I lost my straighter the other morning…I know this might not seem like a big deal but to me it is a very big deal.
The only thing I obsessed about is my hair. I cannot leave the house without taming it. If I don’t? My hair is this out of control frizzy mess that could strangle someone. That someone being me. I’ve had many straighteners in my life and I’ve lost quite a few, (lost count) and they aren’t exactly cheap. -.- But I was in the middle of straightening my hair and couldn’t finish the job because I noticed its red light was off. My first instinct was to panic. O.O Followed by,”Oh shit oh shit!” I recall the last time this happened…and I vaguely remember my mom saying something along the lines,“You’re buying the next one when this happens again.” That was like 2 maybe 3 years ago. That is what sucks about these products. They work amazingly for a couple of years and then die. Why can’t they just last forever?!!! >o< Luckily, I have the most wonderful mom on the planet and she totally saved me by buying me a new one. Yes, I am a HUGE BRAT. I make no attempts to hiding that fact along with being pretty vain. But I can’t help it. Once I started straightening my hair, (8 yrs ago) there was no stopping. I refuse to let my hair run amok. It’s like Medusa, only I have no control over the snakes. And it shows no mercy, once you make eye contact…you’re doomed. :/
So now that I’m done freaking out, I can show you the cutest bag I saw at Target the other day. Its either a fox or a raccoon not sure. But how freaking cute is it? They also had an owl version, but the way it was designed made it look like an angry bird. But after doing some research, (aka typing words into Google) I found this. And also the original designer’s Etsy store. It sucks that, a designer’s original idea can be copied like that. It almost makes me somewhat glad that I didn’t buy the bag, even though it is extremely cute. >.< But this also makes me want to try and design my own fox/raccoon bag. I do like the use of pleather in the hand bag. I’ve been wanting to try and make something with pleather myself. Maybe I should hunt some down and actually get started on that goal. But with school starting I haven’t had a lot of time to make anything. I still haven’t updated M-S for this month yet. I keep wanting to make this, this month but homework keeps getting in the way. :/ Speaking of homework, I should finish reading a chapter before I actually go to sleep. >.< I’m so bad, but hey I’m still trying to get back to having a schedule and deadlines again. Also I was browsing Youtube, and stumbled upon this Cults music video. Emma Roberts and Dave Franco sure have grown up. Plus is it just me or has he lost that dopey awkwardness he has on Scrubs? Also he is starting to resemble his brother more. This music video is so pretty and bittersweet. Makes me want to actually take a chance on something instead of just day dreaming about it.
So have any beautiful music videos to share? Or any items you regret not purchasing?