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In Between Gay Orgies and Proud Mexicans

So this past week was pretty busy. A perfect week to end a perfect Birthmonth. That’s right, I pretty much celebrated my birthday all month. XD

Last Monday, I went with a friend and had the chance to hear Junot Diaz read from his newest book, This is How You Lose Her. A collection of breakup stories. He was wonderful, I never thought much about an authors ability to speak in front of an audience. It totally makes you want to read their writing more if they are great speakers. And I never thought about even getting a chance to meet an author. But that is one of the good things about living in Houston. I’ve had the chance to meet several different authors since moving here and it has been amazing. My friend and I stood in line for about 2 hours to get Diaz to sign our books. He was just so friendly and adorable, a lot shorter than I thought too.  I really wish I was able to buy his new book but that will have to wait. My too read list is much too long at the moment and have absolutely no time to read what I want to read. Moving along to Wednesday, Mija took me to see Beauty and The Beast the musical. It was so amazing! Like I’ve mentioned before, this is my favorite Disney movie and it was such a huge part of my childhood. To be able to see it as an adult it was just a wonderful experience and I can’t thank my sister enough for doing this for me.

Instagram Pics

  1. Glitter Chucks: These are my bridesmaid shoes. Yes, they are freaking awesome.
  2. Junot Diaz autograph
  3. Beauty and The Beast Playbill and ticket. Totally framed it. >.<

Continuing on with the rest of the week, Thursday night I went to Poison Girl for the end of the month Poison Pen (reading series) and had a blast with friends. I always have such a great time at this bar and had just the one drink this time. ;P  Friday, I spent the day with my sisters and bro. We walked around the Galleria and played an exciting game of, I Spy the quinceañera dress. Let’s just say it wasn’t very hard to spot them. -.-  Saturday, we met up with some friends at the bowling alley and then went out for pizza. It was a great night filled with a lot of laughing and nerd talk. I love hanging out with people who are just as nerdy as I am. :3

So I was doing my daily blog browsing and discovered this. This is Willie Nelson. I wrote a short story about him over at Joy’s blog and she totally illustrated it. How freaking adorable is that? I love her blog. :3 You should totally go and leave a character description or story for her to illustrate. She is super talented. Thanks again Joy.

Today’s song,  Right as Rain by Adele. This is the only song of hers that I really like listening to.  Ok, I’m off to finish reading about orgies and Mexicans before going to bed. (Hence the title)[audio:|titles=RightAsRain-Onesongfavs]

Thanks for reading.


First I want to share another giveaway!!! Again hosted by the wonderful Kellie Winnell. She is just so awesome.

Good luck to everyone who enters. But I’m really hoping to win this for Mija. XD

Ok now on to the update. So school has been going well so far. I’ve managed to stay caught up on all of my reading assignments. Hopefully I can keep it up. The books I’ve been reading for my lit classes have been pretty interesting. But that means that I have to put any other books that I’ve been wanting to read on hold until I find some time to read for fun. Also my birthday is this Tuesday (yes I was born on 9-11. If you have any annoying jokes about that then please keep them to yourself.) and I’m 23! I don’t have plans on the day but I have a bunch of other things planned for the rest of this month. There’s a reading on Wednesday at 5:30 (the 12th) that I might attend. It’s on campus so I thought since I’m there might as well check it out. The only problem with that is going home too late. I hate taking the bus when it’s dark but it might be ok. We shall see. Then I have the Junot Diaz reading on the 24th to attend, I cannot wait for that I’m excited to get my book signed by him. Then on the 26th I have my Birthday present, Mija is taking me to see Beauty and The Beast on Broadway. >.< So excited!!! Beauty and The Beast is my favorite Disney movie/fairy tale story so seeing it on stage is just beyond amazing.  And then maybe going to Poison Girl for a reading the day after that…not sure about that. I cannot wait until it starts getting colder. I’m tired of sweating buckets before I even get to the bus stop. I guess if I didn’t dress in so many layers I wouldn’t be having this problem. But I can’t help it. I like layers. The cutest outfits are in layers. Speaking of outfits I really need to start documenting my outfits again so I know which combination I’ve worn and on what day. Need to alternate. XD Sadly, there probably won’t be any cold weather until January. I’m totally not kidding. Ok maybe a little bit. But it usually takes forever for it to get cold. You would think after living in Texas for 23 years I would have accepted the weather by now. But no. I haven’t. I’ve been dying to wear my new blazer that Kat got me for my birthday.  I had no idea that she had gotten me a gift. She’s horrible at keeping things a surprise but then again I’m no better. >.<

