Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2011 » January » 14

Archive for January 14, 2011

Chipped No More!!!

Like I’ve said before in this entry and in this vlog, I have had crooked teeth for a long time. So things like this just make me so happy. I’ll post some pictures of my improved smile as soon as I can get my hands on Mija’s good camera. My camera doesn’t do well with zooming. Anyway, I’ve been in such a good mood today even though my jaw has been hurting. (no gross jokes please, that means you Mija) I’m not sure why it hurts last weekend I was eating some crackers and then all of a sudden the left side of my jaw started hurting. It doesn’t always hurt, only when I try to open wide. -.- (again no gross jokes please) Sometimes eating and brushing the back teeth hurt. But I’m really hoping its just like a neck crick and will just go away with time. -.-


So last weekend I went back to Houston to visit my grandmother.(An entry about that later) Mija took us to FIT, I love this store so freaking awesome. It sells things from Japan, and for Christmas Mija surprised me with a bento. And then last weekend I bought a notebook and these cute stamps. This store is pretty cheap, items are usually 2 bucks.  The stamps I bought are so freaking adorable, I just had to get them. One is of a sewing machine and the other is a ball of yarn and it says handmade. I couldn’t resist. >.<

So the other day I was reading, Elsie’s blog and this entry really peeked my interest, because of course FREE STUFF.  I really like the bags on this site. Especially the teal bag, too bad that wasn’t the one offered in the giveaway. But anyway, I just really like these bags. I like the colors, the size, its so freaking cute. However, I’m not too crazy about the price. 89$ >.< bleh. So the chance of getting that bag is pretty slim. That is a lot of money to spend on a bag.  But to make matters better, I went to Target today, and you know what I found? A teal bag for 22 bucks. It isn’t the same one on Jo Totes but I like it nonetheless. It has a bunch of pockets and its a great size too. So even though I can’t get the rose teal bag, the one I bought today is pretty awesome. I’m not usually a fancy bag person, but this bag was just adorable. And I was worried that if I didn’t buy it, I would never see it again!!!! lol Ok I know pretty dramatic for a bag. But what can I say?

So I update MS about the fingerless mittens I learned how to make.  As you can see, lately I’ve been obsessed with the color teal and with yarn. So I decided to combine those two things and makes something. I only know how to make the fingerless mittens and scarves, but I plan to learn how to make hats as well. I tried making a 3d heart, but it kept slipping off the needle and pissed me off. >.< So I decided to try again some other time. lol So my break is coming to an end, and that means going back to Houston. I’m not looking forward to waking up at a certain time and doing homework and catching metro. But I am a little excited to go back to school. I plan to make friends this semester… well attempt to anyway. -.-

Eliza Doolittle- Missing
