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Go Cougs!

Since I have been admitted to UofH my family and I went on a campus tour on Saturday. The campus is huge, I just know I am gonna get lost.

I am gonna have to get a bus pass. But I have a feeling I am either gonna be late for class, or I might take the wrong bus and end up on the other side of Houston. I really hope that doesn’t happen. I don’t wanna be lost somewhere. But other than worrying about getting lost and being late for class. I am excited still. Of course I am gonna miss my home. But I have to move on. Growing up is normal and I’m already behind on the growing up part of life. I need to start learning how to take care of myself. Once I get settled in my home away from home, I need to find a job which should be easy since there are soooo many stores on campus. UofH has their own ice cream parlor, nail salon, bowling alley and a Chili’s too. So getting a job on campus might be easy. If not Mija lives near a Barnes & Noble so I can apply for a job there. And I will have my license before I move so I will be able to prove I am 20. YES! I can’t wait for that. I want to start class there, I want to start the next part of my life and attempt to make new friends. Of course I am horrible at making friends. Speaking of friends, my best friend Missy is…PREGNANT! And I couldn’t be happier. She has been my best friend since the 9th grade, my first friend to get married and now my first friend to be pregnant. :3 She is going to be a great mom.  I still can’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it when she was getting married but now she is expecting her first child. And I’m so glad that we are still close. She is really the only friend I still talk to from high school. We didn’t move away right after graduation so maybe that has something to do with it, but I think even if we did we still would have talked. Cause we can go without talking and then meet up and its like we were never apart. She lives 12 hrs away from me yet when she comes to visit she still makes time to come visit me. Plus we have the notebook that we mail each other back and forth. I love writing in that notebook. Because even though we can email and txt each other, its just something I enjoy doing. Plus I love mailing things.

Gosh things are changing. Time just keeps speeding up. Why is it like that now? Anyway, so now I have to sign up for a meeting with a counselor at UofH and then talk about how much my tuition will be, which classes I’ll be taking and at what time. I still have the summer semester at BC to pass math. Stupid math. I HATE YOU! -.- I hope I pass it this time.  Why must it cause me so much heartache? After that I might take a class during the summer two semester it just depends. If not I will end up moving a lot sooner. When we went to visit the campus we stopped by my soon to be home to feed Tomo my sister’s cat. She is spending the weekend with her boyfriend at a lake house. Poor Tomo all alone, I bet he left presents for her to clean up when she gets back home. Its a sign that he missed her. lol And she just happened to leave his litter box in my soon to be room. Thanks Mija. -.- My room better not smell when I get there. Cause I am not sharing a room with Tomo.

I found these bottle charms at Hobby Lobby. I’ve been looking for these since someone put them on Cut out + Keep. I bought the potion shape bottle charms though. They also had the regular jar and test tube bottles there as well. I wasn’t sure what to put in the bottle since it was so tiny. But I decided to write a quote on a slip of paper with a panda on it. Its for motivation. I’m gonna need all the motivation I can get once I start my math class. They come in a pack of two so I gave the second one to Kat and she just wanted a flower in it. I have some tiny purple flowers that I bought to make hair clips. So I just used that. Hey Missy which bottle shape would you prefer. Oh and what would you put in yours? I plan to buy you one the next time I go to Hobby Lobby.

Today’s song is a cover of Dream a little Dream. Sung by the Glee Cast. I love this show. And this song.[audio:]


5-18-10: I’m not really sure what to blog about. May is almost over and I haven’t updated at all this entire month. I also haven’t vlogged in awhile as well. I’ve just been so lazy. Its raining and I just want to continue laying in bed. I only have two more weeks until I start summer semester. I just have one class, math. -_- It just won’t go away!


Its official. I have been accepted at UH. So I will moving into my sister’s apartment in August maybe even July. The first thing I will take to my sister’s will probably be my art bin. Since I don’t have an art class anymore I can take all  my art supplies to her place. I might not have much time for art if I don’t take an art class but I can always try making time to paint on my own time. Hopefully. I’m not bringing my full size bed with me, (T-T) because it has a huge headboard that will just be extremely annoying to move. Besides clothes and a few things I hold dear such as books and my sewing machine. Thats pretty much everything I’ll be bringing with me. I don’t want to take too many things I don’t need, plus I want my room to still feel like my room. Am I ready to leave the nest? I feel ready, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I am ready.  I can’t live with my parents forever, and I’m already 20 yrs old I feel like I should have left a while back. Oh I’m also gonna be signed up for drivers ed. -.- I’m excited to get my license, yet another thing I should have done a long time ago. A real long time ago. sigh. So I’ll get my license before moving, but driving in Houston will be a challenge. I’m scared. But I just have to get used to it, like Mija did. But she moved out at 17 and started driving at 18. I’ll either take the bus or have Mija drop me off if she can. She says she would let me use her car sometimes when I’m comfortable driving. >.<

Tomorrow dad is having a craw fish boil. I can’t wait I love craw fish. Of course it will take 3 hours to cook. So I plan to wake up right when they are done so I can just eat. No I’m kidding I’m probably get up to film the process. Maybe. It will make an interesting vlog.

