Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2009 » July » 14

Archive for July 14, 2009

(Infinity) Days of No Life

Well first off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIJA! Congrats on turning 24, you old lady. I kid I kid. You know I love you. Duh I made Stein for you. Thats love. So I’m still waiting for Sims 3. Yup.

Anyway, has anyone seen this trailer for the new movie 500 Days of Summer? It looks so good. It comes out on the 17th I believe. I like overlapping pictures for some odd reason.  Zooey Deschanel And Joseph Gordon-Levitt are so adorable.  I’m excited and can’t wait to see this movie. I hope it has a happy ending.

Warning movie spoilers!!!!

I watched the movie Little Ashes starring Robert Pattinson and Javier Beltran. It was interesting. I’m not really sure how to describe it. As Dali, Pattinson was in many intimate scenes with Frederico aka Beltran. The characters never fully took their relationship to the stage of lovers. But they came close. Not really a disappointment with its boy on boy action. There was very limited nudity from either of the leading roles. You do see Pattinson’s pubes in two scenes but thats about it. lol And of course you see boobs, because it wouldn’t be a movie without some straight sex and nude chests. (That was sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell) Of course this movie is about Dali so it is very artistic, the romantic scene with Frederico and Dali in the ocean is shot very beautifully. Which is why while watching this movie (mainly this scene) I immediately wanted to paint something. I couldn’t resist. But all I drew was hands.

Sidetracked: To me I think that the clavicle bone is one of the most seductive bones of the human anatomy. Next to that are hands. I find hands to be equally as beautiful. No matter how they look. Hands have so many joints and muscles and parts to it that most of the time it doesn’t even occur to us how interesting hands are. Not to mention important. Then of course thinking about hands made me think about whether your right-handed or left. And then that made me think about the brain. And which side I use more. And thats basically how my brain works. I start off on one thing then end up on another entirely different topic. Sigh. So which side do you use?

Getting back to the movie, it course ends sad. Federico is kidnapped and then killed. And Dali is of course affected by his death. But remains Dali and continues on. I he died at the age of 84 in 1989. I find that so bizarre for some reason.

“Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.” – Salvador Dali