Have any awesome plans this month or this year? :3 Also Mija’s wedding is next month! Can’t believe how fast time has gone by. >.< This wedding is going to be amazing. Song of the day Hold On by MoZella. I love it! [audio:|titles=HoldOn-MoZella]


Thanks for reading.

Boy Poison

“-a boy’s kisses were like a poison which infected you and after exposure you craved more, like an addict.”

I love this line. Susan Minot is exactly the type of writer I would want to be…if I planned on becoming an author that is. I’ve pretty much finished taking all of the creative writing courses I can take at UH but I just recently figured out the type of writing I enjoy writing most. The whole coming of age/growing in some way/figuring out who you are as a person type of stories. I mean most of the stories I wrote were basically that but I didn’t noticed until this past semester. I’ve read Minot’s work before it just never sunk in until now. She has become one of my favorite authors now. And Rapture was a great read.  Now that classes have started I don’t really have time to read the books I want to read. I’m taking two lit classes this semester and I have a lot of reading to do. (I should be reading right now)So yeah the first week of classes went well. I like my teachers and the class times are great. I take two buses to get to campus and I arrive with plenty of time to catch my breath and cool down. It is very hot right now and I cannot wait until winter.

On to my social life!!! Yup I have one. 😉 This past Thursday I went to the first Poison Pen reading series of the semester. It is held at the bar Poison Girl- if you’re ever in Houston you should totally check it out. Great bar. Anyway, so I don’t usually drink and if I do I usually just have one. But that night I had two.  I mean why not? Vodka soda and a vodka cranberry. I think from now on I’ll order the cranberry because it was pretty good. But I think if I do drink I will stick to having one. Because after that second drink I was definitely tipsy. I mean really tipsy. Not drunk but I’m sure if I had a third I probably would have been. I’ve only ever had one drink and I would feel a slight buzz after the one but this time my head was spinning. When I drink I become way more social and friendly. I’m sure this happens to everyone. It’s not called liquid courage for nothing. When I went to get my second drink I just started talking to whoever was at the bar. And I’m not usually that friendly, but I had a lot of fun. I was surrounded by former classmates and we just kept talking and laughing. It was a blast. I ended the night with a friend at Whataburger, we just kept laughing and made plans to hang out again. When I got home, didn’t drive home so no worries, the sibs were totally laughing at how tipsy I was. Now I will never hear the end of it. I couldn’t even unlock the back door. How sad is that? I’m such a lightweight. So yeah only one drink from now on. I don’t intend to drink every time and these readings only happen on the last Thursday of every month, so it won’t be something I do often. Once in awhile it’s nice just to have fun and laugh with friends and venture out of my comfort zone. Besides I’ve been wanting to try a vodka cranberry for awhile now. What can I say, I’m a chick and I like the fruity drinks. XD  Oh it’s September first, My birthday month!!! I’m turning 23 on the 11th and I have a bunch of stuff happening this month.

Song of the day Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
How was your first week of classes, 0r your week in general? Visit any bars lately? XD
Thanks for reading.

Several Things…

Movies!!– “I was such an asshole five years ago.” –Happythankyoumoreplease

The quote above is from the movie that I linked. It was really good by the way…just saying.