Today’s song is by Meaghan Smith called Heartbroken. I love her style.




I got to spend the entire day with Missy. She went with me to the student show, and then we went out to eat with my mom. She is so wonderful. Then Missy, Kat and I went to watch Kick-Ass. Such a good movie, Hit Girl was so freaking awesome. She should have been the main role because she made the movie amazing. Anyway, so hanging out with Missy was wonderful as always.

On Thursday my art class went to an art museum. I wasn’t allowed to take any pictures and I didn’t even take any outside or anything. Man I’m lazy. Oh and Missy met up with my class at the museum with her parents. I was so happy I thought I wasn’t going to see her because I made plans with my sister to pick me up after the museum. She had to go back to work so I went with her and then afterward she took me to Aka. It was sooooooo delicious. We ate California roll and black peppered beef cut sashimi style. And then we ate gyoza but I totally forgot to take a picture of that. And then we ordered a plate of teriyaki beef.  The portions were small but the perfect size. We also ordered a bowl of white rice which was perfect because if its your first time trying raw beef you want to eat it with rice so it can act as a shield when its in your mouth. Does that make sense? But it also compliments the beef. I can’t get over how good it was. I love sushi. After sushi we went back to her apartment and I fell asleep. Then she so kindly woke me up, even though I was extremely tired, to go over Jody’s house to play Left 4 Dead 2. Then they showed me Little Big Planet. So fucking cute. I am totally going to make my own little sack person. I just need to find the right fabric.

Bulletproof by La Roux (I find her oddly attractive)

And the next song is from a Little Big Planet level. My Patch by Jim Noir (Such a cute song) 



The Exception

In art, our assignment is to recreate a Greek myth in our own way. I immediately thought about Persephone.

Part one: Art and Myths

Ever since I read about it in the 9th grade I’ve never forgotten it. Persephone, daughter of Demeter(Goddess of Harvest), was abducted by Hades because of her beauty.He dragged her to hell to be his queen which angered and devastated Demeter. The earth became dead, and so Zeus demanded Hades to return Persephone to her mother, but it was already too late Hades had given her a number of pomegranate seeds. This traps Persephone in the underworld. During the fall and winter Persephone remains with Hades as the Queen of The Underworld. During spring and summer she returns to her mother. This was said to be the reasons of the seasons. I don’t know why why I liked this myth it was just the first one to pop into my mind when we were given this assignment. But after watching the new episode of Bones I’ve found a new myth that I might like to work on. Its Plato’s theory on soul mates. According to him, humans were actually beings with four legs, four arms and a head with two faces. “Zeus felt threatened by their power and split them in two, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them.”After this project our next one is to paint our favorite book. This one will be a tough one for me, since I love so many different books.Today’s song is a cover by The Bird and The Bee-Into Something Good

I’ll try to update more during this month. I haven’t been updating as much as I usually do and its time to put a stop to that. I hope my sister Mija is having a wonderful time in New Orleans. Be safe.

Live A Little?

It is impossible for me to “live a little.” I mean what does that even mean really? I am living.

Ok so I’m not exactly living an exciting life. Let me rephrase that. I am not exactly living an exciting SOCIAL life. But life in general is pretty awesome. So I don’t party on the weekends with a bunch of friends. I mean since graduating, I have only a few friends that I still talk to on a day to day basis. I mean excluding my sisters, because well it would be sad if they didn’t talk to me. (Speaking of sisters: Mija hasn’t talked to me in like a week? -.- If I’m not mistaken. Much love. )


  1. Missy-Because she is my amazing wife.
  2. Jayson- I love getting txts and calls from him. His voice mails make me laugh.

