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Archive for Creative Writing

~Smile My Way~

A glance, a look that whispers. You see my smile and one dances across your face in response.  Your hand seeks mine, such a simple act, a hand atop a hand. You bring mine to greet your lips which only adds to my smile. I hope to keep witnessing yours, and wish to add to it as well. 

Matt and I painted this past weekend. Normally I prefer watercolor, but we had purchased some woodblock canvases and painted them white a couple months back so we finally decided to paint them. I got an idea and wanted to work on layering the paint. Here is what I painted and it just made me want to write another cheesy poem. I painted this with a particular gushy moment in mind, several in fact. Every time I walk, or drive with Matt he will hold my hand and kiss it. It never fails and I melt every time he does this.

Ok, I gushed enough in this entry, I just really liked how this painting came out.  Do you like to paint, what’s your choice of medium? I’ve been curious about gouache, is it similar to watercolor? I hope you had a great weekend and that this week is even better.

Thanks for reading.

Mornings with You ?


The moments before I fall asleep I snuggle against your back, wrapping my arm around you and I can easily fall asleep with you beside me.

The moments before I’m fully awake, I can feel you kiss my cheek. I can feel you touch my hand.  My vision blurred, streaks of light peeking in through the blinds while purrs and high pitched meows beckon us to wake up.  I can feel myself wanting to say good morning yet I want to linger in your arms just a bit longer before I wake up. 



So today was the Houston Indie Book Fest and I couldn’t be more excited. This is my favorite event that happens every April here in Houston, it is the reason I discovered my love for the literary world. Well…for the publishing world.


I had a blast! I worked the CLMP table from 1 to 5, it was so much fun but I came home exhausted. I immediately passed out and didn’t wake up until 10:30. After being surrounded by so much fiction and writers I actually find myself being inspired. So I’ll start writing my story for workshop on Thursday. I just wish the weekend was longer. >.<

I only bought two things, I’ve been planning on buying hard copies of this journal for THE longest time and I finally did today. The First Line has to be one of my favorite literary journals. I keep wanting to submit a story to them but I always miss out on the lines that I want. The line for may is...”I started collecting secrets when I was just six years old.” And submissions are due May 1st. I didn’t even get to really look around the Festival too much because I was already so tired. But I got what I wanted to buy and I had fun manning the table. I’m definitely going to start my story after I post this blog entry. My sister went around and filmed the festival so I plan on making a small video so you can see how awesome it was. Also, I had a surprised visit from my dancing partner, Julian, mentioned in this entry. It was nice catching up with him and he even stayed awhile to help me sell books. You’ll see in the video I post below. It was nice seeing him, it’s been awhile. Anyway, so I’ve just been craving some time to just create something. Be it writing, knitting, sewing, or even filming a vlog about something. There are several vlogs I want to make. Like about products I use, or an outfit of the day, especially this Houston series I desperately want to start. Which would  basically be a vlog where I introduce my favorite shops and restaurants that make me love living in Houston.

… continue reading this entry.

Currently Creative

Kellie over at Give a Girl a Blog started a really cute Currently segment over at her blog. So naturally, I decided to take part in it as well. 😀 She is one of my favorite scrapbookers. I’m always in the mood to create after visiting her blog and her current post totally inspired me. So here I am reporting what I’m currently working on…or attempting to work on. >.< … continue reading this entry.

In Between Gay Orgies and Proud Mexicans

So this past week was pretty busy. A perfect week to end a perfect Birthmonth. That’s right, I pretty much celebrated my birthday all month. XD

Last Monday, I went with a friend and had the chance to hear Junot Diaz read from his newest book, This is How You Lose Her. A collection of breakup stories. He was wonderful, I never thought much about an authors ability to speak in front of an audience. It totally makes you want to read their writing more if they are great speakers. And I never thought about even getting a chance to meet an author. But that is one of the good things about living in Houston. I’ve had the chance to meet several different authors since moving here and it has been amazing. My friend and I stood in line for about 2 hours to get Diaz to sign our books. He was just so friendly and adorable, a lot shorter than I thought too.  I really wish I was able to buy his new book but that will have to wait. My too read list is much too long at the moment and have absolutely no time to read what I want to read. Moving along to Wednesday, Mija took me to see Beauty and The Beast the musical. It was so amazing! Like I’ve mentioned before, this is my favorite Disney movie and it was such a huge part of my childhood. To be able to see it as an adult it was just a wonderful experience and I can’t thank my sister enough for doing this for me.

