Inside Kimmy's Mind » 2009 » March » 23

Archive for March 23, 2009

The Song You Sing Gives Me Vertigo

First discovery-Odd: Two mini vanilla ice cream cups stuck together. This is how I found them. I didn’t feel the sudden urge to take two ice cream cups and then proceed to smash them together and get some form of happiness. No I am happy because I love finding odd things such as this. I mean I’m not saying that my life is now complete, I’m just saying this brought a smile to my face. Follow by a little annoyance. Yes I am hypocritical. After I removed this discovery from the freezer, I made some effort to find out why it is like this. I later discovered that the bottom ice cream cup has no lid…..interesting. How could it not have a lid? I also found that there were others similar to this yet they were merely open a bit, yet they all had their own lids. Yes, I have made more effort than I should be. I then sat down and ate these two ice cream cups. Yes I am weird. Do not judge me.

Second discovery- More like I happened upon it: Now I’m not sure if you have had the chance to see these adorable chip commercials but you must. The one you need to see for sure is this one. I love this song.

Its by Anya Marina I think its entitled “Vertigo”

Besides liking the song of this commercial, I found the commercial itself most entertaining. Commercials similar to these make interrupting my tv show worth while. This and this, oh and this. Don’t forget click this too.These are the only ones I have had the chance to see. But I think they are cute.

Fascinating is it not?