Inside Kimmy's Mind » :D


5-18-10: I’m not really sure what to blog about. May is almost over and I haven’t updated at all this entire month. I also haven’t vlogged in awhile as well. I’ve just been so lazy. Its raining and I just want to continue laying in bed. I only have two more weeks until I start summer semester. I just have one class, math. -_- It just won’t go away!


Its official. I have been accepted at UH. So I will moving into my sister’s apartment in August maybe even July. The first thing I will take to my sister’s will probably be my art bin. Since I don’t have an art class anymore I can take all  my art supplies to her place. I might not have much time for art if I don’t take an art class but I can always try making time to paint on my own time. Hopefully. I’m not bringing my full size bed with me, (T-T) because it has a huge headboard that will just be extremely annoying to move. Besides clothes and a few things I hold dear such as books and my sewing machine. Thats pretty much everything I’ll be bringing with me. I don’t want to take too many things I don’t need, plus I want my room to still feel like my room. Am I ready to leave the nest? I feel ready, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I am ready.  I can’t live with my parents forever, and I’m already 20 yrs old I feel like I should have left a while back. Oh I’m also gonna be signed up for drivers ed. -.- I’m excited to get my license, yet another thing I should have done a long time ago. A real long time ago. sigh. So I’ll get my license before moving, but driving in Houston will be a challenge. I’m scared. But I just have to get used to it, like Mija did. But she moved out at 17 and started driving at 18. I’ll either take the bus or have Mija drop me off if she can. She says she would let me use her car sometimes when I’m comfortable driving. >.<

Tomorrow dad is having a craw fish boil. I can’t wait I love craw fish. Of course it will take 3 hours to cook. So I plan to wake up right when they are done so I can just eat. No I’m kidding I’m probably get up to film the process. Maybe. It will make an interesting vlog.

Today’s song is by Meaghan Smith called Heartbroken. I love her style.


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