Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2011 » June » 3

Archive for June 3, 2011

Day 3–Late >.

MAN >.< I already let something get in the way  of updating. But thanks to blog magic it will be as if I never missed. XD

So “today’s” prompt was….

What are at least 5 things that you want to do in June?  It’s the beginning of the month, and of the summer season.  This list is for things that you either want to do in June or that you MUST do in June.

My must dos for June are as follows..

  1. Start my math class off on a good note, I must pass this class and math is my worst subject.
  2. Create a bunch of new things using but not limited to my sewing machine
  3. work out, even if it only involves the wii >.<
  4. Job hunting-need to make an effort to get a job
  5. vlog more-I enjoy documenting my life

See you tomorrow with prompt 4..>.<