Planner Addict

This may shock/bore you, if you are not interested in stationery, planners, or paper items in general. A new craft store opened up in Houston last summer. Needless to say, my sisters and I went a little crazy.
The planner craze is still going strong and I’m obsessed. I love to see how it is constantly changing. I’m going to share the things I bought from that lovely shop and then I’d like to talk about some items I’d like to purchase this year to add to my planner/stationery obsession.
First up:
I love minty items. I can’t seem to get enough of them, I made the video above a while back but it still gives you an idea about how they look. There are pros and cons to everything but for the most part I love these items and will do an updated flipthrough soon so if you’re interested in seeing that, let me know.
Now on to the items I’d like to purchase
Michael’s has this typewriter by typecast and I’m sooooo tempted to buy one. I know, it might seem like a waste of money to you but to a stationery addict like me! I’d love owning one. I scrapbook as well as make cards and this would come in handy. My printer and I don’t always see eye to eye. It’s something I’m still considering so nothing has been decided yet. I’m still browsing the web and watching reviews on Youtube. It is 200 bucks, quite a bit to spend. Moving on…
- Portable Photo Printer
I’ve been wanting a small photo printer to print out my photos. I know, probably something else that could be considered a waste of money. But I’ve been wanting one. I keep looking at different brands, there’s the LG, HP, Polaroid, something Zip? So many different kinds and I can’t seem to pick one I want to save up for. I’ve been wanting to have hardcopies of photos and again, my printer doesn’t always work the way I want it to. I figured a portable printer might work out better. Any thoughts?
- New Digital Camera
This would be the most expensive. I don’t need it to be sooo fancy, since I’m still learning about photography, but I’d like to invest in a good camera and continue learning. Plus, I’d like to up my vlogging game with some new gear. This is also something I have no clue what kind I’d like. I’ve been researching but nothing concrete yet. If you have any tips or suggestions, I’m all ears. I don’t have a budget yet on the camera, I figured once I picked out the camera I wanted then I’d know what my aim is and then just start saving for it.
- New laptop
Like the camera, I would like to up my gear…including the laptop I would use to edit the video. I don’t need it to be topnotch, but I would like it to handle a bit of gaming and then my amateur editing skills. My current laptop is an HP and it can’t handle certain programs. I would love for it to be a mint color! I’ve always wanted a green or mint computer/laptop. That might be asking for too much, but it’s just something I’d like.
The smaller items I get fairly often but when it comes to the larger products, I tend to really put some thought into it before just going out and buying it. Do you usually weigh your options before buying a larger item, or do you just go for it? I’d love to hear your stories.
Thanks for stopping by and reading.