~Smile My Way~

A glance, a look that whispers. You see my smile and one dances across your face in response. Your hand seeks mine, such a simple act, a hand atop a hand. You bring mine to greet your lips which only adds to my smile. I hope to keep witnessing yours, and wish to add to it as well.
Matt and I painted this past weekend. Normally I prefer watercolor, but we had purchased some woodblock canvases and painted them white a couple months back so we finally decided to paint them. I got an idea and wanted to work on layering the paint. Here is what I painted and it just made me want to write another cheesy poem. I painted this with a particular gushy moment in mind, several in fact. Every time I walk, or drive with Matt he will hold my hand and kiss it. It never fails and I melt every time he does this.
Ok, I gushed enough in this entry, I just really liked how this painting came out. Do you like to paint, what’s your choice of medium? I’ve been curious about gouache, is it similar to watercolor? I hope you had a great weekend and that this week is even better.
Thanks for reading.

Nancy Said:
on June 21, 2017 at 11:51 pm
That’s a really cute painting! I love how nature is wrapped in a circle. It’s cool that you layered the paint! It looks really neat. I like to paint but I’m not really that good. I’ve been working on water coloring XD.
Kimmy Said:
on June 22, 2017 at 4:07 pm
@Nancy, Thank you!
I had a lot of fun painting it, I hope to keep practicing, especially with watercolor. I’ve been feeling inspired, next time I want to use gouache.
Thanks for reading!
Cat Said:
on June 25, 2017 at 4:12 pm
I really like the painting, especially how you kept it in a circle! It’s so cute and colorful 🙂 I love that you painted it with a happy moment in mind.
I used to do oil paints, but lately I’ve been thinking of getting back into watercolors. I haven’t really painted anything in years (been using Prismacolor pencils instead), so I miss it!
Kimmy Said:
on June 26, 2017 at 1:57 pm
@Cat, I had an image on how I wanted this to come out, and it matches pretty closely. I love it when I can just paint and not put too much pressure on the end product. But I had a lot of fun painting this one and it came out exactly how I wanted it to.
Watercolors are just so much fun. I want to do a post on watercolors soon!
Pauline Said:
on June 30, 2017 at 10:21 am
Wow, this is awesome! I haven’t painted anything in years, I doubt I would be good at it again. XD I really do like how it came out, it really does make me feel really relaxed looking at it! 🙂
I love the little poem too – how beautiful!
Kimmy Said:
on June 30, 2017 at 12:24 pm
@Pauline, Thanks so much!
I’m already planning the next one out, I’m thinking different seasons within different shapes? I dunno, but I’m feeling inspired!
I hope you paint again, it’s a lot of fun. But remember to have fun and try not to worry about it coming out perfect.
Thanks for stopping by. <3
Eena Said:
on July 4, 2017 at 11:31 am
That painting is so beautiful – you’re rather talented, Kimmy! ♥
Happy Fourth of July!
☼ cabin twenty-four
Kimmy Said:
on July 4, 2017 at 4:57 pm
@Eena, Awww, thank you! >.<
Kim Said:
on July 6, 2017 at 7:01 am
I LOVE your painting! It is soo pretty and makes me happy just looking at it! You are quite the talented one. I like painting with watercolors but I’m not great at it. And I just realized that we have the same initials, KV which is quite a unique set of letters!
Simply Lovebirds
Kimmy Said:
on July 6, 2017 at 9:18 am
@Kim, Thanks so much! I prefer watercolors too, I’m trying to learn better painting techniques.
My sisters are also KV…well, my older one got married so she’s no longer KV. But I’ve been surrounded by felllow KVs for my entire life. XD
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Ravanel Griffon Said:
on July 19, 2017 at 10:22 am
Ohhh, this is so cute and happy! Great stuff! It must be nice to be able to do this together with your guy – mine isn’t creative at all (but we share other interests).
When I paint, watercolour is my go to as well. I’m totally clueless as to other materials, as you can probably guess from the upcoming question. Is it gouache you used for this? (As I can sort of guess form your last sentence.)
Kimmy Said:
on July 19, 2017 at 11:10 am
@Ravanel Griffon, No, I have yet to use gouache. The painting above was actually done with acrylic, I guess I failed to mention it. XD I’m thinking of making this a series of paintings, I really liked painting on the wooden canvas. I might use acrylic again though.
It was his idea, so it makes me happy to do something creative. He just has trouble finishing projects.