Books keep me Sane O_0
“Just because it is 1in the morning, that shouldn’t mean that TV networks must be incapable of showing different or at least decent movies during this time.” -Me
I do not have classes on Friday. So I like to stay up late. But who am I kidding I sleep late on school nights too. But Thursday nights I can relax without worrying about home work that’s due or something. Well I like staying up and watching TV. Once in awhile they show a good movie. The channels in particular is tbs and USA. Now I can’t remember how many times or when it first started but they have been showing the same exact movie like every night it seems. Or at least every Friday morning. Now I wouldn’t be bothered by it if it was a movie I at least liked. The movie in question is…. Screwed.
I am annoyed by this movie, sorry to the people who actually like this movie. But enough is enough. Why must they keep showing this movie? There is like a million other movies they could show. I mean I know there are people who can’t sleep, or who are like me and are just accustomed to sleeping late. But I mean come on. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SHOW A DIFFERENT MOVIE! At least for my sanity.
But this is where I turn off the TV and read a good book. I have so many books I want to buy at the moment. I am currently reading three books at the same time because I couldn’t decided which one to read first. I know I’m terrible. So far its going ok I am keeping up with them. My book wishlist just keeps growing and growing. sigh. There are way too many books and I read way too slow. >_<
I just wanted to share this with you Mija and Kat. Because I know you both can appreciate and understand where I am coming from. Plus you can justify that this isn’t just crazy talk.
I’m not crazy. Right?