is a mixture of poetry, nonfiction, and fiction writing. And like I said, I don’t like writing poetry. Unless it is completely free verse. (Drunk neighbors outside my window are really annoying -.-) And like many English classes, you are required to write journal entries. Which normally I have no problem doing. Last semester my teacher was awesome and made you post your entries on a blog every Sunday night. CONVENIENT. However, not every English professor sees the good in doing things that way. So I have to write a journal entry every other day and print it out. Ok I know what you are saying, “Big deal.” But actually it is a big deal especially on Wednesday nights cause I get home extremely late and all I want to do is sleep. And I don’t have a printer, so that means I have to make sure to get to school earlier enough and go to the library to print out my entries. Bleh. But luckily my wonderful mom has just bought me a printer for my room. So now I have the luxury of printing and scanning things…in the convert of my own room. ^.^ This excites me.
Ok I abused my Thursday, and instead of vlogging like I said I would I fell asleep on the couch…..AGAIN. -.- These couches are just so damn comfortable I couldn’t help but fall asleep. And it is very cold in the apartment so I usually snuggle next to one of the cats for warmth. I slept for at least 2 or 3 hours but I don’t even remember falling asleep. >.< This is already a long enough blog entry, I will update again soon. (unlike Kat who waits a whole year before she updates. -.-)