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Books keep me Sane O_0

“Just because it is 1in the morning, that shouldn’t mean that TV networks must be incapable of showing different or at least decent movies during this time.” -Me

I do not have classes on Friday. So I like to stay up late. But who am I kidding I sleep late on school nights too. But Thursday nights I can relax without worrying about home work that’s due or something. Well I like staying up and watching TV. Once in awhile they show a good movie. The channels in particular is tbs and USA. Now I can’t remember how many times or when it first started but they have been showing the same exact movie like every night it seems. Or at least every Friday morning. Now I wouldn’t be bothered by it if it was a movie I at least liked. The movie in question is…. Screwed.

I am annoyed by this movie, sorry to the people who actually like this movie. But enough is enough. Why must they keep showing this movie? There is like a million other movies they could show. I mean I know there are people who can’t sleep, or who are like me and are just accustomed to sleeping late. But I mean come on. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SHOW A DIFFERENT MOVIE! At least for my sanity.

But this is where I turn off the TV and read a good book. I have so many books I want to buy at the moment. I am currently reading three books at the same time because I couldn’t decided which one to read first. I know I’m terrible. So far its going ok I am keeping up with them. My book wishlist just keeps growing and growing. sigh. There are way too many books and I read way too slow. >_<

I just wanted to share this with you Mija and Kat. Because I know you both can appreciate and understand where I am coming from. Plus you can justify that this isn’t just crazy talk.

I’m not crazy. Right?


““All else being equal, past officeholders ought to have an advantage, but all things are rarely equal.” – John Green


I am pissed off at Hastings.

Why, you ask? Ok. Well I love books. I love reading books. (That’s a given) Well I looked up books on the Borders website because I was going to buy a book online but I am so indecisive when it comes to things like this. So my wishlist grew within minutes of browsing the lists of books. Authors from Robin McKinley to Maryrose Wood. I found so many books I really want to read. Now the one I went to Hastings in search of was Undine by Penni Russon. I really wanted this book.I went to Hastings to find said book.

And all I got was NOT CURRENTLY IN STOCK. Pffft! I hate it. Why is it that when I know the title and the author of the book I want and I’m not just browsing they never have the book I want. Or they say they have the book but its not where it says it should be. Now I am aware that it must be difficult to keep books where they are supposed to be, especially when customers move things around. (Déjà vu) Anyway so I looked and looked for a book to buy. And discovered that John Green’s books were on display. It is John and Hank Green’s Youtube channel aka The Vlogbrother’s channel. So I have recently purchased, “An Abundance of Katherines.” By John Green. Thanks to the FiveAwesomeGirls who have gave John Green’s books wonderful reviews; which is what made me buy this book. I do wish I could have this book with this cover. But I have a different cover. Because I have bought this I have subscribed to his youtube videos which I wonder why I never did that to begin with. Well anyway so yeah I haven’t started reading yet but I am looking forward to it. But….I came home and bought Undine online anyway. lol Which should arrive October 23rd if all goes well. o^_^o



“Expectation is the root of all heartache.” -William Shakespeare


So I wore this to school Thursday. And my first class was English and it started at 2:15, and as I was walking to class with my boyfriend Dylan. There were people in the lounge area of the College looking at me and laughing. Now I could just be paranoid, or vain (thinking they were looking at me) not exactly sure. I mean they could have been laughing at Dylan but I doubt that. I mean I thought my outfit looked cute. It took me forever to pick out a shirt to wear. I changed like 5 times before class started. Anyway I thought that once I was in college I wouldn’t have to worry about the sort of people who judge you for being you. Regardless of how you dress or wear your hair ect. I mean when do people start acting like adults?

Well today my mom and I went to buy some felt so I can fix this jacket I ruined with paint. And as I was looking for the felt I decided to just gander at the art supplies. My art stuff is packed into a blue tub with all my college stuff piled on top of it. Its so depressing I miss taking art-Correction I miss taking art with my high school art teacher. T_T She made me love art. She is indeed the right person to be an art teacher. I also miss creative writing but there is always next semester right? Anyway I was looking at water color tablets trying to find the best one that wasn’t too expensive. As I was looking this guy was looking at the art stuff too. And then dun dun dun… I was hit on. lol

The entire time I’m thinking what does this guy want I’m trying to pick out some water color paper lol. Some one called him and he left; so I just grabbed one and left too before he could come back. lol I didn’t want to be rude or anything. lol >_< So I found my mom and we went to get the felt. Now I have never been hit on before. I mean only by my boyfriend when I first met him. Oh and by my stalker but I don’t wish to discuss that one. But it was at school. This was at a store. I have never been hit on at a store. I don’t even look like a college student. But it was nine in the morning so he knew I was in college. Or he assumed I was. lol Anyway I was just weired out by the whole thing. lol Funny right? NOW I’m going to paint something. Or try to anyway. Then of course start on my English paper. Sigh.


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