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Ellipsis Obsession

How difficult is it to write about a crazy abused woman who imagines killing her husband? I mean seriously?  -.-
My semester is coming to an end and now all that is left is to edit, revise and study. Oh and turn things in on time. And like the rest of the world I hate deadlines. Some need deadlines to get their work done they need that pressure and blah blah. I on the other hand don’t need pressure. Pressure actually makes me want to procrastinate even more. I don’t work better under pressure I work sloppy under pressure. I hate that stupid saying. I look at what I have to do for my Short Story portfolio and I think, well that’s not a lot. And then when it comes to actually typing things out it turns into an elephant size assignment. I mean even at the moment I should be editing my story but instead I’m blogging about how I should be editing my story. I HATE REVISING!!! I just want to start a new story already. -.- That wouldn’t be wise, but I still want to do it.

So here I am blogging about what I should be doing instead of doing that. I mean I’m stuck. I really hate editing because I still haven’t added an ending to the story but before I can do that I’m revising the 13 pages I’ve written and its just a big jumble of word vomit that I’d rather just delete from my memory along with my laptop’s. But alas, this is my grade I’m talking about. I’m aware that my story isn’t going to be perfect, and at this point it doesn’t have to be. But I do want it to be an interesting read.

*Side note* I’ve been editing for the past hour and I still haven’t gotten up to use the restroom because I’m afraid I will lose focus. Ah fuck- just lost it. POTTY BREAK!!!

How easily I am distracted. Speaking of distractions. Here is a collage thing of things that have sparked my interest this weekend. Some are things I hope to own one day, and some are things I won’t ever own because lets face it I have no money to purchase a few of these items. But lets proceed on to the list starting with…

1. BOOKS!!! You can never have too many books in my opinion and because books exist I am remotely sane. I mean I love having movies and television. But having books makes me happy. Currently I’m reading the Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides which I will discuss in a later entry. It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini – how great is that title? And don’t even get me started on that cover. I mean its wonderful. I love it. And I want it. But only if it is that cover. If it is the movie cover I will scream. Not that I have anything against the movie itself I just despise movie covers. Especially when the books has another cover that looks like that. I mean it just makes me want to buy it, and isn’t that the job of a book cover. To grab your attention and make you pick the book up? And not because there on the cover says (now a motion picture). Barf. I’ve seen the movie and enjoyed it. But now I want to read the book to compare and contrast. Second book, is called The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis – yes another book that has its own movie. Grrr but what can  I do about it? Some books need to be made into a film for the greater good of artistic expression. This film was made in 2oo2 and I’ve never watched until now. Because of the book. I was browsing through the shelves at Hastings and discovered the book and then proceeded to look it up once I got home. I read a few pages and now I must finish reading it. The movie was interesting and might hold out in a compare and contrast but we shall see which is better. Ok on to number 2. Bikes- not just any bikes but adorable old fashion mint green bikes. How freaking adorable it that bike? I haven’t owned a bike in quite awhile but it doesn’t stop me from hoping, one day I own one that looks like that. These bikes have gotten pretty trendy, and yes I have fallen victim to the call of the trend and now I want one. XD Ok on to 3. Boots!!! I have been looking for a nice pair of boots since last year. And I found some at JCpenny this weekend. I had hope they would be a little taller but these are so pretty. I stopped myself from trying them on so I would want them even more. But its safe to say that even though I didn’t try them on I still want them just as much if had. Number 4. Teal Rose bag from Jo Totes– I know I’ve mention this bag many time before. I still love it! What more can I say? Number 5. Sweater from Target–  Who doesn’t love Target? They have best selection in bags and clothing. And the best graphic tees. But this is a cardigan that I thought was pretty and you can never go wrong with having more than one gray cardigan. Its my number one color choice when purchasing sweaters or jackets. Unless there is a pretty teal. Last but not least number 6. You’re working Wonders Dress from ModCloth– Dying from cuteness!!! I really wish I could try this dress on once just to see if I looked as cute in it as it looks on my computer screen. I mean it might not even look good on me. I’d rather know then sit here pining for it. >.< Maybe one day I’ll find out. If I get over my issue with buying clothes online. I’ve never bought clothes online before because I like to try them on before committing to buying it. I have an in between sizes body type. It might fit perfectly on top but won’t fit around the midsection or vice versa.