Instagram Pics

  1. Glitter Chucks: These are my bridesmaid shoes. Yes, they are freaking awesome.
  2. Junot Diaz autograph
  3. Beauty and The Beast Playbill and ticket. Totally framed it. >.<

Continuing on with the rest of the week, Thursday night I went to Poison Girl for the end of the month Poison Pen (reading series) and had a blast with friends. I always have such a great time at this bar and had just the one drink this time. ;P  Friday, I spent the day with my sisters and bro. We walked around the Galleria and played an exciting game of, I Spy the quinceañera dress. Let’s just say it wasn’t very hard to spot them. -.-  Saturday, we met up with some friends at the bowling alley and then went out for pizza. It was a great night filled with a lot of laughing and nerd talk. I love hanging out with people who are just as nerdy as I am. :3

So I was doing my daily blog browsing and discovered this. This is Willie Nelson. I wrote a short story about him over at Joy’s blog and she totally illustrated it. How freaking adorable is that? I love her blog. :3 You should totally go and leave a character description or story for her to illustrate. She is super talented. Thanks again Joy.

Today’s song,  Right as Rain by Adele. This is the only song of hers that I really like listening to.  Ok, I’m off to finish reading about orgies and Mexicans before going to bed. (Hence the title)[audio:|titles=RightAsRain-Onesongfavs]

Thanks for reading.


If you love to write then you should  totally sign up for this conference. There will be craft talks and workshops where you have a piece of your writing critique by fellow writers. Choose from poetry, fiction or non-fiction writing.

I plan on signing up as well, I’m so excited. It will be held on the UH campus and anyone 18 and older can join…unless you are currently in a grad program. :/ All the information can be found HERE. If you register before Sunday it only costs $75 after that it will be 100. That will only cover food and registration not room and board. They will have rooms available so if you are interested in staying on campus for the week that option is available.Now this is pretty cheap compared to some writing conferences so I can’t stress how amazing this opportunity is…especially if you live in Texas. If you do consider coming then leave me a comment so we can get acquainted I would love to meet you and read your writing.

Ellipsis Obsession

How difficult is it to write about a crazy abused woman who imagines killing her husband? I mean seriously?  -.-
My semester is coming to an end and now all that is left is to edit, revise and study. Oh and turn things in on time. And like the rest of the world I hate deadlines. Some need deadlines to get their work done they need that pressure and blah blah. I on the other hand don’t need pressure. Pressure actually makes me want to procrastinate even more. I don’t work better under pressure I work sloppy under pressure. I hate that stupid saying. I look at what I have to do for my Short Story portfolio and I think, well that’s not a lot. And then when it comes to actually typing things out it turns into an elephant size assignment. I mean even at the moment I should be editing my story but instead I’m blogging about how I should be editing my story. I HATE REVISING!!! I just want to start a new story already. -.- That wouldn’t be wise, but I still want to do it.

So here I am blogging about what I should be doing instead of doing that. I mean I’m stuck. I really hate editing because I still haven’t added an ending to the story but before I can do that I’m revising the 13 pages I’ve written and its just a big jumble of word vomit that I’d rather just delete from my memory along with my laptop’s. But alas, this is my grade I’m talking about. I’m aware that my story isn’t going to be perfect, and at this point it doesn’t have to be. But I do want it to be an interesting read.

*Side note* I’ve been editing for the past hour and I still haven’t gotten up to use the restroom because I’m afraid I will lose focus. Ah fuck- just lost it. POTTY BREAK!!!

How easily I am distracted. Speaking of distractions. Here is a collage thing of things that have sparked my interest this weekend. Some are things I hope to own one day, and some are things I won’t ever own because lets face it I have no money to purchase a few of these items. But lets proceed on to the list starting with…

1. BOOKS!!! You can never have too many books in my opinion and because books exist I am remotely sane. I mean I love having movies and television. But having books makes me happy. Currently I’m reading the Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides which I will discuss in a later entry. It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini – how great is that title? And don’t even get me started on that cover. I mean its wonderful. I love it. And I want it. But only if it is that cover. If it is the movie cover I will scream. Not that I have anything against the movie itself I just despise movie covers. Especially when the books has another cover that looks like that. I mean it just makes me want to buy it, and isn’t that the job of a book cover. To grab your attention and make you pick the book up? And not because there on the cover says (now a motion picture). Barf. I’ve seen the movie and enjoyed it. But now I want to read the book to compare and contrast. Second book, is called The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis – yes another book that has its own movie. Grrr but what can  I do about it? Some books need to be made into a film for the greater good of artistic expression. This film was made in 2oo2 and I’ve never watched until now. Because of the book. I was browsing through the shelves at Hastings and discovered the book and then proceeded to look it up once I got home. I read a few pages and now I must finish reading it. The movie was interesting and might hold out in a compare and contrast but we shall see which is better. Ok on to number 2. Bikes- not just any bikes but adorable old fashion mint green bikes. How freaking adorable it that bike? I haven’t owned a bike in quite awhile but it doesn’t stop me from hoping, one day I own one that looks like that. These bikes have gotten pretty trendy, and yes I have fallen victim to the call of the trend and now I want one. XD Ok on to 3. Boots!!! I have been looking for a nice pair of boots since last year. And I found some at JCpenny this weekend. I had hope they would be a little taller but these are so pretty. I stopped myself from trying them on so I would want them even more. But its safe to say that even though I didn’t try them on I still want them just as much if had. Number 4. Teal Rose bag from Jo Totes– I know I’ve mention this bag many time before. I still love it! What more can I say? Number 5. Sweater from Target–  Who doesn’t love Target? They have best selection in bags and clothing. And the best graphic tees. But this is a cardigan that I thought was pretty and you can never go wrong with having more than one gray cardigan. Its my number one color choice when purchasing sweaters or jackets. Unless there is a pretty teal. Last but not least number 6. You’re working Wonders Dress from ModCloth– Dying from cuteness!!! I really wish I could try this dress on once just to see if I looked as cute in it as it looks on my computer screen. I mean it might not even look good on me. I’d rather know then sit here pining for it. >.< Maybe one day I’ll find out. If I get over my issue with buying clothes online. I’ve never bought clothes online before because I like to try them on before committing to buying it. I have an in between sizes body type. It might fit perfectly on top but won’t fit around the midsection or vice versa.

