Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2012 » October » 10

Archive for October 10, 2012

Carry it With You

So I’ve had the song, Dog Days Are Over, stuck in my head already for 3 days straight. I’ve been playing it on repeat and now I plan to get it stuck in your head as well. Mwahahaha!!! But it’s a good song. I love the music video for it. Florence is dressed in a pretty dress and then as the song progresses she resembles a Japanese kabuki actress. My favorite parts are her arm movements in the beginning and then the chorus. I actually have no idea what it’s about, but I like it and the music video so I hope you enjoy it.

So the other day I found out that my high school boyfriend knocked up his girlfriend. That sounds weird out loud. I met him when I was 16 and we dated on and off again and then when I turned 18 it became more serious. Our relationship ended when I turned 19 and that was that. We talked a bit over the years but we were never really “friends”. Can one really be friends with an ex? Anyway, so the girl he dated after me didn’t last very long and I have no idea how long he’s been in a relationship with his current girlfriend but I’m assuming he’s happy. I’m not bothered by this I’m just really shocked. Not by his ability to impregnate just by the idea of him having a child and becoming a father. It’ s just so weird. 0.0 So much time has passed and the boy I knew is long gone. I haven’t spoken to him in ages but we aren’t on bad terms. He was my first boyfriend, the first boy I ever kissed, ect. ect. It’s weird but I’m happy that he’s happy and I wish him and his growing family all the best.

So over at Lazy Explorers, Chloe is hosting an amazing blog hop along with three other great bloggers.  Click the banner above to get to the main the entry and check it out yourself. I’ve already found a bunch of great bloggers thanks to this.

Well I’m exhausted and I have no idea what I’m still doing up. Good morning/night. :3

Thanks for reading.