I guess if a person were to say this it would mean he/she considers themselves an asshole. Anyone can be an asshole, it could be by accident or on purpose. Whether it was an evil look you gave someone, a rude comment you said loud enough for someone to hear, or maybe it was the heart you broke due to lies and poor excuses.  Asshole does not just describe a specific gender or race. It can refer to anyone. This isn’t really about the movie itself, I just liked the scene this quote appeared in and it inspired this random thought. What do you think makes someone an asshole?

Parallel Parking sucks!!! So I had my road test scheduled for last Friday but it didn’t happen. I thought everything was in order but a mistake was made and they wouldn’t let me take my test so I had to reschedule. I know I should be happy about the reschedule because I was able to practice on my parallel parking. I can’t believe I was planning on taking the test without practicing. I now take my road test on August 24th. The worry continues. -.-  Books!!- The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I’ve been looking for this book for awhile and they finally got it at Hastings. The only copy!!!! Sadly I had to walk away without buying it. -.- I will read it eventually, speaking of my to read list I have a guest post over here. If you’re interested in writing a guest post then check out Joslin’s blog. Instax Mini- So my case for my instax came in. Mija says it looks like some type of bondage mask. She’s a weird one. XD I like it, and it keeps my camera safe. However, there is one thing that sucks about it. The whole point of this case was that I can take pictures with the camera in it. But in door pictures either come come out completely black or cloudy. I think the case blogs the flash a bit. -.- It’s a shame but I just have to adjust. I wanted something to hold my camera and keep it safe, plus it’s nice because I can wear it like a purse and won’t have the added weight of the camera in my actual purse. It can just hang above it. So all in all I’m still happy with it.

More SMASH*- So I created a board on Pinterest for SMASH book ideas and inspiration. I’m really loving this way of scrapbooking. I’m out of film but this is also the perfect place to put all of my Polaroid pictures. I almost done with my second page. I started in the beginning thinking that’s how books are supposed to be, but then realized I don’t have to smash that way. (If I were to say that to someone who had no idea what SMASH books were, they would probably imagine something gross. I guess I’m gross for thinking this in the first place. XD) Getting back on topic here, I figured why not start another page towards the end of the book? So now I’m starting my third page, I’ll show you once it’s finished. My first page is about my pets. They were the first to be photographed once I got my instax. The second page (not complete yet) next to that one features my backyard. It is so gorgeous in the summer. I don’t like going outside because it’s so hot but it doesn’t mean I don’t/can’t admire it. I intend to add more pictures of the trees. They get huge during this time and the flowers that bloom on them are just amazing. I might even film an outfit of the day, if I can get Kat to help me out. It just gets unbearable in this heat to be outside, add mosquitoes and I give up. Got some more SMASH goodies. I’m excited to finish up my third page. It’s a hobbies page, I think I will have the most fun SMASHing this page. I have a lot of hobbies so I’m using two pages for this theme. I don’t know why I find something as simple as this exciting. XD

I’m curious, what is something that honestly makes you happy?

Thanks for reading.


Ridiculously Adorable: A Book Review (sort of)

Fruit by Brian Francis

I bought this book at Kaboom, one of the best used book stores in Houston. I fell in love with the place, and their prices are fantastic. I enjoy Half Price, but Kaboom has them beat. It’s own by the greatest couple too, they hold readings in the back of the store and it’s just a really nice place. I mentioned it in this post awhile back but deleted the pictures because I went with the ex. I just never got around to adding different pictures to that post so I’ll do that here as well. But first, back to the main reason of this entry. A book review. Now I’ve discussed books that I’ve read before but you can’t really call them reviews. You would think after 3 semesters of creative writing and I would be able to write an awesome book review. Well it’s my opinion about it so here it goes. I purchased a review copy, so I’m not sure how much of the story was changed in  the actual published version. But I absolutely loved this book. Both as a reader and as someone who enjoys writing. As I’ve developed my writing skills, I’ve discovered that I enjoy writing coming of age stories. So when I read a book that has taken something we have all gone through and made it relatable while at the same time different, I can’t help but swoon.And that is exactly what this book did for me.