Ok so I guess the pressure is starting to kick in. Must finish portfolio tonight because its due tomorrow!!!! >.< Wish me luck.

New Semester and Birthday Magic

 So I haven’t updated in a while. Make a long story short…site got hacked. That is why I haven’t updated my blog. But its been too long and I have to update now.

So the new semester has started. I have 3 classes this semester and so far so good. I also have started my first semester as an EA for Gulf Coast.  I’m basically their bitch but I don’t care because I’m loving every minute of it. So it almost feels odd trying to blog again after not blogging for an entire almost month. >.<


I’m so tired of things just disappearing. My gmail inbox just decided to erase like 5 years worth of email. Yes its read email, but if I ever needed something I could just search and find it. Email is really handing. I didn’t delete said emails because they are important. I have the past few weeks emails on my cell. But still 5 years? This is almost as bad as my 3yrs of blog entries being erased. But not as bad. Hopefully I will just log on one day to find that they have returned. But odds are…they are gone. -.- Just when I think the internet and I have made up it goes and does something like this. I guess its trying to get back at me for getting a smart phone. pffft Electronics will be the death of me.

Rant over.

Just like a rant to help me get back into the swing of blogging once again. Hopefully I can get a new layout soon for my blog, its time for a change. (hint hint..pokes at Mija) So school is going great so far, I’ve been having a lot of fun. I’m trying this new thing of being more social. But sadly its hard to put myself out there. But I plan to keep making an effort, I wish talking to my classmates wasn’t so difficult. I mean talking to them during a discussion is one thing but talking to them outside of that atmosphere is tricky. I’m not exactly sure why I’m incapable of doing so but I am. -.- sucks.  So I turned 22 this month, no real change. But besides getting a new cell phone I had the chance to attend the Star Wars exhibit here in Houston at the health museum. It was AMAZING!!! It was one of the best birthday gifts ever and I had a lot of fun. I got to see original costumes from the movies old and new. I was in such awe throughout the whole day. I even learned how to put my hair in Leia buns. I just had to do it for the day. I also made myself a skirt out of the same Star Wars sheets I used to make my messenger bag. XD  My family joined me on this Birthday Extravaganza and we each wore Star Wars shirts to celebrate the event. Before going to the museum, we ate Bánh mì sandwiches for lunch. Soooo good and reasonably priced for such a big sandwich. :9 So had a great birthday as always. Mija and Jody also bought me a gift card to Joann’s Fabrics. I can’t wait to go busy some new fabric. We are dressing up for Halloween this year  because we are having a Halloween party. ^^We are going to be rejected fables this year. I’m going to be Little Red Riding Hood, Kat is going to be Bo Peep, and Mija will be Alice. I just need to make us aprons and maybe skirts and a hood for me. I’m excited to get started.  Well I have a ton of home work to get done this weekend. -.- Its the same load of work every week. I don’t know how I’d do it if my classes weren’t once a week.

Gov.- Due 9-26-11

  •  Pre Quiz
  • Post Quiz
  • Simulation Quiz
  • Chapter Quiz

Writing Projects- Due 9-25-11 @7:30 pm

  • Wr. Exercise
  • Read Story

Short Story Writing- Due 9-26-11 @2:30

  • First full Draft 2500-4000 words max
  • Read story

Well I’m off to try and write. And then get some sleep so I can wake up a bit early and clean the house. :/ I hope I can get back to blogging like normal. >.<

Whatcha Doing?

Another entry!!!!

So today was my second class of math and I still feel the same about math. I HATE IT!!!! I will probably have to go to tutoring every now and then. But I will do whatever it takes to pass this stupid class. Anyway so I fully intended to vlog today, but I just didn’t have a lot to say…well now I do and I could have very well filmed a vlog but we went to Hastings today and I bought two books. Everlasting by Alyson Noël is the finale to the The Immortal series and One Day by David Nicholls. Which brings me to the next thing I want to mention.


