My Troubles
Spent the weekend at Mija’s. We fixed up my room so now there is a bed in there. Its comfy.
I’m still going to miss my own bed back at home though. Its perfectly molded to my body and its just perfect. But I have a huge headboard so bringing it to the apartment would be a huge hassle. I now find headboards such a waste of space and beds would be better off without them. Especially when you are moving into an apartment. So I have a new roommate. She is my cat in-law and her name is Missy Ella de la Flaca. So freaking adorable. She is a calico cat and I had no idea that calico cats are always female. There are no male calico cats. O.o Crazy. I have always been the owner of male cats. Spicy was the only female cat I would spend any time with. But other than her that was it. So its interesting to see how different a female cat is compared to a male cat. Her and Tomo don’t actually get along…yet. But I’m hoping they will get used to each other soon enough. They both hiss at each other every now and then and when she comes in to the living room Tomo will hide and keep his distance. But once we move in to our new town home there will be enough room for the both of them.
So tomorrow I’m going to UH to find out what books I need. And to find out exactly where my classes are. That way I’m not lost during the first day. I looked online and my classes are relatively in the same area. They aren’t too far from each other. So I shouldn’t get lost. -.- Doesn’t mean I wont. But lets hope I don’t. There are maps all over campus so I should be able to find my way even if I do get lost. I only have 6 more class meetings and only 3 more weeks until I actually start living in Houston. How am I supposed to get my license in three weeks? There is no way. -.- This freaking sucks I always take too long to do things. And this should have been done a long time ago. I am in no way read to drive around in Houston. I still haven’t driven around my small town how am I supposed to drive in Houston?
I must not panic. But panicking seems like the easiest thing to do among the many things on my to do list. >.< I wish I had gotten my license last year. But did I? NO. Why did I think I could do everything within months? Its impossible. And I realize I am feeling sorry for myself and complaining when I should just try to make the best of things. But its pretty damn stressful. And I just wanna lay in bed all day and forget all about the things I have/need to do. Can I do that? This makes me think about worry dolls. In the 3rd grade my teacher had us make worry dolls so we wouldn’t stay up worrying about TASS. Your doll would worry for you and you would be able to sleep through the night worry free. I worry all the time but its only now that I remember the story about worry dolls. Strange what the mind suddenly remembers.