There are a few others that I talk to every now and then. But its not as much as these three. But anyway, just cause I don’t ever do anything out of my comfort zone doesn’t mean I’m unhappy with my life. I mean once in awhile I wish I could just be spontaneous and just go with the flow. Not worry about the consequences and just live in the moment. But I’ve lived my life a certain way, the same way for the past 20 yrs. How can you change something you’ve done for your whole life? And we are talking about me so that’s even harder to do than for a normal person. Because lets face it, I am not normal. I wish I could do what I wanted. I want to go on a road trip with friends. I want to move out of my parents house. I want to just feel like I’m moving forward and not settling or staying stuck. I want to live a life not just coast on by.

Nataly Dawn-Cover OK GO:Do what you want

I love Nataly Dawn, she is so talented. I love the versions of songs she does compared to the originals. She is also in Pomplamoose a duo with Zack Conte. I love them both they just make me smile. And their editing skills are just so amazing along with their musical skills. Damn I love their videos.

Some self loving is in order. I visited my sister during spring break, and she took us to Buffalo Exchange and Taxi Taxi. (I love those stores) Anyway I bought the blue shirt I’m wearing in this picture below. I love it! See I like how I look sometimes. And I think I dress nice, even if I have a lot of unnecessary layers. But oh well its a security thing. I also got the most amazing bag by Fred Perry. I love these bags, I think they are so cute. Mija said they were ugly but I don’t.

I need to blog more, its sad that I have been neglecting you blog. Oh but I posted a vlog last week.

Free at Last!

I’m finally done with finals. I finished Wednesday. A glorious day.

I was ready for this semester to be over with. I mean not as much as I wanted spring semester to be over with but a close second. I mean the only thing that sucks about this semester be over with is that I probably won’t see my crush. But thats ok because it has morphed into a school girl crush that will absolutely go nowhere. Of course I’m the lazy type that doesn’t mind that it will go nowhere. Sad really. But its cool because I made an awesome friend. He is a really interesting type of person. That I wish I could be more like. He has a nice personality. Wow that sounds cheesy. >_< But its true. In my opinion.

But besides that I’m extremely happy that this semester is over and done with. I can now relax until the next stressful semester. I just need to make sure that I have the correct math because low and behold I passed math this semester! Holy fuck I know. Its crazy. I thought I would be lucky if I made a low c. But nope I ended up with a “B”. So this semester I have an A, and two B’s. Now I’m just waiting for my government grade. I hope I passed that class. -_- Back off negativity. I need a negativity shield because I’m a downer. >_<

… continue reading this entry.

Embrace the Geek Within

Ok I hope this doesn’t make me a hypocrite but I must say it. I don’t mean to offend people. But when people start off with that, it usually means they are being offensive.

Outrageous: I have been browsing other people’s blogs on Globe of Blogs. I have submitted my blog to be listed there I’m not sure how long it will take for it to show up or even if it will. But I submitted it nonetheless. Like I was saying I have been browsing other blogs. And I must say I am nothing but disappointed. I know not everyone can purchase a domain, thats why there are free blog accounts like blogger and wordpress. (My sister pays for mine so I’m one to talk) And I realize not everyone is a master web designer. But what shocks me is the bloggers that do use free blogging accounts and say that they are a web designer but use the free layouts that most Blogger users use. Where is their sense of individualism? Bloggers are supposed to be different. (Ok so again I’m one to talk- my sister created my layout. But I am learning HTML coding and going to try to make my next layout) But in my defense I’m not a web designer nor a graphic designer. But I have a sister who is and she has paved the path for me to enjoy my blog. If your blog isn’t in a sense you, you aren’t going to feel like updating it very often. Which brings me to my next point, after finding displeasing layouts I also found out of date blogs and not found urls. … continue reading this entry.

Color Me Confused


Government class is ok.

Math is so so.

Painting looks fun.

Spanish class is…A NIGHTMARE!