Synopsis (found on the back of the book)

Thirteen-year-old Peter Paddington is overweight, the subject of his classmates’ ridicule, and the victim of too many bad movie-of-the-week storylines. When his nipples begin speaking to him one day and inform him of their diabolical plan to expose his secret desires, Peter finds himself cornered in a world that seems to have no tolerance for difference. Peter’s only solace is “The Bedtime Movies”- perfect-world fantasies that lull him to sleep every night. But when the lines between Peter’s fantasy world and his reality begin to blur, his hilarious adventures in overeating, family dysfunction, and the terrifying world of sexual awakening really begin. 

After reading that I just had to buy it. I love the style that Francis wrote this book in. It’s in first person from the POV of Peter. Although it is relatable, everyone experiences adolescence in their own way. This story was entertaining and it definitely made me think a lot about my own experiences, that awkward stage in life. While reading this book I laughed a lot…and out loud. I feel as though I should actually get my hands on a published copy so I can compare the two. Another thing I found interesting was the fact that it was about a boy and not a girl. As a female, the male mind is somewhat out of bounds so reading this from the perspective of a thirteen year old boy was another reason I enjoyed it. After reading this book, it made me want to start working on some short stories. I might share a few that were inspired by this book.

So if you are looking for a fun book to read I highly recommend Fruit. What style of books do you find yourself drawn to? And if you have book suggestions, let me know. 😀 Thanks for reading.


So I’ve heard about this amazing book store called Kaboom and I’ve been wanting to check it out for a while now.

But the last time I was close to visiting it I got confused and saw that the store was closed down. I thought the store was no longer around. Turns out, they just changed locations. So I went with Jay and I went out to lunch, Potbelly, and then found Kaboom Books. I bought two books, Lust by Susan Minot and a review copy of Fruit by Brian Francis. I love review copies, because they usually say on the cover do not sell. And here I am buying it. mwhahaha 🙂 It was a lot of fun, of course I felt bad because he had just taken his French final and was extremely tired.  And then he came over and we watched Amélie. Not the best movie to get French off his mind but I love that movie. Today we went out to lunch again, he gets so excited when we find new places to eat. He had trouble deciding between hamburgers and pizza. Even though he has been craving Chinese food for awhile now. XD We shared a large pizza at Two Guy’s Pizzeria and then we walked around Rice Village. A lot of great shops around here. We went to a store called PH Design Shop, he bought some notebooks which is awesome because now I know where to buy them for future reference. I feel as though I find a typewriter everywhere I go. They are so trendy right now. How freaking cool is the one pictured below? After that we just walked around Rice Village some more. Great area. Unrealistic prices though. -.-  He wanted some coffee so we stopped at this French bakery and had some tiramisu. Really yummy. (Quick side note: Notice the robot walking on my picture? Cute huh? The artist can be found here. I just made it into a brush, I feel as though when I post group pictures it is always odd looking because of the bare corners. So I plan on adding cute drawings to the pictures. ) After that I just listened to him talk about music. He is a very fascinating person. His taste in music is just all of over the place. I love listening to him ramble on and on about anything really. Today it just happened to be about music.  And  that was my day, I always have fun with him. So I have a lot of things to look forward to after Thursday. I’m almost done with finals, I have a math final on Thursday and I cannot wait to put it behind me. And I’m introducing Jay to my parents and my younger sister this Friday. I’m super excited and can’t wait for them to meet him. After that he will officially be my boyfriend. We’ve only been dating a month but I’m ready to make it official. Then the following weekend I meet his parents and celebrate his sister Jessica’s birthday. And then we have a week of writing for the Boldface conference. And then I move back home for the summer. I’m really gonna miss being able to see him and go on dates. Hopefully he can visit now and then. Plus he suggested we send each other letters. How freaking adorable is that? And then come June it’s back to school with me. Yup I’m taking summer courses. -.- Ok well I have no idea why I stayed up this late. I am crazy. I’m off to sleep the day away. >.<

Song of the day Cheek to Cheek by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong [audio:|titles=CheekToCheek-EllaFitzgeraldLouis]

So what are you looking forward to? Finals being over? Summer? A party? Let me know. 😀

Instagram and More

So I’ve met one of his sisters. One down and two to go and then of course there is his mom and dad to win over.

