Inside Kimmy's Mind » Freeze Frame

Freeze Frame

It was crazy. This was the first time I was up for Black Friday sales. We went to Walmart because of mom’s discount. And because Walmart has better prices.

Day One 11-27-09 : So we bought a mixer, a printer, and mom got us each a DS lite. I really wanted the green one. But hell I was happy. Plus the green one wasn’t on sale like the others because it was a bundle pack. And I can just buy a green case. I think I only have like two more weeks of classes. Then I’m done for the semester. I’m so ready for that.

Day Two-12-6-09:Right now I’m watching SyFy’s Alice. I love watching these types of movies. Plus hello Alice in Wonderland is one of those stories that you can never get tired of. Its been told over and over in many different ways but with similarities. I’m liking Alice so far. Can’t wait to watch it Monday night. Today is Hyun’s birthday! He is 21. So a happy birthday to the little booger.

Day Three-12-7-09: Typed out that first bit the other day. Now it is Monday. Just finished watching Alice. It was so good. I loved it. Hatter and Alice ended up together. Oops sorry gave away the ending didn’t I? My bad.

Spaced out.

Day Four-12-8-09: It is now 5:24 a.m. I kept getting distracted from finishing this entry. -_- First it was Alice then washing clothes followed by showering and then lastly what took me forever to finish…straightening my hair. It has gotten so long that it takes longer to straighten. I want to cut it short. Just above my shoulders short. I’ve had it that short before but that’s when I didn’t have bangs. I think having it short with bangs would look odd on me. Oh and how unfair is the weather right now. It is now just icky and rainy outside. So unfair. Damn I’m not going to be able to publish this entry quite yet. I’m not done. But I have to get some sleep before its light out. >_<; My poor corrupted sleeping pattern.

Remembering John Lennon.  Not many people in my generation like classic rock. So there are a number of people that have no idea who The Fab Four were/still are. I have often heard people referring to The Beatles as, “old people music.” But they will never get old for me or my sisters. Twenty-nine yrs ago today John Lennon was murdered. He was taken away for no reason at all. John was such an amazing musician. And although I didn’t know him personally many generations know him through his music. He will always be remembered.

John Lennon-Imagine


Day Five- 12-9-09: It is 12:52 am. Holy crap. Look how long it is taking me to write out this blog entry. I kept adding to this post but instead of publishing it I just kept saving it until I finished it. Why do things keep getting in the way? lol Ok well I need to be strong this weekend and study big time for my math, web design and government finals next week. And after Wednesday next week I will be officially done for the semester. I cannot wait for January. I get my new cell phone. Gaaaaaaaaah I’m such a tech brat. Thankfully my NDS has done its job well and has kept me distracted. However, it is also a distraction from the things I need to finish. And that is not good. Like prepping for finals. -_- I hate the week of finals because it sometimes feels like there is never enough time. And I lack sleep. I really need the Christmas break to rejuvenate. (I know a 20 yr old has no right to say that) I finally learned how to make my Vimeo videos into wmv format using Adobe Premiere. Yay! I already uploaded a video this week but I didn’t know what I know now (that sounds confusing) so I must wait until next week to upload another video. But I think I’ll wait until finals are over. Good thinking right?:P

Good night/morning world.

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