My Morning Routine
Now that I have a full time job, scheduling all the things I want to do has been tricky. I miss having more time during the week, however, now that I have to schedule things like work and my hobbies it’s making me a better planner and less lazy.
Before, I’d put things off and think, I’ll eventually get to it. But now, I’m trying to make sure I get to it sooner rather than later. There are a few excuses that I use when I can’t though. Filming requires good lighting, and I use the sun still, I don’t have lighting equipment. But that’s something I’m considering more and more lately.
Blogging however, does not require much. It just requires me to sit at my computer and type of entires that I’d like to discuss. For this entry, I’d like to discuss my now typical morning routine.
I filmed a little vlog for it too. I had fun filming it but I couldn’t film certain parts, like walking into work. I’m sure I could have but I’m not yet comfortable with filming in public quite yet. Plus, the job is still new so I should still be on egg shells. But next time, I might do like a weekly-Life blog. Film a bit every day and then combine it into one video at the end of the week. We shall see. It’s just an idea, I just like working on new videos and improving on my editing.
Other than that, work has been going well. I already have deadlines and projects to work on. I’m also working on Mind-Speak projects as well. It’s all about planning and making time for everything. Wish me luck. 🙂
How are you with planning out work and hobbies? Do you have any secrets?
Thanks for reading and watching