Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2009 » March » 19

Archive for March 19, 2009

Fucking Cute

Part One: I hate that once I find something that is extremely cute in a store. I am bombarded by the fear that it will not be there when I return to that store. Sigh. I mean it takes me a long time to decided to buy something. I never have money. Therefore, when I do have money I like to make sure that I use whatever it is that I buy. Or if its a book I will read it. The other day I went to the Galleria with my sisters and we went into the Sanrio store aka Hello Kitty store. Now I wasn’t planning on buying anything from this store, because they are ridiculously over priced. -_- Kat had already decided on purchasing a bento draw string bag and a bento spoon and chopstick set. Freakin cute man. Now I didn’t see anything that I desperately wanted so after Kat bought her items we continued on to the next store. Gadzooks. Now I’m not normally a clothing shopper. I attempted to try on clothes with the idea that I would buy it if I liked it. I just didn’t want anything from that store either. So I was planning on returning to the Sanrio store and purchasing a bento box and fork and spoon set with a bento drawstring bag. (different from Kats of course) Sigh Why am I such an indecisive person? Anyway, I believe I made the comment that went like this, “What do I need a bento for? I don’t have a lunch time.” My sister than replied to me saying, “During the summer you don’t plan on working? You might not have enough time to walk home for lunch.”

DING DING DING DING! – This is true. I plan on having a job. And I might have to pack a lunch.

So at this point I kept pacing back and forth, walking up and down stairs not being able to make up mind. We were heading in the direction to the Disney store (our second favorite store) thinking we might find something there and if not I would return to buy the bento/accessories that went with it. Tsk. I know what a waste of time. Of course the Disney store was moved to another side of the mall and we weren’t exactly sure where. So we headed in the direction we assumed was the right one. During this time I kept going over whether or not I should buy the bento box or not. (Yes I over analyze everything) My sisters said we could always go back because I feared the only bento box of the character that I wanted would not be there upon returning. So I decided on the Sanrio store and I purchased the first things I thought of buying. tsk I know I am crazy. Forgive me. Its a curse. But I finally made up my mind don’t I get points for that? Now I know you might find this sort of thing very childish but I could not help it. It was so fucking cute. I am defenseless with stuff like this. So yeah.

Part Two: I have to finish the Dooms Day Book by Monday. It has 36 chapters. So if I read six chapters a day I will have it finish. I started Tuesday I am on chapter 13 as of now. Now you would think six chapters a day that’s no problem. But let me tell you, it is if you are not interested in the book at all. Now I have tried getting into it, but I just can’t. It just hasn’t hooked me like the books I’d rather be reading at the moment. While I was reading my chapters I had someone who kept distracting me. I cannot ignore the cuteness that is my sister’s cat Tomo. I swear.The story seems like it would be a good one, but for some odd reason I just dislike the way Connie Willis writes. No offense to Connie Willis. I just hope I can finish it in time. I am only on chapter 13 and I’m not sure I can continue. Is spark notes an option? >_<