I hope they like me. I mean there is nothing worse than having your family hate the person you are dating. I can’t wait to introduce him to my parents. I think they will really like him. All in due time. I know I’ve been on cloud 9 recently because of him. And I’m trying to keep my head on straight. I still have a life that doesn’t have to revolve around him. Even though I want to talk to him and see him all the time. I realize that is a dangerous feeling to have. But I’ve been really happy since I’ve starting seeing him. Not that I was unhappy before. Because I wasn’t, its just now I wake up with a huge smile on my face. Also he’s actually been a motivation to get my homework done faster as well. So that is always nice. And whenever I’m around him, he makes me want to journal more. I want to work on writing more stories for things like TFL and Boldface. >.< Anyway so last Saturday, I volunteered at the Houston Indie Bookfest. It was a lot of fun, I stood behind the CLMP table. In the beginning  I was unsure and timid. I had no clue as to what they wanted me to do but luckily there was another volunteer at the table to assist me. But once he left I had to step  it up. By the end of my second shift I was charismatic and a terrific sales person. I greeted passersby and helped in anyway I could. I even started asking if they were writers and what genre was their forte. It was pretty fun, I really love the indie fest. It reminds how much I love the writing community. After my shift ended, I had lunch with Jay, his sister and her boyfriend. We met at the Hobbit Cafe. It was fun, his sister seemed really shy and didn’t talk much. But I’m hoping she opens up more as she gets to know me. But it was really fun and I was happy to meet one of his family members. Especially since the night before he had met one of my sisters. After we went to lunch with his sister we headed to the park. We just walked around and then sat on a bench and talked and enjoyed the day. Then we headed to Berripop where we shared a cup of frozen yogurt. And then we walked down University street and visited Urban Outfitters and Half Price Books. He then asked me if I wanted a book or anything, I always feel awkward when someone offers to buy me something. I don’t know why but I just feel weird. I’m not talking birthday gifts or Holiday gifts, but those this-made-me-think-of-you gifts. They are great but I won’t ask for anything. We saw the Tiny Book of Tiny Stories and he offered while I politely declined. Come Monday he went back and bought it for me. Great first gift if I do say so myself. He’s so adorable. Also his mom made me blueberry cookies and they were delicious. We’ve already made plans in May to meet each others parents. He meets mine May 11th and I’ll meet his May 19th. I’m excited but extremely nervous, I hope everyone likes everyone. XD

 Another thing I would like to share with you is…drum roll please…I finally got my braces off. And it is so weird. I have to wear a retainer and it is the most annoying thing. My gums are pretty sore and I think I went a little floss happy and irritated them a bit. Now they are just angry. :/ But I am happy  that I finally got them off, of course I am gonna kind of miss having the different colors and sharing this experience with my younger sister. We both had braces and now that I don’t she jokingly says we aren’t brace face buddies anymore.  She’s funny. I find smiling very awkward. As you can see in the picture on the left. I have an awkward smile. But in my defense my cheeks and gums were already hurting and tired. I’ll get used to smiling just like I’ll get use to this blasted retainer. >.< And then after that all I have to do is go to the dentist so they can fix my front tooth and whiten the hell out of them. Do not be fooled by the picture. My teeth are not white. They only reason the picture depicts that is because of the sunny room and picture effect on instagram. My username for instagram is Kimmyjupiter if you’re interested in knowing that.

 Okay well I’ve stayed up long enough. But let me end by asking you this…do you find smiling awkward or difficult when taking pictures? Because my entire face just tenses up and just looks horrible.



