Pissed Beyond Reason
My cell finally kicked the can. Actually there was no kicking involved, just the loud yelling of profanity.
It happened so fast. My whole world flashed before my eyes as the screen went blank. Ok I’m being over dramatic here but I can’t believe my cell is dead. I feel so awkward without it. And to top it all off right before it broke I had just gotten a text message from my crush but I wasn’t able to reply to it. How unfair is that? I mean it just had to break at that particular moment. Is this karma? Am I being punished for wanted a new cell phone? T-T Which I can’t get until January. I can’t wait month to get a new cell. I am the most impatient person ever. I hate waiting a day let alone a month. So until that glorious day in January I am going to have to use an my dads old cell phone. I have to transfer my numbers and stuff to the old phone tomorrow. I hope I can do that even with the phone broken. I swear if I can’t do that I’m seriously going to go crazy. I know it shouldn’t be causing such a serious uproar. But I cannot not have my cell. This only further proves that technology controls my soul and behavior. It makes me go crazy if I don’t have it. This isn’t the first time that technology has turned its back on me. I freaked when my laptop broke. But there was a time way before that. Now journey back with me to a time (now I don’t remember the year so bear with me if you will) where the once popular Giga Pet was still popular. You know the virtual pet in the palm of your hands. I had finally gotten a Giga Pet to call my own x amount of Christmas’s ago. It was a cat, yellow and triangular just like the one in the link I provided above. I immediately opened it and named my cat ready to embark on the journey to owning a cat. Well sort of. I played with it and not long after setting it up I dropped it and it broke. No more kitty. I being a child at the time cried. Every time something bad happens I always think of the time right before the horrible thing takes place. Thinking I could have prevented it. (Yes I am mourning my broken cell. I have serious problems) Anyway so I was deeply sad and crushed about it. My mom being the hero she is, took back my broken virtual pet and returned with a new one. Wow this story just makes me seem like a brat. Not exactly what I was going for. >_< My point is that at a young age technology has had its cold grasp of doom on my soul. I still have that Giga Pet and if I were to buy batteries for it, it would work. How can a Giga Pet last for years and my fucking cell didn’t last two years? Stupid LG: No life isn’t good. I didn’t realize the effect of having a cell phone. Because one you get used to something there is no going back. >_<
In other news. I am thinking of leaving Youtube and switching to Vimeo. Now I didn’t start vlogging or blogging for an audience. I am simply doing it because its fun. It includes two things I find very fulfilling. Writing and video editing. But the Youtube community is mean and cold. I only have 32 subscribers on Youtube so its not like I get a ton of views. But every now and then I will get a mean comment from some horrible person.
A recent one said,”Your sad not because you like Kidrobot but because we dont care.”
Now do not get me started on the proper use of Your and You’re. I know I have slipped now and then. But I try to fix that mistake as soon as possible. I deleted this comment because well it annoyed the hell out of me. And another thing who is the we they are referring to? We as in the world? Because how does he know what the rest of the world cares about? I know there are 32 people in the world that care enough to subscribe to my videos. So that right there proves him wrong. Anyway, so I’m getting tired of Youtube. I think Vimeo will be more accepting to my vlogs. My next vlog will be uploaded to Vimeo and I will see out it goes. Now I’m debating on deleting my Youtube account. I think I will keep it because I still have people that I’m subscribed to and I enjoy their videos. Plus I have quite a few vlogs on my account. And quite frankly I’m way too lazy to switch all of those videos over to Vimeo. Plus this give me a chance to try a new more exciting vlogging style. I should have more fun with my vlogs. I think I’m more witty in my blogs than my vlogs. I should make them less boring. (see I’m not in denial)
I have a test tomorrow..today so I should go to sleep. I hope I pass it. I’m still upset about my cell phone. T-T I don’t think time will heal this wound…only a new cell phone will. ;P