Favorite Bookstores!

As I mentioned before, I’ve been spending time with my friends lately. Helps keep my mind off of things. My friends and I celebrated a belated Xmas together. Even though we haven’t spent very much time together they still know me very well. Look at some of the goodies I received. The trooper goblet!!! And the Socks!!! Gah! It’s all fantastic.
After having a bit of lunch and exchanging gifts we went around Rice Village for a bit. Stopped by Half Price, and then off to Urban Outfitters. We then made our way out of the village and stopped by Cactus music where I splurged and finally bought my favorite Tennis Vinyl – Cape Dory. Love their music! Bought it as an early Valentine’s gift to myself. After browsing through records for a while we went and had some bubble tea and then ended the night wondering around Target. We spent the entire day together, which was nice. 🙂

The next day, I took another friend of mine to two of my favorite book stores in Houston. Both of these places have books from the floor to the ceiling and I’ve mentioned them many times before. I didn’t buy anything after spoiling myself at Cactus, but I did manage to take lots of lovely pictures. As an added bonus, I put together a walk through of the stores. I haven’t vlogged in a long time, my editing skills are a bit rusty. Plus, I’m trying to get used to my new camera, haven’t quite figured it out yet, but I’m sure I will.
We sat at this table near these glass doors going through old pictures and postcards that we found in a basket. It was a lot of fun seeing fragments of a different person’s life. This particular picture I was holding up was just so crisp that I had to snap a photo of it. I really enjoy taking pictures, but all of them remain digital, so I’d like to print more pictures out so I can have baskets or albums filled with moments as well.
Thanks for reading