Ellipsis Obsession

How difficult is it to write about a crazy abused woman who imagines killing her husband? I mean seriously?  -.-
My semester is coming to an end and now all that is left is to edit, revise and study. Oh and turn things in on time. And like the rest of the world I hate deadlines. Some need deadlines to get their work done they need that pressure and blah blah. I on the other hand don’t need pressure. Pressure actually makes me want to procrastinate even more. I don’t work better under pressure I work sloppy under pressure. I hate that stupid saying. I look at what I have to do for my Short Story portfolio and I think, well that’s not a lot. And then when it comes to actually typing things out it turns into an elephant size assignment. I mean even at the moment I should be editing my story but instead I’m blogging about how I should be editing my story. I HATE REVISING!!! I just want to start a new story already. -.- That wouldn’t be wise, but I still want to do it.

So here I am blogging about what I should be doing instead of doing that. I mean I’m stuck. I really hate editing because I still haven’t added an ending to the story but before I can do that I’m revising the 13 pages I’ve written and its just a big jumble of word vomit that I’d rather just delete from my memory along with my laptop’s. But alas, this is my grade I’m talking about. I’m aware that my story isn’t going to be perfect, and at this point it doesn’t have to be. But I do want it to be an interesting read.

*Side note* I’ve been editing for the past hour and I still haven’t gotten up to use the restroom because I’m afraid I will lose focus. Ah fuck- just lost it. POTTY BREAK!!!

How easily I am distracted. Speaking of distractions. Here is a collage thing of things that have sparked my interest this weekend. Some are things I hope to own one day, and some are things I won’t ever own because lets face it I have no money to purchase a few of these items. But lets proceed on to the list starting with…

1. BOOKS!!! You can never have too many books in my opinion and because books exist I am remotely sane. I mean I love having movies and television. But having books makes me happy. Currently I’m reading the Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides which I will discuss in a later entry. It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini – how great is that title? And don’t even get me started on that cover. I mean its wonderful. I love it. And I want it. But only if it is that cover. If it is the movie cover I will scream. Not that I have anything against the movie itself I just despise movie covers. Especially when the books has another cover that looks like that. I mean it just makes me want to buy it, and isn’t that the job of a book cover. To grab your attention and make you pick the book up? And not because there on the cover says (now a motion picture). Barf. I’ve seen the movie and enjoyed it. But now I want to read the book to compare and contrast. Second book, is called The Rules of Attraction by Bret Easton Ellis – yes another book that has its own movie. Grrr but what can  I do about it? Some books need to be made into a film for the greater good of artistic expression. This film was made in 2oo2 and I’ve never watched until now. Because of the book. I was browsing through the shelves at Hastings and discovered the book and then proceeded to look it up once I got home. I read a few pages and now I must finish reading it. The movie was interesting and might hold out in a compare and contrast but we shall see which is better. Ok on to number 2. Bikes- not just any bikes but adorable old fashion mint green bikes. How freaking adorable it that bike? I haven’t owned a bike in quite awhile but it doesn’t stop me from hoping, one day I own one that looks like that. These bikes have gotten pretty trendy, and yes I have fallen victim to the call of the trend and now I want one. XD Ok on to 3. Boots!!! I have been looking for a nice pair of boots since last year. And I found some at JCpenny this weekend. I had hope they would be a little taller but these are so pretty. I stopped myself from trying them on so I would want them even more. But its safe to say that even though I didn’t try them on I still want them just as much if had. Number 4. Teal Rose bag from Jo Totes– I know I’ve mention this bag many time before. I still love it! What more can I say? Number 5. Sweater from Target–  Who doesn’t love Target? They have best selection in bags and clothing. And the best graphic tees. But this is a cardigan that I thought was pretty and you can never go wrong with having more than one gray cardigan. Its my number one color choice when purchasing sweaters or jackets. Unless there is a pretty teal. Last but not least number 6. You’re working Wonders Dress from ModCloth– Dying from cuteness!!! I really wish I could try this dress on once just to see if I looked as cute in it as it looks on my computer screen. I mean it might not even look good on me. I’d rather know then sit here pining for it. >.< Maybe one day I’ll find out. If I get over my issue with buying clothes online. I’ve never bought clothes online before because I like to try them on before committing to buying it. I have an in between sizes body type. It might fit perfectly on top but won’t fit around the midsection or vice versa.