One Day was also made into a movie, it should be coming out some time this summer. I’m soooo excited for it. But until I get to watch it, I will read the book and then be able to compare and contrast. Another movie that I want to watch is  The Art of Getting By, it comes out next week. But sadly my small town wont have any showings. They never show any sundance films!!! WHY THE HELL NOT?! I love indie films, those are usually the best.  But I can’t wait to see these movies.  Now on to a movie I watched the other night. An Invisible Sign, it was soooooo freaking cute. These are the types of movies I love. And I’m always left with such a happy feeling after watching them. Now this movie involves math, which is the  pain of my existence. However, I couldn’t help but fall in love with the main character. I’ve never  actually been a fan of Jessica Alba but she was so adorable in this movie. So if you enjoy cute artsy movies, then I recommend this one.

And of course I’m gonna be vain real quick and add a picture of myself. XD

Song of the day is Sunny Day by Joy Williams, I heard this song during the credits of An Invisible Sign and just fell in love with it.


My Psychology final is this Thursday at 8 am!

I really hope I can wake up that early to get here on time. I’m currently at the library because I don’t have net set up at my house yet. Comcast is stupid and they like to complicate things. I had to come to campus to deal with financial aid anyway. Which didn’t take long, I’m actually surprised that it didn’t take long. I thought students would be lining up to deal with the next semester. Either they have things under control or they are too busy with finals. But as I look around to the students on their laptops, all I see is Facebook windows. >.< Is facebook really that important to people? I have one, so I’m not trying to say I don’t update my status. But is it really that important to always be logged on? I guess they could be talking to a classmate/friend and are asking for help or planning a study group. But I just see people looking at their own profiles. XD And I am seen as vain for keeping a blog? Isn’t that more vain to just stare at your profile waiting to think up your next status update? Or is that just pathetic? Again, I have nothing against fb. I use it and update it just like everyone else. But I can go hours, days even without updating my status. And its safe to say I don’t have withdrawals or panic attacks. Now not having internet? That is when I panic. >.< I live on the net, so not having it just annoys me. I know I shouldn’t be worried about the internet when I should be studying and writing an essay. I have an English essay due next Monday. It makes me sad that I won’t need to update my 2305 blog anymore.  I really loved the layout for that blog.  So I have an essay to write and a Psych exam and final to study for. I’m really annoyed with my Psych prof. Not only for making the final at 8 AM, but also for scheduling the 3rd exam on the same day at the same time as the final. Not exactly sure how that is going to work but my main focus is just to study and then get there on time. I tried talking to classmates and none of them had a clue as to what was going on. And then I tried to email him. Asking him to explain it once more because I never did catch this information in class.

His reply:

The syllabus is accurate. We have gone over this repeatedly in class.

Now, I vaguely remember him going over this. Because he always left important announcements at the end of class. And this is a huge auditorium and once one person see class is almost done then everyone starts packing up. Even with a mic you still can’t hear the professor talk. So I could never catch what he said about the final. I know this sounds like an excuse, but its the truth. It was really annoying to not be able to hear him. Even though he should have made every announcement at the beginning of class. :/

So its already 4:27 so I guess I should start heading home and start studying for Psych. I’m not sure where I should start though. :/


So I have been wearing braces for over a month now. And I already see changes. Its so weird. But I am extremely happy. I’m gonna have a pretty smile soon. XD

I have an ortho. appointment on Monday, and if I’m not mistaken I will be getting the bottom braces put on. -.- I’m not really looking forward to it though. It just means I have to deal with the pain again. Oh and not being able to eat. But I will have a nice smile in the end so it is definitely worth the pain. I just really miss eating normally. >.<

So I have two essays I have to finish this weekend. First, is my Art History essay. I am almost done with it, but it is just so boring. I LOVE writing…usually but this is the first time in my life that I have ever found an essay boring and difficult. Plus, I feel that writing an Art History paper is different compared to writing an essay for any other subject. Hopefully for essay 2 it won’t be as boring as this. This coming week is pretty busy for me.