Ok so I guess the pressure is starting to kick in. Must finish portfolio tonight because its due tomorrow!!!! >.< Wish me luck.

Day 10- Song Day

I had trouble with this prompt. But only because I have soooo many favorite songs. And I’m not that great at illustrating. :/ But I still had fun with today’s prompt.

Today’s prompt was…..

Illustrate your all time favorite song :)

So yeah I had trouble picking a song, in my painting class a couple semester ago we had an assignment where we had to paint a song. And I thought it was difficult back then as well. But I chose a Beatles song then and it was easier to illustrate a Beatles song. :D For this prompt I just put my ipod on shuffle and picked the first song that played. It just happened to be Vertigo by Anya Marina. Which I’ve mention before on my blog. I feel like most of my journal pages have been pretty sloppy. :/ But I’m still having tons of fun making them.

See you tomorrow with prompt 11! :D


“Droplets of Comfort”

A t-shirt, worn merely for comfort.

Worn for fun, with no sentimental attachment.

I have no need for aprons, just a million paint brushes.

I painted a picture whilst wearing this t-shirt.

And several drops of paint found its way on the unsuspecting party.

And no matter how many times it is washed, these spots of paint will never be removed.

Its own personal battle scars from a war it has won?

Perhaps lost?

No blood was spilled, just a few beads of paint.

These drops of paint have become apart of it.

Like they have always been there.

We both know it is merely a t-shirt.

Worn only for comfort.

Amazing what lack of sleep does to a person, such as myself.

Wanted:Creativity-Will take Sparks

“Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found.” – James Russell Lowell

Part one: All because of a quote, this is what happens when I stay up all hours of the night thinking and have little sleep. Oh my poor brain.

I have come to the conclusion that I have lost something. Its not a for sure feeling. Just an odd one. The something in question is:


How does one acquire creativity? I mean can it be learned/taught? Or is it something you either have or don’t have? Can it be found or lost? I seem to have lost track of mine. I love to paint, draw, write, make videos and sew. I love to create things. Things that are apart of me in some way or another. Except something is different about me. I mean I realize people change all the time its not earth shattering. I haven’t painted anything in a long time. I miss it. I know I can paint anytime I want to. I write anytime I want to. I can sew and make a video at any time. (Well not any time but you know what I mean) But just today I have realized that when I paint or draw something I need something to look at when I draw it. Meaning it doesn’t come out of my head but out someone else’s. I mean I know that is how you learn somethings by looking at it being done and then proceeding to imitate it. I DEMAND MY CREATIVITY BACK.

Who has taken it? I’m not sure, probably the other not so creative side of me. (What a bitch) How am I supposed to get it back or can I even retrieve it?

Part two: Ok sane again. Well for the most part.

I just watched a movie called Phoebe in Wonderland. It stars Elle Fanning, Dakota Fanning’s younger sister. She is a 9 year old girl with a vivid imagination who also has turrets and obsessive control disorder. Both her parents are writers and her mother has chosen Alice in Wonderland to be the inspiration for her dissertation. Phoebe(Elle) becomes obsessed with that world. I rather liked this movie. It made me want to draw my own version of Alice in Wonderland. I mean I know that the story was written by someone who must have been on a permanent high, but I think thats what made it such an enticing story. I mean come on who hasn’t wanted to escape reality to retreat to a world with no boundaries? Good movie you should watch it if you get the chance. Ok well I better get some sleep. tsk.

“Be what you would seem to be — or, if you’d like it put more simply — Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.” -Alice in Wonderland