Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2011 » June

Archive for June, 2011

Day 21- Words of Advice

Today’s prompt was….

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?  Words of wisdom are awesome right?  Sometimes I just like to read through Proverbs to remind myself of all of that good advice.  What is the best advice you have gotten?


Its probably the most cliche advice ever spoken but its true. If you are busy being someone else then you won’t be truly happy. I know many people are afraid to actually be themselves around other people. But you shouldn’t have to worry about what others think of you. Granted you aren’t sacrificing little animals or doing something that harms yourself or others. :/

See you tomorrow with prompt 22. :D

Day 20-Wishes

Throughout my day, I sometimes catch myself wishing for a lot of things.  But when I sat down to think of 3 wishes for this prompt I had some trouble.

Today’s prompt was…

If you had 3 wishes today, what would they be?  These can be silly wishes, heartfelt wishes, deep desires, or practical wishes.  If you had 3 wishes right now, what would you ask for?

I usually wish for time to slow down, speed up, or even stop. And I of course wish for an actual money tree. How awesome would that be? For this prompt I went with wishes that might maybe come true. Like me finally getting a job, or passing math. I hope these come true. I should have wished for a car, but lets face it that’s not going to happen for a while. -.- But I do hope everyone’s wishes come true.

See you tomorrow with prompt 21. :)

Day 19-Super Powers

I really wish I could wake up one morning and have this ability. One day it might. >.< It was really fun to imagine, of course its a little disappointing that I don’t have this power at the moment. -.-

So today’s prompt was….

If you could have one superpower, what would it be??  I think that this silly little prompt may actually say a lot about who we are :)

It would be great if I could just absorb knowledge by simply touching a math book. And also to be able to retain it and understand it. I could ace my math class or any class for that matter with ease. Ok I know this might be considered cheating, but if you just see it as a photographic memory it would technically be cheating….-.- ok it still would be cheating. But blah blah, math sucks and I want nothing more than  to just pass my class. -.- I wish I had this power.  Normally I would have gone with teleporting as well but then I saw my math book and just wish I could absorb how to do everything.

See you tomorrow with prompt 20! :)

Day 18-Dream Job

This has to be my favorite page so far. I love it, and I feel like my pages have improved a lot since day 1. :)

Today’s prompt was…

Today is another challenge of sorts :)  This is a drawing prompt which may seem scary to some but you will rock it :) (I have seen your illustrations and they are amazing).  I want you to illustrate your job. The key word here is “illustrate” it. It’s kind of like a game of Pictionary right?

I hope to work for a publishing company, or a literary journal. I really want to intern for Gulf Coast come the fall so I’m gonna keep my fingers cross. >.< I went to a book festival back in April and got to meet the Editor and bought a copy of a past issue and fell in love with it as soon as I picked it up. I love writing and maybe when I’m older I’ll consider publishing some of my writing. But I really want to work at publishing other peoples work and helping them make their dreams come true. Or better, maybe work with authors I’ve come to admire and respect.  So that’s the plan I just need to work on making it come true. I love this page, but I had trouble in illustrating my dream job. But I love how it came out. :)

See you tomorrow with Prompt 19.

Day 17-Favorites at the Moment

I love doodling, its so much fun. For this prompt I just wanted to doodle a bit and keep it simple.  I tried not to worry about it being perfect.

Today’s prompt was…

Favorites!!!  This is another fun prompt to revisit every once in awhile.  If you are like me, your “favorites” may change a lot.  What are your favorite songs, television shows, and hobbies right this second?

I have a lot of favorite things and they don’t actually change the list just grows larger. :)

Favorite shows at the moment are…
1. How I met your Mother
2. United States of Tara
3.True Blood (waiting for new season to start)
4.Being Erica (waiting..)

Favorite songs at the moment are…
1.When we first met by Hellogoodbye
2.Simple Things by Amy Kuney
3.Lingering Still by She and Him
4.One of those days by Joy Williams
5.I believe in a thing called love by The Darkness
6.Could be anything by The Eames Era

Hobbies!!!! :D

See you tomorrow with prompt 18. :)

Day 16-Scavenger Hunt

Ok so I missed two days but blog magic allows me to pretend that never happened. >.<

Today’s prompt was….

Today we are going on a little scavenger hunt!!  Below, you will find a simple scavenger hunt that I created for you all.  With this list, you will find everything on your list and then create a beautiful journal page with it!  So fun!!

The list of items we were supposed to scavenge for are…

1.Something red
2.a dictionary definition
3.a map
4.a footnote
5.a ticket stub
6.a postmarked stamp
7.a business card
8.something with a circle on it
9.a piece of a security envelope
10.a name tag illustration of a chihuahua
12.the head of your favorite blog…  (My Favorite blog)

I really had fun with this prompt, some items were tricky to find. So I had to rely on google for some help. But most of the items I scanned from things I had lying around the house.

See you tomorrow with prompt 17. :D And remember you can still join the journaling fun.

Day 15-Needs/Wants

So today’s prompt was a tad difficult. Because I know what I ‘want’, but what I want isn’t always exactly what I ‘need’.

Today’s prompt was….

Needs and Wants.  What are some things that you need right now?  What are some things that you want right now?  Sometimes these two things are hard to discern right?

But some things could be considered to be both a want and a need. I want a car, because I need to drive to school, or work or home. Of course I need a job before that  I guess… also a license to drive it. >.< Also cheesecake is a want but if seen as food then it can be seen as a need. lol Ok that might just deal with healthy food and not sweets but whatever. lol I totally forgot to put this on my want list, but I WANT TRUEBLOOD SEASON 4 TO HURRY UP!!!!

Well see you tomorrow with prompt 16. :D

Day 14-Favorite Quotes

I have so many favorite quotes that its hard to choose.

So if you haven’t already guessed it, today’s prompt was….

What is your favorite quote?  Mine changes a lot because different things inspire me during the different seasons in my life.  Quotes are powerful reminders of the wisdom we can gather and share with others.

Of course I had to pick some of my favorite quotes written by Neil Gaiman.  Of course my favorite quote from him is like a paragraph long so I decided to go with the shorter quotes for my page. Plus this one was a tad negative so I tried to pick quotes of his that sent a sort of positive message.

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life…You give them a piece of you. They didn’t ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like ‘maybe we should be just friends’ turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”

See you tomorrow with prompt 15. :)

Day 13-Family Tree

This prompt was so fun to do. I had trouble figuring out what I wanted to draw but then I decided to draw my family as the Keroppi family. I love Sanrio, especially Keroppi. XD

If you haven’t already guessed, today’s prompt was…

Create a simple family tree.  Do this in a way that works best for you.  You can write names, doodle portraits, place actual photos, whatever!! It’s up to you :)  Use this prompt to document your family; as small or as large as it may be!!

This was such a fun prompt to draw out, I was extremely excited because I have such a great family and I am so grateful to be apart of it. :D Love you all!!!! I wanted to add my cats, but I wasn’t sure what to draw them as. I was gonna draw them as flies but frogs eat flies so that wouldn’t have work. And then I was gonna draw them as cat fish but still didn’t seem to work. So I ended up leaving them out. :/ But they are a part of my family as well and will probably add them in later. :D

See you tomorrow with prompt 14. :)

Day 12-Lines!

I had a lot of fun with today’s prompt. :D Already on day 12, its crazy how time flies.

Today’s prompt was…

Completely fill your page with line design!  Line design and geometrics have complete consumed my inspiration boards for awhile now.  The simple, yet complex designs are so aesthetically pleasing for me.  Have fun trying out line design, patterns, and geometric shapes on your page today.

See you tomorrow with prompt 13!!! :D

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