Those Minty Candies?
Friday I went with Missy and her mom to buy my maid of honor dress. Its pretty. I usually don’t like trying on clothes and wearing dresses and whatnot. But Missy knows all of that. She gave me the approval to make it Kimmy. How does she put up with me? I am such a weirdo I do not like v-cut anything. I like it cut straight. And I like having my arms covered. I am weird. But the dress is really pretty so thats something she doesn’t have to worry about anymore. She picked out her dress already too. Its gorgeous. A very pretty simple white dress. I know I’m going to be balling every few minutes during her actual wedding. Especially when she walks down the isle and says I do and when I hand her the ring. Oh and she is moving to El Paso. T_T I have been friends with her for so long. She has always been there for me. And I’m going to miss her so much. I can’t imagine my life with her not in it. MISSY I LOVE YOU!
We also went to El Chico’s for lunch and after that we went to Target and she bought her bridal shower invitations and wedding invitations. As the maid of honor I was asked to come up with shower games. I have only been to one Bridal shower in my entire life. So I have no idea what to do. Thank Bob for Google right Missy? Her shower will be August 1st and her Bachelorette party is on the 15th and then the big day is August 29th. Oh wow. I still can’t believe it. >_< My Missy is going to be someones wife. We usually joke how we are each others wives. Because we are fantastic and weird. I’m not quite sure when we started that but we did. Awww memories. *I’m not gonna cry. I’m not gonna cry.* Anyway, I need to start thinking of what sort of prizes there will be for her guest to win during the shower. Like bath salts, candles I guess? Again not sure. I’m totally excited for her and I could not be happier for her. I’m just skeptical about the guy that is taking away my wife. He is in the army so thats why they will be moving to El Paso. I haven’t met him yet but I’m sure after I do my skepticism will just disappear. ^^ Plus I have to scare the fuck out of him about what will happen to him if he hurts her. I kid you not. I may be a short Mexican girl, but the wrath of The Kimmy is not to be toyed with. lol Anyway so that was Friday.
The fourth of July was spent at my Uncle Sam’s house. lol (Yup I have an Uncle Sam hahaha) He has a fish fry every fourth at his house (sort of a ranch) along with crab and sometimes craw fish. I don’t like spicy foods. And they add a lot of spices to the crab, but it was good. I don’t like staying long at my uncle’s ranch long because its hot and I’m more of an indoor person. But this time I had cramps like you would not believe. It was horrible. So I wanted to leave even more than usual. And of course my dad will never understand. >_< But I did take pictures of the new German Shepard puppy they have now. And of the horses. Rhonda is their horse and they got a second horse named Starr (the one with the white spot on her forehead) because Rhonda just couldn’t get pregnant. They have had her for a while now and she is fully grown now. But for some odd reason Rhonda kicks at her and runs her off if you don’t pay attention to her. She is a meanie and pictured in the middle. But I kept petting her and didn’t take a proper picture of her. Starr kept her distance because she didn’t want to be kicked by Rhonda. The puppy was given a different name by my dad every few seconds but I think Betsy after Betsy Ross finally stuck. Which is weird because my dad refers to his jeep as Betsy. That or Midnight. My dad gives everything more than one name. My other names are flaca (meaning skinny in spanish), meaner…oh and I am also called by my sister’s names as well because each of our names begins with the letter K. So our parents get mixed up when calling for one of us.
Well I’m going to read my book and then catch some Z’s. I will post a picture of my moh dress soon.