  • SUNDAY-Arth essay due
  • MONDAY-ortho appointment
  • TUESDAY-Eng. essay due & Arth Quiz
  • WEDNESDAY-Psych Quiz
  • Thursday-read Jane Eyre
  • FRIDAY-Gov. Quiz
  • Saturday- Free (besides going to class)

>.< I’m so busy. I don’t like it. But during class I did manage to update M-S. XD I know I should be paying attention but it was boring. I started dozing off during the second half of class. Its 3 hours long! Can you blame me? Ok well I should finish my essays now. -.-


I really hate when I have a bad day. Well obviously no one likes having a bad day.

Typed on the 23rd

But my days are usually just tiring never bad. So when I do have a bad day I’m really not fun to be around. I missed the 8:52 bus, (I’ve been doing that a lot lately -.-) and had to take the 9:17 bus (aka the 9:30). So I usually arrive on campus .a couple minutes late for class. It was difficult to board the bus because it was extremely packed.  After finally getting to campus I was a bit late. And then I noticed that I had lost my bottle charm. Yes it is easily replaced, but I still hate losing things.

Anyway, so I went to English thinking I would have a quiz on Dracula. >.< She moved it to Tuesday. (^.^ YES) Instead of taking the quiz we got into a groups and had certain chapters from the book assigned to us. We had to find and explain passages we found important from each chapter. That went well. Only one of my group members just stood there when we had to speak in front of the class. -.- After class I went to the bus stop, and waited for what seemed like FOREVER.  Finally, my bus came and as I boarded the bus I noticed it was different. It was an accordion bus and it was larger and the seats were sooooooooo comfortable. >.< I wish I could ride that bus more often.

On Friday I had a Psychology exam. It was easy…I think. This could be one of those times I feel I did well on an exam and in reality I did horrible. -.- I hope its not though. *Positive thoughts Kim. * Anyway, so I went to the welcome center to pick up my student metro fare card. It has my picture on it and everything. -.- I look so weird. I’m in a pretty good mood, even though the walk to the bus stop was extremely hot. So I waited a bit for my bus, boarded it when it finally came. Then I started playing ds to pass the time. I look up from my ds and notice it had started to rain. -.- Once we got to the transit the rain had gotten much harder. I thought about riding the bus until the rain stopped. But I honestly didn’t want to do that. So when my stop came up I got off. But my umbrella wasn’t made to withstand this type of rain. So having it opened was only semi-pointless. Cars zooming by splashed water on me, with that and the rain I was soaked from head to toe. But my main concern was all of the important electronics that I carry with me. Laptop, ds, cell, ipod. None of these are waterproof so I was really worried they would be destroyed. I started to panic. Because I had no idea what to do. I’m standing on the sidewalk, rain pouring sideways and the wind pulling at my poor defenseless umbrella. Having no clue what to do I thought maybe I should just walk to B&N  and wait it out. But I was in no condition to go into a store. So I decided to just make the walk to my apartment. It wasn’t fun. But I obviously made it to the apartment and I went to check on the contents of my backpack. They are all fine. Besides a few wet papers and dissolved tic-tacs nothing was severely damaged. I then stripped and immediately took a nice warm shower. The rain back home is nothing compared to the rain I experienced Friday. I know that sounds stupid but its true. This rain was angry rain. I was actually pretty scared walking through the pond like puddles. But thankfully my stuff wasn’t ruined. I should invest in a rain coat and boots. -.- Ok I’m going to stop this entry is getting extremely long. So I’ll end it here.

First Week of UH

The first week of classes went well and I like most of my teachers. I’m really excited about English, we have to have a blog for the class. This class was made for me.

Mija took me to class all last week. But starting tomorrow I’m gonna have to take the bus. I already take the bus home so it shouldn’t be too difficult. UH is way different from BC, walking around campus is so exhausting and its really hot. I can’t wait for winter I’d rather freeze my ass off than sweat. And then I can wear layers and scarves and jackets. I really took living across the street from the school for granted. But its something I will get used to. I just realized my birthday is coming up in like two weeks. O.o I’m going to be 21. Weird. I feel old. -.- I don’t like it. ENJOY YOUR YOUTH!