Oh and I’m sick. -_-

I am so lost in that class. Apparently I didn’t understand what INT SPANISH I meant. I misread it as Intro to Spanish 1. But it actually means Intermediate Spanish aka Spanish 3! And I am in college? Sigh but in my defense the paper that listed the requirements for my major said nothing about taking a Spanish 1 and Spanish 2. It only said I had to take 2311 and 2312 Spanish courses. Which 2311 is Spanish 3. So wtf? Color me confused. I was so lost. The last time I took a Spanish class was what? Four years ago. I don’t remember the basic crap I should know to pass this class. I felt so sick just being in that class hoping it would end as soon as possible. I mean the teacher was really nice. And there were only 8 other students in the class which is an awesome number. See I have no problem reading Spanish. But I have no knowledge of basic sentence structure. So it would be insane for me to try to stick it out and risk failing the class. I have no idea how all of my exchange student friends were able to accomplish another language so fast. All of the exchange students that I met in High School had to deal with not  only one class in another language but more than one class. I feel so lame. -_- Anyway, so this nightmare lasted for three hours. I would catch a few things but most of the time I remained lost. I wish I was one of those people that could learn another language at the blink of an eye. But no. I mean really both of my parents speak Spanish. I have family that speak nothing but Spanish and I still never learned? This is seriously wrong on so many levels. So the entire three hours I kept thinking,”Shit I need to transfer into Beginning Spanish.” Yeah that is the course I should be in. So as soon as I got home I checked on the course availability list. The nightmare class is only on Tuesdays from 6pm to 9pm. So I needed a class to take its place. They only offered Beginning Spanish on Monday and Wednesdays and I have no open slots on those days. So I checked for another English class to take its place. (Stick to something I’m good at.) I mean eventually I will take Spanish but not this semester. There weren’t any English classes at the right time. So instead I will be taking Web Design (Mija will be proud) at the correct time only on Tuesdays from 6pm to 9pm. It seems perfect. I only hope it is. Another horrible part of this nightmare is that I don’t think I can sell back my 2311 Spanish books. Because I think they are getting a new edition. I hope I will be able to transfer to the web design class and not have any problems. So as soon as my Gov. class is over tomorrow I am heading to a counselor to change my class. Please let it go well. >_<

Painting seems like it is going to be fun. My cousin Ethan is in this class, so I will have someone to talk to. He gave me a ride home today. He always has such a nice vibe about him. I’m not exactly close with my extended family (and he is really my dad’s second cousin) But anyway I didn’t really grow up knowing him. To tell you the truth I met him my junior year. lol Anyway every time I do see him he always has a smile on his face and waves to me. He is so sweet. It makes me happy to know I do have nice people in my family. They aren’t all snobs.

Ok I just finished straightening my hair. I should get some sleep. Again please let things go great tomorrow. >_<


I registered for the upcoming fall semester. Great, back to worrying about homework and tests and waking up for class on time. Productiveness.

Ok maybe I’m a tad bit happy about going back to school. Maybe? I mean don’t get me wrong I love sleeping late and just being lazy and not having to worry about anything. But even that can be a tad bit boring. I wish I had a job over the summer. But that didn’t happen. But once school starts again all of the annoying High School students will quit their jobs and then establishments will have no choice but to hire people like me. Why does that sound like a put down? >_< Anyway, my classes this semester are as follows: … continue reading this entry.


I have a headache, I want to be lazy and sleep, I need to write lots of things, I want to read lots of books, I want to make a video!!! I need to study! I want/need/don’t/have to do a lot of things and all at the same time!!!!!! Oh if only I could freeze time for a bit. I would do everything I needed to do before they were due. I know that would have its consequences. I have watched way too many movies.

My English class is over with, I just need to finish my last essay which I’m just about done with. Its about whats real and whats not: Sex dolls. We watched the movie Lars and the real girl. But it made me think of a documentary I watched a while back. Oh and an article I read here.

I need to finish my chapter for my SciFi class. And then I need to write an essay for my scholarship which is due next week. I keep wanting to make a vlog, I haven’t made one that wasn’t apart of the KimCateKat videos. And the last time I made one was in January. How sad is that?This weekend my family and I are going to the Japanese festival. I hope the weather is nice this weekend. I don’t want it to be too hot when we go because then I will be extremely cranky.

Anyway, math class is stressing me out so bad at the moment. I’m afraid I will fail it, I don’t want to have to repeat this class over. My final is next week and I don’t think I’m prepared for it. I mean no matter how much I study I wouldn’t be prepared/ think I can ever be prepared for it. Math isn’t just memorizing facts, and its not based on your opinion, its finding the right answer. And I can’t do that if I have no clue how to solve the problem. And there are so many rules and laws. If I forget even one step the whole problem is wrong. sigh. Its a multiple choice test which might be good. I can always guess if worse comes to worse. But I still am afraid. The final is over what I learned over the entire semester. Its not like in my History class which is just over Unit three. My English class is just an essay and my SciFi class is take home questions plus an essay. All of them I can do, except for stupid math. I hate worrying about shit like this. Because then I get in a sort of frenzy and I end up making myself sick and such. BLEH!!!!

I should finish my essays, that will get my mind off potentially becoming a failure. Well I’m off to write a story and an essay.

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