Ok so I guess the pressure is starting to kick in. Must finish portfolio tonight because its due tomorrow!!!! >.< Wish me luck.

Whatcha Doing?

Another entry!!!!

So today was my second class of math and I still feel the same about math. I HATE IT!!!! I will probably have to go to tutoring every now and then. But I will do whatever it takes to pass this stupid class. Anyway so I fully intended to vlog today, but I just didn’t have a lot to say…well now I do and I could have very well filmed a vlog but we went to Hastings today and I bought two books. Everlasting by Alyson Noël is the finale to the The Immortal series and One Day by David Nicholls. Which brings me to the next thing I want to mention.


One Day was also made into a movie, it should be coming out some time this summer. I’m soooo excited for it. But until I get to watch it, I will read the book and then be able to compare and contrast. Another movie that I want to watch is  The Art of Getting By, it comes out next week. But sadly my small town wont have any showings. They never show any sundance films!!! WHY THE HELL NOT?! I love indie films, those are usually the best.  But I can’t wait to see these movies.  Now on to a movie I watched the other night. An Invisible Sign, it was soooooo freaking cute. These are the types of movies I love. And I’m always left with such a happy feeling after watching them. Now this movie involves math, which is the  pain of my existence. However, I couldn’t help but fall in love with the main character. I’ve never  actually been a fan of Jessica Alba but she was so adorable in this movie. So if you enjoy cute artsy movies, then I recommend this one.

And of course I’m gonna be vain real quick and add a picture of myself. XD

Song of the day is Sunny Day by Joy Williams, I heard this song during the credits of An Invisible Sign and just fell in love with it.


I am not gonna write about school, and the stress that I am feeling because of it. (Minus this first sentence that is.) So this entry is going to be part Dave McKean, Linger, and cats.

So I just finished reading Linger, the Sequel to Shiver. And again I am left with that empty feeling I get when I finish a book. And I don’t have a book to immediately start reading to fill this void. But not only do I have this empty feeling, I’m also sad because the 3rd book of this trilogy entitled Forever will not be out until July of next year. O.o WHAT? How am I supposed to wait until July? I hate having this feeling. This is the only bad thing about a book series. Its like waiting for the new season of a favorite show to return. T-T But I just remembered that the 5th book of the Immortal series is coming out on November 16th. So that makes me a bit happy. Of course I still don’t have a book to read at the moment and that annoys me. -.-

Ok next topic. Dave McKean. I have mentioned him before in my blogs, because he goes hand to hand with the great Neil Gaiman. I adore them both so much. They are my heroes, so inspiring, so absolutely amazing. They are just…amazing.  Anyway so I was at some of Dave McKean’s artwork and I really really want his tarot Cards. They are so pretty. Anyway, so I found some videos that he made and I really love this short video McKean made for Shakespeare’s Sonnet 138. It of course made me think of Mirror Mask. But this is obviously McKean’s style of art. His artwork is so magical. I really want to watch the new movie Luna. But I have no idea when it will come out because there really isn’t any information about it. Come on Dave, I really want to watch it. This movie poster sort of reminded me of the movie Pan’s Labyrinth. If you haven’t seen that movie along with Mirror Mask I highly recommend it. So go watch it…NOW. :3

So after watching McKean’s vids on youtube and being let down when I couldn’t find anything on Luna. I noticed this vid called The Cat with Hands. Neil talked about this creepy short film on his blog after someone suggested it to him. If you dislike cats in anyway then this will only make you hate them more. And maybe even fear them.  I however still love cats. :3

Words of advice, never trust a cat with hands.

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