All of my classrooms are pretty big with the exception of my English class. Psychology is in this auditorium, art history is in a recital hall, English is in a regular class room (but we use comfy chairs) and Gov. is in this room. I’ll take pictures of the other two when I can. So there are a ton of people at UH and I have a hard time making friends so I usually don’t talk unless someone talks to me first. And if you are as shy as me then you don’t really bother with people. But having friends at school would be nice. I’m actually lonely on campus. Especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have two classes and no one to eat lunch with. : (  Being anti social sucks sometimes. At BC it didn’t bother me to be alone because I would just walk home. I should try to get involved in clubs or something, maybe then I could meet people and make friends. But I did meet Sarah, she is in my Psychology class and we are very similar. She also lives in my old town. And when I come home I have Mija and Jody and the cats of course. I really miss my home and family but I feel comfortable.

So Thursday I got braces. And I was worried that it would hurt a lot putting them on. But it didn’t. But now my teeth hurt a lot. It hurts to chew and sometimes it hurts to talk, and it definitely hurts to floss. I miss food. There is a bunch of things I can’t eat. Orthodontist should advertise braces as the best diet aid. -.- I won’t be able to eat a bunch of my favorite food. Basically anything crunchy or chewy. I know I’ve seen people with braces eat things they shouldn’t. But I want to take care of my braces so my time in them isn’t prolonged. A year in a half, that is it. I can do it. I just wish my teeth weren’t sore.This song is called Black Sheep by Metric but this audio clip is from the movie Scott Pilgrim. I love that movie.

I have a ton of reading to do for English so I should get started on that. -.- I’m sleepy already.

My Troubles

Spent the weekend at Mija’s. We fixed up my room so now there is a bed in there. Its comfy.

I’m still going to miss my own bed back at home though. Its perfectly molded to my body and its just perfect. But I have a huge headboard so bringing it to the apartment would be a huge hassle. I now find headboards such a waste of space and beds would be better off without them. Especially when you are moving into an apartment. So I have a new roommate. She is my cat in-law and her name is Missy Ella de la Flaca. So freaking adorable. She is a calico cat and I had no idea that calico cats are always female. There are no male calico cats. O.o Crazy. I have always been the owner of male cats. Spicy was the only female cat I would spend any time with. But other than her that was it. So its interesting to see how different a female cat is compared to a male cat. Her and Tomo don’t actually get along…yet. But I’m hoping they will get used to each other soon enough. They both hiss at each other every now and then and when she comes in to the living room Tomo will hide and keep his distance. But once we move in to our new town home there will be enough room for the both of them.

So tomorrow I’m going to UH to find out what books I need. And to find out exactly where my classes are. That way I’m not lost during the first day. I looked online and my classes are relatively in the same area. They aren’t too far from each other. So I shouldn’t get lost. -.- Doesn’t mean I wont.  But lets hope I don’t. There are maps all over campus so I should be able to find my way even if I do get lost. I only have 6 more class meetings and only 3 more weeks until I actually start living in Houston. How am I supposed to get my license in three weeks? There is no way. -.- This freaking sucks I always take too long to do things. And this should have been done a long time ago. I am in no way read to drive around in Houston. I still haven’t driven around my small town how am I supposed to drive in Houston?


I must not panic. But panicking seems like the easiest thing to do among the many things on my to do list. >.< I wish I had gotten my license last year. But did I? NO. Why did I think I could do everything within months? Its impossible. And I realize I am feeling sorry for myself and complaining when I should just try to make the best of things. But its pretty damn stressful. And I just wanna lay in bed all day and forget all about the things I have/need to do. Can I do that? This makes me think about worry dolls. In the 3rd grade my teacher had us make worry dolls so we wouldn’t stay up worrying about TASS. Your doll would worry for you and you would be able to sleep through the night worry free. I worry all the time but its only now that I remember the story about worry dolls. Strange what the mind suddenly remembers.

Lord Ballls

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIJA!!!! Today my older sister turns 25! She is so old. hahah 😛

Ok so I’ve learned that not all counselors are there to help you. I am transferring and I have a lot of questions that I need answered before I register for classes. And I’m not even allowed to register for classes anyway because I have this TSI hold.


-.- (ahem) So I decided to email the head adviser at the Uscholars center. I replaced important information with blah blah.

My name is Kim Vera and I am transferring to UH in Aug. But I have been having trouble with registering for classes, and the advisers I have been dealing with have not answered my questions. I realize that U of H is a large university and with all incoming freshmen and transfer students it must be difficult to handle each students problems. But the semester is drawing near and I still have yet to register for classes. I am fully aware that I have a TSI hold. During ART I met with blah blah (a counselor) and she had said that she didn’t have my THEA scores. I was confused as to why this information wasn’t included in the transcripts I sent over. But these scores were too low anyway and didn’t help me in anyway. But still she said that she needed these scores and to fax them over as soon as possible. I explained to her that I am currently taking math 0408 but this class doesn’t end until August 18th and classes start the 23rd. This doesn’t give me enough time to enroll a week before classes start. I then went to talk to my Counselors at Brazosport Community College and they showed me my official transcript with the THEA scores listed. So I faxed my scores last week and I still couldn’t register. I was under the impression that once I faxed those scores the hold would be lifted. I tried calling blah blah at her office since she hasn’t replied to my last email. But she wasn’t there so I called the Uscholar center. I am then told information that I directly told blah blah  during ART, that my THEA scores weren’t high enough. I was then told that I would have to meet with an adviser and they would help me with this situation. But I am confused because if that is all I needed to do then why wasn’t this addressed during ART? I explained my scores weren’t high enough and that I was taking a math class yet still the hold wasn’t lifted. I don’t mean to sound rude, but I am just concerned that the classes I have selected will close and I will not have a schedule for the upcoming fall semester. If you could call me at blah blah  I would like to discuss this further or if you can meet with me I would really appreciate it.

Hope to hear from you soon,
Kim Vera

She replied quickly saying that the counselor I was emailing was no longer part of the Uscholars program and that is why I didn’t hear back from her. -.- How difficult is it to send me an email telling me that? Is it difficult to give me another adviser to work with? I’m so frustrated. Anyway she said that she has their records specialist working on a solution. And that she will reply to me soon. I really hope they get back to me as soon as possible. I’m just worried, what if they don’t find a solution? >.< That scares me.

Anyway so enough about frustrating things. For the past two weekends Mija and Jody(sis’s boyfriend) came and stayed with us. He bought this game Munchkin and now we play all the time. We are so nerdy I love it.  And I have fun playing the game. Its how I bonded with my future brother-in-law. During this game we were in a dungeon where you were switched to the opposite sex and have to change your name. If any player called you by your real name they lost a level.  lol  Mija was the one who said our names the most. Also my best friend Missy just had her first ultra sound. She sent me a picture and I was like oh wow. This is so surreal. She is going to have a baby! XD And I feel so special that she keeps me updated. I love her so much. I keep calling her baby sea monkey. I probably shouldn’t call her/him that anymore. Especially when it does have a sex.

Sea Monkey!!!!

I updated Mind-Speaks.

Something Very Good

Despite having a huge headache and a sore neck from sleeping weird. I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY! An exclamation mark just isn’t enough to get the happiness across.

Why am I so happy? I just found out who my math teacher is for my summer semester. I had him before, for another math class. And I was so upset when I didn’t get him again. But now I have him as my teacher and I will for sure pass my math class. God I am in such a good mood. But all this happiness is making me hungry. I really need to stop snacking. I snack way too much and I don’t exercise at all. Walking up and downstairs doesn’t necessarily count seeing as I avoid it as much as possible by bringing snacks to my room. Bad idea. Damn I’m bringing down my happy high. Enough about snacks and  exercise because I AM HAPPY!


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